My first memory is one of hunger. Great hunger, that gnawed at my insides until i threw up. Then something was placed infront of me, i didn't recognise what it was in the dim light, nor did i care. I used my quivering arms to cram it into my mouth. Once i had finished, i noticed that annother had been placed before me. It swiftly joined the other.
Soon after, i met the Nomes. They had brought me food. I lived with them in peace.
I learnt to use the large gatherings as a way of counting the time that passed in the ship. Once, before a party... i saw my first live Human. I had gone with the Nomes to tend to their wounds when they were thrown into the cage, but i left after. I watched them from the tunnels though. They stumbled around as though they couldn't see through the thick darkness that covered the ship. They.... didn't last long. soon they were caught by one of the Twin Chefs and thrown into a pot.
A few parties later... i saw annother live Human. I had started to avoid going with the Nomes to tend the wounds of the few Humans that fell. I.. didn't like watching them die. This Human.. they wore a bright covering, one of which i had never seen the likes of before. They had found a Light Beacon to help them through the many rooms, swathed in darkness. I watched them with interest.
Six, the Nomes and Monsters called them. Six made their way past rooms and through challenges that the other Humans would have been stumped in.
But, soon they felt the Hunger. A Nome tried to help them, reaching out to offer food as they had with me. It happened in the blink of an eye. One moment the Nome was there, reaching out the food to Six. The next... the Nome's head was in Six's mouth. They crunched down hard. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the scene. Watching as the Nome was devoured. I felt sickened. Yet i could do nothing as this Human tore their way through Nome after Nome. Consuming them in their growing Hunger and leaving nothing remaining.
I turned and ran. I couldn't take it...
I hear a loud screeching coming from the Lady's quarters. The ship starts to lean and soon screams come from the lower deck. The remaining Nomes start to run, herding me into the Lady's quarters. The first time i see it. It's dead. Lying on the floor, it's chest ripped open, teethmarks in every inch of skin. But the Nomes don't stop, instead continuing to herd me on. They take me up some stairs to the very top of the ship, i pick up a few Nomes that were starting to fall behind. We eventually reach a room with nothing but a ladder in the centre that leads to a door on the ceiling.
The Nomes push me over to the ladder. I climb up, one rung at a time, the Nomes watching me. I place my hands on the door and start to turn the handles. Eventually it gives way and i push it open. Light comes pouring in. Light of which i have never seen the likes of before, so bright. It hurts my eyes. I'm about to crawl out when i realise that the Nomes can't climb the ladder. I climb back down. I start to gather the Nomes up to try and take them all up. My gathering is interupted by loud noises coming from below. The Nomes start to scatter and flee. I manage to grab one before hurrying after the others. The ship jerks violently and the commotion greatens, the Nomes sliding across the floor as i get caught on the ladder with my Nome. I can't grab any others and reluctantly climb the ladder again, Nome in hand. Silhuetted in the bright light of the Outside, i see the rest of the Maw. It's sinking even further below the waves then it should, and with every jerk it sinks lower. I place the shaking Nome on the ground for a bit whilst i look around. I notice a small clutter of boats, some being swallowed by falling reckage. One of the surviving ones is seperated, battling away. It's passager, a small Human in a bright covering. A jerk sends the Nome crashing into my legs, throwing us down the side. We plow down and land with a splash in the inky-black water. For a few seconds everything falls away and i'm just there floating in the darkness, in peace. The silence cracks when the Nome is thrown into me like a smack of truth, a few bubbles of air force their way through my lips. I feel an urge to open my mouth and snatch a breath of any air that could be around me. I ignore this urge and battle my way to the surface, breaking out of the quiet and into the horrible surface.
I climb onto a nearby boat and pull Nome up with me. We hug eachother tight to try and preserve any warmth that we have, as we drift away from the Maw, our home.
Hey, what do yyou think? Should i continue?