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Maybe the girl in the mirror,
Will never be enough,
Her long straight hair,
And her angular face,
Her non-existent eyebrows,
And obsidian eyes,
Her scars and stretch marks,
Will never make it,
Her thin waist,
And thick thighs,
Are a disgrace to all things holy,
Dark body hair,
And short nails,
Perhaps should've been a guy,
Fiery attitude and,
A mouth that's needs to be caged,
Quite more than often,
She is not pretty like a doll,
But beautiful like herself,
Porcelain skin and a perfect body,
Doesn't make her girlfriend material,
Her small beady eyes,
Can notice the smallest of pleasures,
And her brain,
Oh darling,
Is a abyss of thoughts,
You and I,
Can never fathom.

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