Part 30

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"Work on me."


"Are you okay?" It's Young Master. I couldn't bring myself to answer and realised myself collapsing to his arns afterwards.


I woke up at a real white place, curtains are white, fluffy bed and the smell of infirmary is playing with my nose. I blinked several times before looking beside me seeing Young Master, just blankly looking at me.

"You're awake." He said. I nodded and slowly sat down and sighed. I felt my stomach growled that must've been really loud that Young Master looked at me suspiciously.

"You hungry?" He asked and I slightly nodded. "B-but it's okay." I said and he sighed. "Why aren't you eating at the right time? Are you killing yourself?" He said that startled me, I looked down and just sighed again.

"Tell me, are you depressed or something?" He asked and I immediately looked at him and shook my head. "N-no! I'm not." I replied.

The doctor entered and smiled at us. "Oh, the patient is awake." He said.

"What's with her?" Young Master asked the doctor and he huffed before looking at me. "Hana hasn't been eating properly these past few days." The doctor said and they both looked at me, waiting for my explanation.

"Why?" Young Master Han asked and my mouth felt like zipped and I couldn't answer his one word question. "I'll leave first so you can discuss this. For now, I am advicing you to not do this again or else you'll suffer from Hunger Strike that may lead to death." The doctor said and left. That advice was scary..

"Aren't you still going to answer me?" Young Master said and I sighed, looking away from him. "M-my Mom's sick." I said.


"So, I don't eat lunch to save money for her medicines." I said and he raised his brow at me.

"You save money for your mother's medicine but that money is not even valuable than your own life. Have you even thought about it?" He said, I looked down and thought that Young Master was right, I didn't thought about it before...

"I-I just want to help mom.. W-we don't have much money and that's the only thought I had.." I said and I heard him sighed.

"Then, do you want to earn money?" He asked and I nodded at him.

"Work on me."


"I should've shared my foods to you, Hana. I'm really sorry." Taeyeon said. They had been apologising for me after Young Master took me back to my room and told them what I had been these past few days.

"It's alright, I-I won't do it again.." I said and smiled at them.

"You always say that it's alright, anyways." Mingyu said and opened a lollipop and handed it to me. "Here, at least eat that, I had been into several places just to buy candies like that." He said. "Hey, I didn't even told you to give me and to roam around places just to buy this anyways." I replied to Mingyu before eating the lollipop.

While the time is still running and we still have our time for anything we wanted or needed to do, I came to the Library and coincidentally met Young Master on the tables. I placed down my book and sat on the same table but gave us a one seat gap. He looked at me and raised a brow.

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