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This is an Alex Miranda imagine!
*just saying I don't think Alex would do this, he may, but I don't know him personally. So I can't say if he would do this or not. Just letting you know that way people don't think I'm saying that he would do this. Because I'm saying that I don't know if he would do this or not, I'm just using him for the story.

Y/n is in her senior year of high school. She has been needing some help in math. So the math teacher set her up with Alex to tutor her. Y/n also wanted to knock out her college paper. She hoped that Alex wouldn't mind reading over it and making any critiques. She also has a massive crush on Alex but she hopes he doesn't know that. So when the teacher told her that he was her tutor she was nervous because that meant that they would not only have to spend one on one time together but also they would be at each others houses sometimes.

Which leads us to now....
It's the last period of the day, math. Y/n's worst subject. At the end of class when Y/n was packing up her stuff she could see Alex walking up to her. Alex wasn't a popular, or a jock, a dick basically. He was very sweet, he had his group and he was always nice to everyone. When Alex walked up to Y/n he said hi. She was nervous but was able to respond normally. He asked her that since he was going to tutor her if she wanted to come over to his house. Also his parents wouldn't be home so they would have plenty of time and no distractions or a need to rush. Y/n told him that would be great. He then asked for her number that way he could have it. He asked her if she just wanted to ride with him to his house. She told him that he didn't have to but he told her that it would be easier that way. She thanked him and told him that she needed to grab some stuff from her locker first. He told her that he would just walk with her since he already had all of his stuff.

While they were walking to Y/n's locker she was thinking. She couldn't believe that not only did she get paired up with her crush for a tutor but also she now had his number and she was going to his house. Once she had gotten all of her stuff they walked out to Alex's car.

On the car ride over Y/n was a nervous reck that she would make a fool of herself or that he would call her dumb for not understanding the math. She knew he wasn't like that but that didn't stop the thought of it. Once they got to his house they grabbed their stuff out of the car and went into his house.

He asked her if she wanted anything to eat or drink and she said that that would be great. He brought over some snacks and they pulled out their stuff. Y/n asked Alex if it wasn't weird and he didn't mind if he would read her college paper. She told him that she wanted some critique on it. He told her that he would be happy to. He read it and Y/n couldn't help but watch his face. When he finished he caught her looking and she looked down fast and she was sure her face was bright red. He told her that it really didn't need anything. That she was a really good writer, he knew that already from her essays and stories from English. He told her that it was really well written and that she should be proud of it. She thanked him and the blush stayed on her cheeks.

They then moved onto math. Alex asked her what she struggled with and she explained to him what it was. Halfway through Y/n felt a pair of eyes on her. When she looked up she saw Alex staring at her. She expected him to look away but he just kept his gaze. He then slowly leaned in and she did to. She couldn't believe it was happening. When they pulled away Y/n asked why he did that, she said she wasn't complaining but she was just curious. He told her that he had always had a crush on her, he even said that he asked the teacher for him to be her tutor. Y/n was shocked that he had felt the same way. She then told him that she felt the same way. He was surprised that she felt that way but over the moon. He told her that this may be to soon but he asked if she wanted to be his girlfriend. She told him that she would love to. They then kissed again and this time it got more heated. (They were already in his room) While they were kissing Alex laid her down on the bed. Before he did anything else he told her that if she wanted to stop to let him know. She told him that she had always wanted this and that she was sure that they could do it. As long as he wanted to, he told her that he of course wanted to more than anything. So that's what they did (they had sex) (sorry that was blunt). I'm going to let y'all write the smut scene*

When they finished they cleaned themselves up and fell asleep in his bed.

I hope you liked this idea! I'm again not saying that Alex would do anything like this. I just did this story about him. I hope that you use it, and I can't wait to see how y'all write it!


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