Chapter 2

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The next day

Rachel had told Brittany that the Glee club practiced on Tuesday, so Brittany made sure that she had the afternoon cleared. Brittany was very excited to join. She had never been in a performing club.

It was finally the afternoon, and Brittany was walking to the choir room. She walked through the door and waved to Rachel.

"Hey, Brittany. Let me introduce you to everybody," Rachel said

As pointed to everybody, she said their names, "This is Mercedes, Mike, Tina, Artie, Blaine, Kurt, Finn, Sam, who you already know, Quinn, and those too are Santana and Puck." The last two names, Rachel said with a bit of anger or at least it seemed like she didn't like them.

Brittany said hi to everybody then took a seat at the back in the choir room. Mr. Schue walked in and stood in front of the class.

"Welcome back, everybody. It's nice to see you all again. I see we have a new face."

"Hi, I'm Brittany," she said in a shy voice.

Santana turned around to look at the girl but didn't really care much and went back to messing with Puck's hair.

"Well, we are very happy to have you here, Brittany," Mr. Schue said. "Now that introductions are done, I would like to talk to you all about this year. Our goal is nationals. Last year, we did well for our first year, but it's time to step up our game. In order to do that, each week, you will have an assignment. For some team bonding, this first week will be duets."

Kurt immediately looked over to Blaine and gave him a smile meaning they were going to be partners. Mr. Schue noticed and interrupted right away.

"Kurt, hold on a second. You will not be choosing your partners. You will pick a name out of a hat, and that's who you will sing with."

About half the class rolled their eyes in annoyance.

Rachel went first and got Quinn. Finn got Puck, Sam got Tina, Artie got Blaine, Mercedes got Kurt, and finally, Santana got Brittany. Santana wasn't thrilled because she was hoping to have a duet with Quinn, her best friend. Brittany wasn't too thrilled with the idea, either. Santana's attitude annoyed her.

As soon as their meeting ended, Santana went up to Brittany.


"Santana, yes, I know," Brittany finished her sentence. Santana gave her a confused looked. "Rachel told me."

"Leave it up to the dwarf to introduce myself for me. Well, since we are duet partners, we're going to have to practice. How about tomorrow afternoon? My house?" Santana asked.

"Sounds good."

"Alright, I text you my address."

And with that, both girls left the choir room and headed home.

Brittany's House later that evening.

"Hey, mom," Brittany yelled.

"What's up, honey."

"Tomorrow after school, I'm going to a friend's house to practice for glee club. Is that alright?"

"Yeah, that's fine, just don't get into any trouble."

"I never do."

The next day at Santana's house

The two girls were in Santana's room, trying to choose a song. Every time one girl suggested something, the other wouldn't agree, and they had been at it for almost an hour.

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