Growing Close

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The next few days, Kiibo decides to try get as close to Kokichi as he can. He talks to the leader whenever he comes out of his room, always trying to get on his good side. Ouma, however, had decidedly become more distant. He took every opportunity to offend everyone. It seemed that whatever secrets he was hiding, he was determined to keep them that way.

"Ouma-kun! Let's hang out today!" Kiibo suggests, optimistically.

"No thanks~ I don't want people thinking I have a stupid lump of metal as my bodyguard~"

"That's robophobic!"

"It was meant to be~"

It went that way for a great deal of days. Despite the obvious robophobia, Kiibo still finds himself wanting to be near Kokichi. He decides to talk to Shuichi about it.

"Saihara-kun! Uh... Can... Can I ask you for some help?" He asks. Shuichi nods, letting him come in. "Well, what do you feel like?"

"It's whenever Ouma-kun is around... I get these... Butterflies. I keep wanting to spend time around him, and it makes me feel... I don't know, special, whenever he says something nice to me. Whenever he pushes me away, it... Hurts..." He explains. The feeling was so confusing, so he hopes that Shuichi knows what it is.

"Heh... Sounds to me like you're in love, Kiibo." The detective says, causing the robot confusion.

"L- ove? What... What does that feel like?" He asks. Shuichi smiles, a slight flush on his face.

"Just like you described, plus you want to spend all your time with them... You want to protect them, kiss them, be close to them, hold their hand. It's a sweet feeling." He says, staring at the roof.

"Are you in love, Saihara-kun?"

"That... That's kind of a personal question Kiibo."

"Sorry! I didn't mean to pry!"

"I suppose I can tell you though... Yes, I am... We're in a relationship, but he wants to keep it a secret." Saihara admits, his face bright red.

"Oh. Okay, then! Should relationships be kept a secret, or..."

"It depends on the people. If you're not comfortable telling everyone, it's your choice."

Kiibo nods, smiling at Shuichi. This new information was very useful for him.

"Thank you, Saihara! I should be going now." He waves goodbye, then decides to go see Kokichi again.


The leader is listening to music. Kiibo assumes it's too loud, based on his lack of response. He continues walking along, so the robot runs up beside him, tapping his shoulder. Ouma jumps, turning around quickly.

"Oh, it's you, Keeboy. What's up?"

Kiibo is astonished by how open this response is. Maybe he's sick? Possibly dying?

"Uhm, well- I was wondering if you wanted to go out to the mall or something-" The robot is very put off by the leader's words.

"Hehe~ Why not?" He grins, pausing his music and taking out his headphones. The robot blinks in surprise.

"Oh- Okay then- Let's head off now!" Kiibo grabs Kokichi's hand, taking him along. He doesn't notice the red face of the boy behind him.

Word count: 514

So... Stuff happened, and I lost the motivation for this book for a long time-


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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