What's Going On With Mal?

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Author's Note: I probably shouldn't be writing this because I already have so many stories, but I just got this idea and had to write it, so please let me know what you guys think.

Trigger Warning: This story does have child abuse in it.

  April groaned as she was teaching the girls dance and most of them were doing well like she had taught them before, but they had gotten a new student and the new girl was extremely quiet, very young compared to the others, and she was not a very good listener.

   She was talented however she had trouble actually following the steps. "Okay! From the beginning again!" April screamed out and the new girl with purple hair immediately raised her hand in panic.

   "Ugh what Mal!" April asked the new girl in annoyance as all the other dancers were ready except for Mal. "Wa ti is it!" The young four year old asked April making her roll her eyes as Mal would ask that same question everyday.

     "It's almost 5 now get back in your position!" April screamed out to the girl making her eyes widen in complete panic as she was supposed to be home at 5 and her mommy was going to punish her for being late.

     "Id 5! I hab a go home now!" The young four year old cried out in panic making April groan as Mal did this everyday. "Mal! You can't keep leaving class early! Class ends when I say it ends and I say it is not over! Now get back into position now!" April exclaimed making Mal shake her head.

    "Bu if I no ba by 5 mommy gonna be weawy weawy weawy ma an see gonna kiw me!" The young girl cried out again as she wasn't kidding, but no one ever believed her.

      April groaned getting sick of Mal and her over exaggerations. "Mal your mom is not going to kill you for being 5 minutes late now get back into position!" April sternly told the young four year old. Mal closed her eyes. She knew her mommy was going to hurt her for being late, but no one could actually know that and so she just got into position.

      When class finally did end it was about 6 meaning that Mal was an hour late. Mal didn't even hesitate as she took off running as fast as her little legs would could go once April had finally ended class. The other just rolled their eyes as to them Mal was just a little kid that didn't really care about dance and took off the second she could leave.

They had no clue what her mommy would do to her if she was late. Mal panted as she ran all the way home and froze in fear when she saw her mother's angry face.

"Mal Bertha Faere! You are extremely late! I told you to be home at 5 and it is 6!" Maleficent screamed out in anger causing Mal to flinch back. She knew what was coming next.

"Mommy I sowy! Pwease no owie! I no do it aben! I pomise!" The young four year old cried out in panic, but Maleficent just rolled her eyes as she didn't care. She didn't even want Mal.

Mal had been a drunken mistake and she had tried to get rid of her, but she couldn't afford to. "I don't care! I said be home by 5! You are disrespecting me! You should be lucky that you are even alive right now!" Maleficent snapped out to the young girl as she began to beat her with her staff.

Mal just cried and screamed begging her mommy to stop hurting her, but she knew it was pointless. Maleficent wasn't going to stop until she was satisfied.

    Mal weakly sighed in relief when her mommy finally stopped hurting her after she passed out from drinking too much. Her small body aching as she forced herself up and began to look for some food. She was hungry.

    Mal felt the tears start to form in her eyes when she found that there was no food and she hadn't eaten in so long, but she smiled when she found a one dollar bill. Weakly she picked it up and threw on a jacket to hide her bruises. Then she quickly snuck out to the store to go get some food.

    Mal began to cry more though when the lady at the register told her that she didn't have enough money to get the strawberries that she wanted. "Bu I hunwy an dis aw I hab!" The young four year old told the lady making her sigh as she looked at Mal's innocent little face.

   "I'm sorry kid, but you just don't have enough money," the lady told the young girl making Mal scream out at the top of her little lungs. She hadn't eaten in so long and she was extremely hungry.

   Mal's screaming immediately caused the lady to call for help where they all started trying to help. No one knew what to do and they couldn't get a hold of Mal's mom. The young girl wouldn't stop freaking out.

   "Hey isn't that one of your students," Nick asked his girlfriend as they had entered the store to get some food while Sarah and Michelle were at the house waiting and he had noticed the commotion over the small child that was screaming and crying pounding her fists on the ground.

     April immediately turned to look at what Nick was saying and she froze when she saw the young new girl in her class freaking out while people were trying to talk to her.

      The purple haired little girl looked completely a mess making April start to worry a little as she decided to go see what was happening. "Yeah that's my student Mal, but what's happening," April asked Nick who just shrugged as they both ran over to see what was going on.

      "What's going on," April asked one of the people trying to help the girl and the lady sighed. "I don't know she tried to buy strawberries with a dollar bill and she freaked out when I told her that she didn't have enough money," the lady told April and Nick who just nodded.

        "Okay but why are you dealing with this? Shouldn't you call her mom?" April asked the lady who sighed. "We've tried her mom won't answer the phone," someone told April who sighed again as she looked at the strawberries.

          "Fine here I'll take the strawberries! Just make her calm down," April told the lady who immediately sighed in relief as she handed the strawberries to the young girl who quickly grabbed the strawberries and tried to leave but April pulled her back.

           "I bought the strawberries and I am taking you home," April told the girl who shook her head as she didn't want anyone to see her home. "Id otay Mi. Apwil. I wa myself! Hew dis aw I hab," Mal told April as she handed her the dollar bill and quickly ran back home before anyone could stop her and before her mom could find out.

Once Mal left April just looked at Nick in shock. She didn't know what was going on with Mal, but she was definitely concerned now. "I don't like the way she was acting," Nick told his girlfriend as it was obvious something was happening with the small child. She freaked out over strawberries and then refused to accept help.

April slowly nodded as she looked at Nick. "Me too. And I'm going to figure out what's happening," April told Nick who nodded as well and they quickly finished shopping heading back to Nick's house. They tried to relax, but they both couldn't stop thinking about Mal and how worrisome it was with how she was acting.

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