Chapter 23: Pain

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Draco and I meet every chance we get. We send owls with just a number, which is what time to meet. This routine works well for months, the holidays come and he goes home, so until they are over we have no contact. He's been back two days and this morning at breakfast I sent him an owl. He didn't show up. He always shows up, so this was very strange. I become worried, and try to figure out who I should ask if they have seen him. I go to Neville, because he won't say anything to others, I just hope he has seen him in passing.

"I saw him being rushed out by his father and Snape. He didn't look good either."

"Thanks Neville!" I say running out of the castle, searching for any sign of him. It has to be what Voldemort ordered Draco to do. We knew it was coming, but I know he can't go through with it.

I run around, looking for any sign, then I see a green glow from the astronomy tower. I run as fast as my feet can take me, my heart is racing, and I can barely breath. Once I reach the entrance I am hit by an invisible barrier. I get up, see Draco, and start pounding on the barrier. Snape and Dumbledore are there too, Draco's wand is pointing right at the headmaster.

"Draco! No!" I scream, kick, and pound, "You don't have to do this!" I start sobbing as I see him turn to me, his dark mark in full view.

"I have no choice," he turns back, tears welling in his eyes, "I have to do this or he'll kill me."

"Do it, Draco," Snape commands, "The Dark Lord commands it."

Draco is paralyzed, I can see his shoulders trembling. I can't see his face anymore, but I'm sure it is streaked with tears. It looks like he is saying something, but I can't hear.

I see Snape step up to Draco and lower his wand with his hand. He turns to Dumbledore.

"Severus, don't," Dumbledore pleads.

"Avada Kedavra!" Snape yells, and Dumbledore falls out the astronomy tower in a green blast.

I can feel my throat go hoarse, I continue to yell for Draco. All I want is for us to run away, but I can't get around this barrier. He turns to run towards me, but out of the shadows his father emerges. Lucious Malfoy's eyes lock with mine as he grabs Draco by the ear.

"Seize her Bellatrix," he bellows out.

I realize what is happening too late, because as I start to run away, out comes Bellatrix Lastrange, facing me. She is the most evil woman I have ever heard of, and she looks it too with wild hair covering her face, eyes that look like they will pop out of her head, and the most insane look on her face.

"Crucio!" She shouts at me pointing her wand in my face.

I drop as the word exits her mouth. I've never felt pain like this before, everything in my body feels like it is burning and seething in agony. The last thing I hear before passing up is Draco's scream.

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