Chapter 7

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A month later

Santana and Brittany had been dating for almost a month now. Their anniversary was right around the corner and both girls could not be more excited. Their life so far had been just like a movie. The glee club had won sectionals, Cheerios were on their way to Nationals, and their relationship made all the love songs crystal clear.  Their one month anniversary was now two days away.

"Hey, Britt Britt."

"Hi, San."

"So I was thinking, since it's our anniversary on Wednesday, I could take you on a date."

"I would really love that," Brittany smiled as she leaned in for a quick kiss before she reached for Santana's hand and they headed to their last class. 

The two days went by slowly for Brittany because she was so eager to see what Santana had planned for their anniversary. Of course, Brittany had some surprises for San, but Santana had said she would take care of the date itself. On the other hand, the two days went by so quickly for Santana. She had spent all of Monday and Tuesday planning and finalizing details for the perfect date. 

It was now Wednesday and Brittany decided that she would surprise Santana in the morning at her house.

Knock Knock Knock

"Mami, were you expecting someone this early?" Santana asked as she walked down the stairs.

"No, but can you get it for me?"


Santana heads to her front door and is taken by surprise when she sees a bouquet of beautiful red flowers. She quickly realizes Brittany is hiding behind them. 

"Brittany, I didn't think I would see you until school."

"Well I wanted to surprise you since I know you are taking care of the date, I've decided to plan little surprises throughout the day," Brittany said while handing Santana the flowers and placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Thank you, these are beautiful."

"I'm glad you like them. I was scared you wouldn't because it's much more common to buy roses for something like this, but I just find that so basic and unoriginal. So I bought you amaryllis. They symbolize beauty and since you're the most beautiful thing in my life, it's only right I got you some," Brittany finished looking a little shy.

"They're amazing Britt, and you're amazing. I love you," Santana said but quickly looked away. They had never said that to each other. She got that panic, the one with the underboob sweat, and her cheeks turned as red as they could get. "I-um, I mean I love the flowers," She tried to correct herself.

"I love you too, Santana," Brittany smiled and tiled Santana's head up by placing her hands on her chin.


"Of course, you're the best thing that has ever been mine. This day couldn't get any better."

"Oh, we'll see about that," Santana smirked and gave Brittany a wink before grabbing her backup and heading to school. 

After walking down the hallways of McKinley, Santana went to open her locker. Pieces of paper shaped in hearts flew out a filled the flow around her. She looked at the door and saw a note.

You are my favorite person. Happy Aniversary babe. XOXO - Britt <3

Santana smiled like a big dork and closed her locker. As soon as she turned around, she was met with a pair of lips on hers. 

"Did you find my note?"

"Yes, and I loved it. Thank you."

"Like I said, this is just the beginning," Brittany winked and linked her pinky with Santana's and walked her to class.

All of her first class Santana could not stop thinking about what Brittany had planned for the rest of the day. As soon as the bell rang, she was expecting something to happen. Maybe be serenaded, or handed balloons, or clues to a scavenger hunt that would lead to Brittany. But nothing. 

All of Santana's second class also passed and nothing happened. It was time for lunch, and she had kind of given up on anything real special happening when all of a sudden she hears over the school's speaker:

Santana Lopez, you are to head to the choir room immediately. 

Santana got a little embarrassed hearing her name over the intercom, but walked to the choir room anyway. When she entered she was surrounded by hundreds of balloons which she noticed said "Britt + San" on them.

"Santana, I prepared a speech and it's kind of cheesy, but it's all the truth. So if you will just sit down and listen." Santan did as told and sat in front of Brittany on the piano bench.

"There are 730 hours in one month, and right now, there are 730 balloons in this room to symbolize the one month that I've been complelty in love with you. Balloons are usually connected to happiness. Birthdays, graduations, New Years, so it only made sense they be associated with one of the happiest days of my life so far. Now balloons are fun because you can fill them with helium and they float. They can fly and soar through the air. And that's exactly how I feel when I'm with you. I feel like I'm soaring 100 feet high and there isn't one thing that could bring me down because I love you. And I know helium doesn't last forever, and that every balloon ends up broken in someway, but I really believe, that's not us. We are going to last a very long time. Because I love you. God! I love you so much and I've known since the day I met you, you are special. I just never knew you would be this special, but thank god you are. I love you Santana, that's are there is to say."

Santana wiped her tears away and stood up to walk over to Brittany. She stood on her toes and whispered into Brittany's ear "I love you so much Britt." The girls stayed in eachother's embrace for a while then decided to go eat lunch. 

That was the last surpirse Brittany had for Santana, but Santan was glad because she needed to concentrate on their date now. It was going to be the perfect night. 


Thank you all so much for reading. I think the next chapter will be the last or second to last chapter just because I kinda got bored of this story but I am starting a new one *it may or may not be about vampire Brittana* and I really want to work on it. Anyway, thanks for reading, vote <3. Okay, byeeeeee!

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