A Treasure Trove Of Memories

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K1-B0 sits up, blinking. He was sure he'd blown up, but maybe it was just a dream?


He turns his head to see a purple haired blur, and then feels two arms wrapping themselves around his chest.

"Huh? Ouma? What about the- Didn't you- I thought- You're not dead?" He says, confused, his system unable to comprehend it. The shorter boy is in an oversized yellow hoodie, with a bunch of patches on it.

"You think I'd die? No, the whole thing was fake! In fact, we're all okay." He gestures around the room around them. Tenko is squeezing Himiko tightly, Shuichi and Maki are having things explained by Kaito and Kaede. Kirumi is tidying the room up, and Ryoma, Korekiyo, and Rantaro are all talking. Everyone else is there, and the robot has a smile spread on his face.

"You're all okay..." He murmurs. None of them but Kiibo, Shuichi, Maki and Himiko are wearing what they had on in the game. Kokichi nods, now letting go of the robot.

"Mhmm! This is Danganronpa headquarters. It's all virtual, there are so many seasons. They wipe your memory, but we're going to get it back soon." He explains, grabbing Kiibo's wrist. He points out, showing a bunch of people ready to audition for the next season.

"They take applications immediately after a season. There's also the therapy building, the reward for those who win, and then there's a large costume section." He explains. Tsumugi walks into the room, and Kiibo realizes she wasn't in there before.

"Hello participants in Killing Harmony! You probably remember me from your game as your mastermind. I'm glad to say that there are three winners, all who will have prize money sent to their dorms. In case you don't remember, you all go to the same school. We'll let you go back to your dormitories now!" She says, leaving the door open for everyone to leave.

Kaede is the first one out, not wanting to spend another second in there. Rantaro follows her. The rest file out after them.


Kokichi flops onto his bed. He wonders what his pregame self was thinking, but his arms are so sore.

The boy sits up, noticing something. There's a small journal beside his bedside table. He picks it up, flicking it open to the first page. He realizes that it's the record of what happened before the game.

The bullies aren't stopping. It gets worse every day. Luckily, they don't know about my heterochromia yet. That'd worsen it.

"Wait... I have heterochromia?" The leader blinks, realizing there's a contact in his right eye. He struggles to pull it out, then looks in the mirror. One eye is bright yellow.

The boy opens the book, skimming through for more interesting information.

Saihara-chan loves Danganronpa, but I personally find it unbearable.

Tsumugi's always so busy with Danganronpa that she never has time for anything else. It's like an infectious obsession.

I caught Amami-chan smoking weed outside the school. He made sure to make me pay for it.

Kaede's scary. Like, really scary. Horror movie scary. Serial killer planning a murder on you scary.

The book is a treasure trove of secrets. Clearly, he hated Danganronpa. He wonders why he decided to enter it.

Mama got physical again. She scares me, but Saihara-chan will protect me from her.

Dad's home. I'm hiding in my closet. I'm scared. It doesn't seem safe here anymore.

Saihara-chan helped me move into the dorms. It feels far safer here. But, the bullies are worse here.

Saihara-chan's entering Danganronpa. If I don't go with him, it's going to be terrifying out here. I'm going to audition. I really hope we both don't get it.

We got in. I'm scared. Saihara-chan tells me not to worry. He says it's all reality, and when we get back, we're going to date. I don't know how he figured I have a crush on him, but still. I can't wait for this thing to be over.

After that, it finishes. The boy just stares at the paper, shocked. Was that really what he was like before the game?

"Ugh... I need some Panta." The leader walks to the kitchen in his dorm, opening his fridge and pulling out a can of Panta. He sits on his bench, drinking and thinking. No one matches their pre-game self. He wonders how they're going to adapt.


The next morning, Kiibo walks out of his dorm. The robot he was before the game is too complicated to think about. He knows that Kokichi's robophobia will keep him distracted.

Kiibo knocks on Kokichi's door. There is no answer, so he realizes the boy might not be there. Sighing, he turns away to try find one of the others.

But Kokichi was there.

He had tucked himself in a small gap underneath his counter, with Panta, loud music, and a soft blanket. An attack had come on, and he moved on instinct, probably from his pregame self. Now, the boy has fresh scars, and the music is so loud he can't hear himself think. The journal sits on his lap, and he holds a pencil. Inside, he starts to sketch his classmates. There were drawings all throughout his notebook, but he didn't know what they were for. He supposed that might explain it.

The boy then begins a small note. He decides that continuing the journal was a good idea, to figure out what is happening in this new chaos he'd been released into.

First day out in the wild. Learnt a lot about my past self through this very journal. Life is confusing, but I was in a killing game. I'll survive whatever it can throw at me. But, it was disorientating to learn you have heterochromia, and self harm.

He sighs, putting down the book and pushing it away. His phone goes in his pocket, and he pulls off his blanket. He decides it's time to talk to the others about their past selves.

1009 words

And that's a chapter finished! Also, Kokichi will relapse when I do, so I apologize if that seems like a bit much at times!

Author-kun 💕

꧁𝑰 𝑮𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑰 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖꧂Where stories live. Discover now