Chapter 28

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Kriatels p.o.v.

Things weren't as awkward now that me and Tony had that talk .I still don't know what to do though I do know that I need to talk to Austin ASAP

"Kristel" Vic said waving his hand in my face "what?" I asked my head snapping up "I said do you wanna stay here tonight so we can just get up and leave in the morning?" Vic asked

"Uh yeah sure just let me go get some stuff from the bus" I said standing up he nodded I left the bus walking over to the AA bus and stepped into the bus I yelled at the sight I was seeing

"AHH MY EYES MY INNOCENT EYES" I yelled covering my eyes.

"sorry" Ben said laughing and going back to kissing the girl he was with "ew ew ew ew" I said walking towards the bunk area

I scrambled quickly to grab my stuff and stuffed it inside a duffle bag I went into the restroom and grabbed my straightener and went back to the front of the bus

"Bye guys Ben use protection" I said smiling "I will bye" I left the bus and headed back to the PTV bus

"Hey you got your stuff?" Vic asked as I walked into the bus I nodded and put it in the bunk I used to share with Tony I walked back to the front of the bus "well guys it's getting late I think I'm going to bed" I said yawning "okay goodnight" the guys said "goodnight" I said heading to bed

***next day***

"Kristel wake up" vic said shaking me i opened my eyes sleepily "what?" I said yawning "get up we have to be at my lawyers office in an hour so hurry up" he said leaving the "shet" I said ripping the covers off my body I grabbed my clothes and ran inside the restroom to get changed

I looked in the mirror and jumped up my hair looked like a birds nest and I forgot to take off my make up
So I looked like a raccoon in water park I forgot my make up remover inside the AA bus so I grabbed one of Danielle's I'm sure she won't mind

After I removed my make up I brushed out my hair till it looked decent and went over it I put my straightener down and put on a shirt that said "school sucks start a band" with some jeans and black and white slip on vans

I left the restroom and went to the kitchen where vic and Danielle where "good morning Kristel here I made you a cup of coffee" Danielle said smiling "God bless you woman" I said taking the cup and drinking from it "you ready?" Vic asked me I nodded "alrighty then let's go" vic said setting his mug on the table I took another sip from my coffee and set it on the table "bye Danielle thanks for the coffee" I told her exiting the bus "you're welcome bye good luck guys" she said smiling and giving vic a kiss before we left

We got in the car and started driving to where vic lawyers office was Vic popped in korn Cd and started taping his fingers to the beat on the steering wheel

"Are you nervous?" Vic asked glancing at me shook my head "no" I responded honestly

He nodded his head "so at what time are Jaime and Mikes girlfriends going to get here?" I asked "around 12 we should be back by then" Vic said focusing on the road I nodded

***15 minutes later***

"Okay we're here" Vic said parking outside a big building I took a deep breath and exited the car vic and walked into the building going inside the elevator

We exited the elevator and walked to a door that said Santiago & Associates

"Ready?" Vic asked before opening the door I nodded my head I was getting nervous he opened the door where a man in his late 20s was sitting

"Vic it's good to see you again" the man told Vic smiling and shaking his hand Vic returned the smile

"It's good to see you again too Michael this is my adoptive daughter Kristel" Vic told him "hi how are you?" He asked politely shaking my hand "I'm good thank you" I said smiling and shaking his hand as well

"Please sit" he told Vic and I we nodded and sat down while he sat in his chair

"So Vic what can I do for you?" Michael asked Vic sighed "well we need your help I decided to surprise Kristel while we were in Houston and pay a visit to her family but her grandmother wants custody of her" Vic told him he was writing stuff down

"Okay and Kristel I believe your parents are deceased correct?" He asked me I nodded my head and he typed something in his computer

"Well I'm looking at your parents will and they didn't leave any type of guardian for you and you don't have any godparents do you?" He asked

I shrugged my shoulders "none that I know of" I told him he nodded and typed something in his computer

"Do you happen to know why your grandmother has custody of you?" He asked I nodded my head

"She believes that me touring and being with males everyday isn't a safe place for a 14 year old" I told him he nodded

"And do you agree with her?" He asked I shook my head "no" I said "why is that?" He asked

"These guys have been their for me since before I knew them their music helped me so much when I was in the orphanage all the kids hated me well the ones my age at least they helped me through though times when nobody else was their and now that they've adopted me I feel like I can repay them for everything they've done for me they are my family and no one is going to change that" I said honestly smiling at Vic he smiled at me

Michael smiled "okay I think we're done here I think you guys have a chance of winning I'm not promising anything but theirs a solid chance the judge will rule in Vic's favor" he said smiling

We smiled Vic shook his hand "thank you so much Michael when's the court date?" Vic asked "January 22nd at 10:30am so come prepared to speak in the stand Kristel you too and if you have any witnesses that can testify in your favor that would be great" Michael told us we nodded and shook his hand and said goodbye to him and we left

***what do you think will happen next comment and vote***

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