Chapter 3

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It was now Friday, the day of the girl's performance. They were both really excited, but Brittany was extremely nervous about performing in front of the glee club for the first time. As the girls got ready, Santana could tell Brittany was scared and went over to her.

"You're going to do great Britt," Santana told the blonde.

"How do you know?" Brittany asked.

"Because you're an amazing dancer, and I believe in you."

Brittany started to blush a little but her face turned a deep red when Santana pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear, "You've got this."

The girls started to sing and dance around the stage, and everybody was in awe. They didn't expect such good chemistry for two girls who have never worked together, but Santana and Brittany were just super connected for some reason.

As soon as the girls finished performing, Santana ran over to Brittany a jumped into a hug. Brittany spun her around, and they hugged until Mr. Schue interrupted.

"That was amazing ladies. I'm really impressed. We could have a potential duet for sectionals."

Brittany and Santana had a smile from ear to ear as they walked off stage to go change.

"Hey Britt?"

"Yeah San."

"You want to come over to my house. It's Friday so we could watch and movie and you could sleepover if you want."

"It's a date."

Brittany quickly looked away. Did she really just say it's a date? Like a date, date? She was embarrassed for a second but couldn't stop smiling at the fact that she would be spending time with Santana.

Santana's house

The girls were on the couch watching some Disney movie Brittany picked out when Santana's phone started to ring.

"Hey babe."

"Hey Puck."

Brittany rolled her eyes. She didn't like Puck mostly because whenever Santana wasn't with her, she was with Puck.

"Sorry I can't. I'm with Britt."

"Oh okay. How about tomorrow? I'm throwing this giant party, Brittany could come to."

"Sounds great, we will be there," Santana said as she hung up the phone.

Brittany looked over at Santana with a confused face. What has the girl planned for them?

"Puck invited us to a party tomorrow. You down?"

"Yeah, sounds fun," Brittany responded.

The girls continued watching movies all through the night. Santana's house was really cold and the girls were starting to freeze.

"Let me go get some blanket," Santana told Brittany.

Santana came back shortly after with only one blanket. She couldn't find another for Brittany.

"I only found one. Is it okay if we share?"

"Yeah that's fine but fair warning, I'm a cuddler," Brittany said with a smile.

"That's no problem with me, as long as I can be the little spoon."

"Who would have thought, Santana Lopez, a little spoon?"

The girls laughed and got settled on the couch together. They quickly fell asleep in each others' embrace and slept peacefully throughout the night.

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