Chapter 6: Cocoa

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  With the holidays approaching, the Twins wanted me to come back to the Burrow with them. Mrs. Weasley already wrote to me and said I was welcome anytime.

  "I told you guys a million times, I'm staying here. It will be a good breather for me. I'll have all of Gryffindor tower to myself. Maybe I'll even plan up a big prank for when you get back!"

  No one believed me of course, but Draco Malfoy was to go home, so they were relieved we wouldn't have a repeat of me trying to kill him. They eventually relented to not bothering me about it, and promised to send presents and owls.


"Ah alone at least," I mumbled.

  I sent everyone off this morning and spent most of it rearranging the dorm room and going through my stuff. Eventually I decided I was hungry and wanted some hot cocoa. I had an in with the house elves in the kitchens, they never had a problem with me going and getting something so long as I leave happy and sometimes give them a story.

  Once I reach the kitchens, I run into Cedric, two cups of cocoa in his hands.

  "Artemis!" He exclaimed.
  Was that excitement in his voice?

  "Uh, hey Cedric. You didn't go home?"

  "No, haha, um actually I heard you were staying, and uh, explained everything to my parents, who said I could stay, because they understood, and keep you company."

  "You told your parents about me? Was it the fight? Cause Malfoy isn't here so I would be fine alone."

  "No no, just about your parents and how I thought you'd like a friend outside the situation, instead of the ones who you always have. Like a fresh face."

  I didn't know what to say.

  Cedric continued though, "I was actually headed up to Gryffindor tower to see if you wanted some cocoa."

  He gestured to the cups, and I nodded taking one, and being brave I linked arms with him. He didn't object and it was nice.

  Cedric and I spent the whole night talking about frivolous things, like the muggle world, bands, our favorite Bertie's Beans, and playing Wizard's chess. He was surprised at how well a third year could play.

  "All thanks to Ron Weasley," I chuckled!

  We see the lights outside and realize something.

  "Wow the sun is coming up, we spent all night together," Cedric looked puzzled at how neither of us were tired and how fast the time went.

  I nodded with a yawn, "Could you stay, and we just take a nap." I said it braver than I felt. Scared of rejection.

  He looked at me and smiled. He got up and grabbed some blankets to start making a bed, while I went and grabbed my comfiest pillows. We laid beside each other, not even touching, just listening to the fire crackle, and each other's breathing.

  As I drift off, I feel his hand intertwine with mine. My dreams were nice, not nightmares, for the first time since my parents died.

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