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"what do you mean darling?"

"woo, please can you just take me and bring me h-home?"

"okay hwa... wait for me outside okay?" the second wooyoung hang up he didn't take much time to go and meet seonghwa on the other building.

"okayyyyy what was happening" mingi, who has been left alone and confused said.



seonghwa looked at where the voice was coming from. it has been only a few minutes after he called wooyoung to bring him home. he didn't want to face san, not now, maybe will never. seonghwa hated liar and he just can't believe san was one.

"y-yunho? what are you doing here?" he didn't mean to stutter but luck was not on his side.

"what do you mean 'why am i here?' can't i go back home tho?" yunho chuckled which made seonghwa realised why san must like this pink hair guy. he's just too adorable and it's annoying that this guy always smile and just fun, totally opposite from him.

"oh right. sorry" the blonde said while playing with his fingers. he just really hope wooyoung will be here sooner the tension was so uncomfortable right now. or maybe that was just him because when he looked at the older he seems unbothered.

"oh, i just want to ask you something can i?" the older questioned after seconds of silence. seonghwa hummed as an answer and he just pray to the gods yunho will not dropped that one question he knew he wouldn't be able to answer.

"what's up with you and sannie?"

sannie. uh gods why do yall hate me so much.

"u-uh. he's my professor?" it came out more like a question than a statement. but the older just hummed at the answer.

"alright. i'll leave now, nice to meet you. i hope we can meet each other more soon" and just like that yunho walked away.

"nahh, i don't want to see you anymore" seonghwa said after yunho was no longer on the sight.

"who you don't want to meet anymore?" seonghwa looked at the side and he saw wooyoung. he ran to the black hair guy and hug him as if his life depended on the younger.

"h-hi woo"

"hai hwa. ready?"

seonghwa nodded his head and just when they were about to walk away, senghwa phone went off. he looked at the caller ID and furrowed his brows.

boss kang sexy.

"who is it baby?"

"m-my boss. wait i'm going to make a quick call okay?" after he got the permission, seonghwa walked a liitle bit far from wooyoung and answer the call.

"hello seonghwa" the voice was so sexy. seonghwa really love the voice of his boss. he sounds like an angel.

"yes mr.kang. why are you calling me?"

"i just want you to know if you are free tonight?"

"i am not free since i will be working unless if you give me a day off"

seonghwa then heard the other on the side was chuckling, which made seonghwa tummy tingles at the sound. cute

"ah yes. i'm sorry i forgot. but yes i will be giving you a day off today only in one condition"

seonghwa didn't believe what he heard. it's rare for him to get a day off. and it was just like his boss actually knew he needed rest today. without any hesitation he said yes to the offer. whatever condition it was, he will agree as long as he got some rest.

"go to a party with me. just a formal party. they asked me to bring a plus one. so i was thinking about bringing you"

a party..with mr. kang? well maybe i need this too.

"okay. will you pick me up or?"

"yes. i will be picking you up. i also sent you a suit for you to wear. i will be there at 8. alright bye see you later"

now how am i supposed to tell wooyoung.

seonghwa looked to the place where the younger had waited. his eyes widen, just when he thought he could relax and forget.

"hai hwa baby. woo told me you're not feeling well" the sweet voice of san said.

hello!!! loveliessss!!! i know i said i wont be updating for a while but heyyy 1K viewss?????? thankyouuu sooo muchhhhhh i loveeee youuu guyssss soooooo muchhhhh!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 AHHHHH

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