❦ Debating

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Prince Leon's POV


I flinched as I heard Carina, I suppose, shouting for a certain Japanese prince. It has been four days since Carina was discharged from the ward with her doctor's permission. Carina decided to stay at the dorm until, as she said, I'm free from being Prince Shintarou's slave.

I walked out of the room of their dorm to see what's happening

"I've told you many, many times! Wash your dishes! Hang your towel properly! And don't left your glasses wherever you like!"

I looked over Prince Shintarou who's covering his ears, Prince Gion seating at the kitchen counter with a bowl of popcorn and Livio awkwardly making some tea

Carina pinched Prince Shintarou's cheeks, nagging him more

'Is she a female version of Prince Albert...?'

"What happened?" I carefully walked towards Livio.

"Apparently Prince Shintarou, erm.. pissed Carina off"

"There must be lot of thing he did to make she react like that,"

"Oh, but Carina get piss easily,"


"Yeah!" Livio chuckled, "Like this one time, Prince Gion ate her chips she wanted to eat while watching a volleyball match,"

"She got mad over that?"

"She threw him across the room!" Livio happily smile

"Oh?" Prince Gion hissed, "What about that one time you arrange her ties according to length and not the colour?"

"Oh, that..." Livio looked traumatized,

"What did she do to you?"

"She yeeted me out of the window," He answered, "It was a the fifth floor of her apartment in French,"


"Please, stop!! I promise I won't do them again!" I heard Prince Shintarou cried

"You promised me the same thing a month ago!"


"Should we, erm help him?"

"No need!" Carina answered before she continue scolding Prince Shintarou, who's making screeching noise

"If you try to stop her, you'll be in Shintarou's place," Prince Gion said


Third Person's POV

That evening,

Prince Gion and Principal Evan have discussed about Carina being a workaholic, also making the decision to make her resign as The High Commissioner of Italy. The two are trying to find the most suitable time to tell her;

"I think you should tell her, sir," Prince Gion said

"No, I think you should," Evan replied,

It was silent in the living room of Evan's villa for a moment. The brown hair males avoided eye contact and sealed their mouth shut

"Both of you are afraid to tell her, am I right?" Godfreg said with a smile, looking at their state

"N-No!" Evan defended himself, "Ah, Godfreg! You think Prince Gion should tell Evelyn regarding the resignation, right?"

"One moment you want him to stay far away from her, and one moment you tell him to talk to her," Godfreg shook his head, "Clearly you are afraid of her reaction, Evan,"

"I said I am not afraid of my own daughter! Prince Gion is!"

"Excuse me?" Prince Gion raised an eyebrow, "I just think that you, as her father, sir, should tell her,"

"What are you? Chicken?" Evan tauted

Before Prince Gion could say anything, Godfreg stepped in between them; "How about we tell her together, we can back each other up--"

"Back up who for who?"



"W-Why are you here?" Evan smiled

"I left my earrings when I'm here before, so I came to take it back. "

"O-Oh, "

"Why's Prince Gion here? " she asked

"Well, erm, " Evan looked at Godfreg for help, but Godfreg just looked away while whistling. He glanced at Prince Gion; the boy suddenly took some extra interest in his shoes

'I'll remember this! Both of you!'


Evan took a deep breath and gesture his daughter to take a seat,

"We have something to be discuss, and I think you should be here as well,"

"Okay...? " she answered and took a seat next to Godfreg, "What is it that you all are discussing?"

"Evelyn, don't you think you are drowning yourself with work?"

"Why are you asking?" she asked suspiciously.

Prince Gion sighed; "The thing is... We think you should drop off the commission,"

"What? Why?" she furiously said

"What is the benefits?" Godfreg tired to negotiate with her, "We can't make you quit school, you're still a teenager, that's what they do, study! And going to Poposi allows you to get to know daughters of important people, I believe you can see the benefits there,"

"And getting you off the agency aren't that easy, and I believe you won't agree on leaving your teammates " Evan said

"Then what makes you think I'll resign as a commissioner?"

"Because you hate it there. I can tell," Prince Gion said, "I saw your works, they useless, we can hired new people to do your work,"

"But if I resign, then I..." Carina struggled on her words

"What is that, Evelyn?"

The males watched her as try to say something that keep failing to come out--

Carina face began to redden 

"Evelyn!?" Evan said rushed towards her side. Prince Gion and Godfreg did the same,

"I-It's nothing!" she said loudly and stood up; "Let m-me think o-of this, okay? I will tell you guys my decision before I go back to Poposi. Bye!"


"What's wrong with her? " Evan questioned

Prince Gion and Godfreg shrugged their shoulder, although a certain prince have his guess

"I'll take my leave, then" He said as he stood up, "Have a nice day, sirs,"

"See you later," Godfreg waved with a smile

When both of the adult heard the entrance door got close, Evan say;

"Something off, and that Italian Tappo* know something..."
*nickname for someone who's short

"Maybe we should just wait for Evelyn to tell us," Godfreg sighed at him, "And please don't call Prince Gion with your high IQ nickname,"

"What did you say?!"


Princess of A Demon and Prince of Italy (Prince Series Fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now