Music And Hiding

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Kokichi is tired after crying. He just pulls on a long sleeved shirt from his drawer flops down onto the bed. He's asleep seconds later.


He was back in the game. Everyone's eyes were on him, staring him down like he may kill them all at any second.

Kiibo's look of disappoint and distrust as he turns away.

"You're always going to be alone." Shuichi's line playing over and over.

Miu and Gonta's blood on his hand, choking his throat up.

Himiko's small fists hitting him again and again, cursing all he is.

Maki's arrows firing into his back, making him look like a hedgehog.

Kaito pulling him away, taking out the arrows, putting him under the press.

It was coming down. The space got smaller and smaller. Kokichi panicking, hating it but being paralyzed, unable to move at all.

The feeling of being squished. He could feel his body being crushed, his legs turning to liquid. He tries to scream, but there is no noise. Just pain, and helplessness.

Kokichi bolts up, a small scream escaping his throat. Guilt and horror chokes up his throat, and he needs to release it.

He grabs the blunt scissors at his bedside table, dragging them across his left arm. There are soon a bunch of lines with a few small beads of blood. He didn't even realize tears are falling down his face.

A knock sounds at his door. He drops the scissors, backing away at the sound. His sleeves are pulled up.

"Kokichi? I know you're in there. Please let me in." It's Kiibo. The boy doesn't stop backing away, until he trips up over something on the floor. He falls back, landing on the arm with the cuts, which sends pain up his arm.

"Ow! Shit, that hurts..." He murmurs, curling up slightly.

Kiibo, having heard a thump, opens the door, out of fear that he might be dead. Instead, he sees a tear streaked, thin, pitiful figure curled up on the floor.

"Ouma...?" He asks. The boy looks up in alarm, and he notices the specks of pink blood on his long shirt.

"Just stand their gaping with the door wide open, why don't you..." Kokichi says. There is a defeated tone in his voice that Kiibo had never heard before. He gently closes the door, before turning back to the boy on the floor.

"Is there something I can do to help?" He asks gently. The boy on the ground, still quite shocked, but was now getting back into old habits.

"Go grab my phone and headphones. They're on the bench." He orders, from where he had stood up from the floor. Kiibo obeys, and the leader puts in his headphones, playing his comfort music. He had found a certain genre that made him feel calmer.

The robot hugs Kokichi awkwardly, activating the heat system Miu had gave him. Ouma snuggles up to him, enjoying the warmth. Kiibo's face flushes, not used to physical contact. Ouma falls asleep on the robot's shoulder, still listening to his music.


In the morning, the leader wakes up, and remembers what happens. He begins to panic.

What if he tells someone else? What if he tells everyone else? What if he hates me for it? What if he's disappointed in me? I need my blade...

Ouma climbs out of his bed, where Kiibo must have moved him, and searches until he finds his pair of scissors. He proceeds to repeat what he did last night until the edge is taken off his nerves.

He grabs his music, turning it up loud and pulling on baggy track pants and a baggy, oversized hoodie in his room.


Meanwhile, Kiibo was talking to Shuichi. He knew that the detective had a history of self harm from the game, and wanted to be able to help the leader. He couldn't get out of his mind how defeated Kokichi looked.

"So you saw him doing it?" The detective asks. Kiibo shakes his head.

"Based on my knowledge, it is safe to assume he does. He always wears long sleeves, was panicked, needed comfort, and I saw blood on his shirt. Unless he was attacked, odds are that's what's happening." The robot confirms. Shuichi nods.

"This is going to be a long term challenge for you, but you need to gain Kokichi's trust. If he trusts you, he'll open up, maybe. If he does, I'll tell you what to and what not to say." He promises, before saying goodbye to Kiibo.

The robot sighs, deciding to go back to Ouma's dorm. He knocks on the door, but doesn't get a reply. Not out of rudeness, Kokichi couldn't hear him. He was leaning against a wall, Mother Mother screaming into his ears. Soon, his voice starts to sing along.

"I'll fake God, I'll fake God, I'll fake God, today. Hop up on a cloud and watch the world- decay! Ana on my shoulders and we'll laugh away! Faking this God can't be good for Ana's safety." He gets louder as he goes, loosing himself to the sound.

On the other side of the door, Kiibo leans against it, just listening to Ouma sing. His voice is beautiful. The robot smiles, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. Ouma was special to him, he couldn't deny it. It was in a way that caused butterflies to flutter in his stomach whenever he was near, for his mind to flood with worry and joy whenever he thinks of Ouma. He had no idea what that feeling was called, but it was nice. He never wanted it to end.

Maybe someone else knows what it's called...

He sighs softly, continuing to listen to the singing. By now, Kokichi had moved onto a different song.

"We'll be the envy of the gods above! I'm feeling devious, looking glamorous. Let's get mischievous, and polyamorous! Wine and woman and wonderful vices. Welcome to the cult of Dionysus!" He sings out, gaining confidence. Kiibo smiles again, loving the sound of Ouma's voice.

Word count: 1007

Ouma's resets will no longer match my own. I don't want him resetting every five seconds-

Anyways, this chapter is a mix of angst and fluff, so I hope you enjoyed!

The Author 💕

꧁𝑰 𝑮𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑰 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖꧂Where stories live. Discover now