Chapter 29: Wedding

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  Life at the Burrow is nice. We all pitch in to help plan Bill and Fleur's wedding, along with getting Harry back to the Burrow and away from the Deatheaters trying to get him. The distractions are welcoming, because the quiet makes me think, and thinking causes me major migraines.

  I keep thinking back to Dumbledore's death. I saw it. I know that, but why was I up there? And why can I not see everything in my own memory? This makes no sense. Apparently, Malfoy was there too. Why the hell can I not remember? What was so special about him and I?


  I stayed behind when the others who were of age went to get Harry. I was the odd one out, especially since we still didn't know why I was gone for so long. I suspect Mad Eye doesn't full trust me, figures though. I wouldn't trust my story either.

  Waiting is the worst, finally they start to arrive and my best friend lost his ear, of course he made a ridiculous joke. We all have hot tea, and head to bed, tomorrow is a very busy day.


  The wedding day is amazing. Everyone bustles around. My job is helping set up the tent and putting out the tables and plates. Being able to use magic outside of Hogwarts is so liberating.

  The ceremony was wonderful and Fleur is so gorgeous! Ginny and I dance for what seems like hours.

  "This is amazing! I haven't been this happy since Ced!" I mention to Ginny as we take a breather.

  Ginny sips her drink and replied, "Art, you were very happy the past year, believe it or not, because of Malfoy,"

  Before I get a chance to respond, an orb comes into the tent announcing the fall of the ministry. Mass panic ensues and Deatheaters start to arrive in the tent, spells fly everywhere. I grab Ginny and we apparate with Mrs. Weasley a few miles away.

  "Stay here and stay quiet. I'll be back," she whispered and whipped away.

  We sat close and waited. I spun my ring around my finger, getting fidgety, and worried. An hour went by before she came back. And we went back to the Burrow. The Trio were gone, Bill and Fleur left, it was just Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Ginny, the Twins, and I.


  Ginny and I filled in Neville on everything that happened during the summer, and why the Trio wasn't here. And of course, my disappearance and that I have not in fact figured out what happened.

  "That night you came and asked me if I had seen Malfoy," Neville recalled. "You went running after him. They must have captured you."

  "But why? I don't remember spending any time with him, we don't like each other?" I don't know why my friends are trying to get me to talk about Malfoy so much. Then, I see white and green out of the corner of my eye and I grab my head.

  "What's wrong?" Ginny says as she rubs my back.

  It feels like lightening is going off in my brain. Sparks and flashes of Malfoy's face show up. What are these? Memories? Thunder erupts in my head as I scream out in pain. The world goes black again.

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