Chapter 23

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Tony's P.O.V. At the club

"Woop lets get this fucking party started" Andy from black veil brides yelled with a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand

I laughed "fuck yeah where are the rest of the guys?" I asked looking around the club "Ashley is with the whore he invited on tour jinxx is dancing on a table CC is with jinxx and jake is God fucking knows where" he said drink from his bottle of Jack

"Andy sharing is caring" I said gesturing to his bottle of Jack Daniels

"No" he said clutching the bottle

"Si" I said




"No" I said trying to confuse him

"Si" he said it worked "okay cool give me the bottle" i said grinning he handed it over and walked away "like taking candy from a baby" I said chugging the bottle

****1 hour later

I was full out drunk now I was dancing on top of a table with Vic why? I don't know but it's fun

I got off the table and stumbled over to the restroom when a girl backed me up against the wall

"Well hello" I said beyond drunk "hey" she said starting to kiss me and rubbing my area i moaned And started kissing her neck "ah yes Tony right there that feels so good" the girl said wait i never told her my name how does she know my name? I stopped kissing her and looked at her face my eyes widened

"Stephanie?" I said confused "hi baby missed me?" She said with a smirk on her face I backed away "what are you doing here?" I asked asked curiously "Ashley invited me out on tour and I thought it was a perfect time to get you back" she said innocently

"No I don't want you back I have a g-girlfriend" i stuttered out "it didn't seem like it a few minutes ago" she same with the same smirk on her face

"Well I do I'm leaving" I said leaving her there with her stomping her foot with her crossing her arms over her chest

"Tony come on man we're leaving" Jaime said grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door

Vic and Mike were already In the car and they were super drunk in the back

"He Jaime buy us food" vic whined from the back Jaime stopped at a near by McDonald's and bought us all happy meals

"Ah look the toy is so cute you spin it and you can see a little character inside of it" Vic said happily from the back

"Vic quit playing with your toy and eat the food I didn't buy this shit for nothing" Jaime yelled clearly annoyed

Vic obeyed and ate his nuggets

***** back at the bus

We got out of the car and went into the bus "lookguysitsmybeautifuldaughterkristel" Vic said pointing at her she laughed "Vic you're drunk" she said with an amused smile "Noimnotyouredrunk" vic said tripping and falling over the carpet "I'm okay" he said standing up

"Vic you're an idiot" Mike hiccuped out

"Not I'm not I'm gonna tell mom" Vic said stumbling around the room "I'm so scared you big baby" Mike said

"Guys go to bed" Jaime told them "noyourenotmom" Vic slurred out at him "yes iam" Jaime said "mommy why do you have such big muscles?" He led them to there bunks and I went to mine I struggled getting up into it "#thestruggleisreal" was the last thing I remember saying before I knocked out

*****next day

I woke up rubbing my head "Jesus Christ my head hearts" I said as I walked over to the kitchen there was a note on the fridge

Dear, who ever reads this

I'm going out with Austin idk where we are going but I'll see yall later


Why the fuck is she going out with Austin "hey have you seen kristel?" Jaime asked coming into the kitchen "she went out with Austin why?" I asked through gritted teeth

"Oh because she slept with me last night and she wasn't in my bunk when I woke up" Jaime said shrugging his shoulders "why did she sleep with you" I asked "she said she didn't feel like dealing with you so she asked if she could sleep with me and I told her yeah" he said shrugging his shoulders

"I'm gonna go get some coffee" I said frustrated "bring me some!" Jaime said I nodded

****at Starbucks

I walked in and grabbed me and Jaime our coffee when I was walking out I saw Austin getting cozy with Kristel maybe a little too cozy

"Well fancy seeing you here" I said walking over to there table

"Tony what are you doing here? Kristel asked

"I came to get me and the guys some coffee but I see you don't need me to keep you company" I said Angrily

"Hey man don't talk to her like that I only invited her out because I wanted to talk to her" Austin said stepping in

"Oh yeah about what!" I said snapping at Austin "you have no right to talk to him like that he was the only one there when you broke my heart" Kristel said angrily

"What are you talking about?" I asked sounding clueless "ah yes right there Tony that feels so good ring any bells" she said angrily

My eyes widened how did she find out? "Fuck Kristel I'm so fucking sorry" I apologized to her

"I think you should go" Austin said stepping in again "yeah or what!" I said getting really close to his face

"Guys stop Austin I think we should go and Tony I'll talk to you later" Kristel said grabbing Austin and going to he's car

Was I jealous yes I was and I was also beyond pissed by the time I got to my car

*****hi what do you think about Tony's P.O.V. vote and comment oh and what do you think about Stephanie coming back?*****

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