Chapter 30: First date

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"Well I don't rate this date, you're getting fuck all from me."

In a corner of a small cafe Thomas and Jasper sit. Jasper eyes his banana milkshake with anticipation as he wraps his lips around the striped straw. His cheeks bellow in and out as the creamy drink gets swallowed down. Thomas spots the younger's eagerness and doesn't fail to comment. "That's where you get your skills from! You practice on milkshakes."

Jasper takes his lips from the straw, he won't rise to the comment and chooses to match it. "If you tasted like banana milk Tom, you'd have no cock left!" Thomas for once can't think of a comeback and ends up just biting his lips into a grin, before drinking some of his strawberry milkshake.

Jasper clears his throat and looks at Thomas with a half smile, then looks around briefly at the surroundings. The cafe was very quaint, almost like an old ladies tea room, but was weirdly filled with much younger people. Judging by the shakes, that was why. "This feels a bit like a date." Jasper says, more so in a thinking out loud kind of way, adding, "I've not actually been on a date."

Thomas looks at Jasper with amusement. "Jesus Jas, how the hell did you manage to sleep with so many people?"

Jasper gestures to his body, looking back at Thomas with a sly grin, to which Thomas shrugs, accepting that this was a very plausible answer. "So..." Thomas pushes his and Jasper's shakes to one side and rests an opened palm on the table. "What did your uncle teach you mmm?"

Jasper looks at the upturned palm resting on the table, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion before realising. He takes his own hand, which was resting on his short clad knee and places it upon Thomas' upturned palm, before their fingers wrap around each others.

"If you're lucky, I might let you kiss me and walk me home." Thomas looks at Jasper, batting his long lashes. Jasper smiles with a quick raise of his eyebrows. "You mean if you're lucky."

With their hands still connected, Jasper once again pulls his banana milkshake closer to him, his eyes not leaving Thomas as he purposely wraps his pink lips around the straw and sucks, moaning in satisfaction at the taste.

Thomas, whose lips are slightly parted with the teasing sight, is about to say something when a voice is heard from across the cafe "Jasper, Jasper."

Jasper turns his head to see a young girl with long black hair, wearing a denim pinafore dress with a white tee and blue converse hightops. "Ella?" He immediately retracts his hand and places it back under the table, leaving Thomas empty with nothing to hold. "W..what are you doing here?"

The girl known as Ella begins to twist her hair around her finger. "My parents have been doing this market thing for ages and dragged me along with them." She folds her arms and begins to frown at Jasper. "Jasper I thought you were going to Europe to see your dad?" Thomas now looks at Jasper, eyes wide. This clearly being a blatant lie. Jasper looks at Thomas then back at Ella. He clears his throat "Um...yeah I was but I changed my mind."

Ella drops her folded arms and returns to her hair twisting. "Well you said that was the only reason we couldn't date, so...does this mean we can perhaps maybe catch up?"

Jasper again looks at Thomas whose glare is currently cutting through him like a knife. He gulps down his now suddenly dry throat. "Um...sure." Jasper responds, now only being able to stare at his milkshake, instantly knowing that he was about to fuck things up, if he hadn't done so already.

"Great." Ella responds before turning her attention to the man sat opposite Jasper. "Who's your friend?"

Before Jasper can say anything, Thomas answers, "I'm Tom. I'm not just a friend I'm..."

"He's more like family." Jasper interjected, " my uncle." Jasper laughs lightly. Thomas looks again at Jasper and Jasper knew that if looks could kill, he'd be dead ten times over.

"Oh...okaay?" Ella also looks a little perplexed by Jasper's response. "Well...text me, yeah?"

"Sure " Jasper says, nodding with a smile, before Ella turns away and heads towards the counter.

Thomas now sits up poker straight in his seat. Talking through gritted teeth. "Uncle, fucking uncle?"

Jasper whispers, shouts back. "Sorry...Molly is like my aunty and you're her brother, it was the first thing that came to me."

"Not boyfriend then, or even close friend? Fuck, not even fuck buddy?" Thomas takes his frustration out on his straw, sucking the thick pink drink as fast as he can before getting up. "Well I don't rate this date, you're getting fuck all from me." He stands up and pushes his chair in forcefully, before adding, "Hope your date with Ella is more successful."

"Tom...Tom." Jasper tries to call Thomas discreetly, but stops when he sees the attention he is drawing to himself. Jasper looks again at his half drunk banana milkshake until he sees the chair opposite him being filled. "E..Ella."

"Looks like you are lonely now Jasper." She says, pushing the empty strawberry milk to one side before placing her full chocolate one in its place.

Jasper looks at the mildly attractive female sitting opposite him. "Yeah." He sighs, once again, taking his straw to his lips.


"Oh shit." Jasper moans in Ella's ear as the last few thrusts fill the condom. Ella squeezes her legs around him tightly as he sandwiches her between himself and the red brick wall. Her arms hanging loosely around his neck, Her head thrown back, her pinafore hitched up.

"Jasper...a little more." She begs as Jasper manages just a few more thrusts before he is completely spent. "Yes baby." She moans, as Jasper feels her insides pulse and clench around him.

Jasper now leans completely on Ella catching his breath. She leans in trying to capture his lips, but Jasper turns his head. "Hey Jasper... Kiss me." She whispers.

"No." Jasper whispers back. Ella disregards his response and tries again, cupping his jaw. "I said no!" Jasper says, a little louder this time. He now pulls her legs from around him and pulls out, taking off the condom and just letting it drop to the floor before he pulls up his boxers and shorts.

"Jasper. Why won't you kiss me?" Ella complains, adjusting her underwear and lowering her dress.

"Because...." Jasper looks at the girl before him. "Because..." He says again. Ella looks at him, willing him to continues.

Because you're not Tom. He says in his mind.

Jasper sighs heavily. The gravitas of what he had just done hitting him like the brick wall he was just up against.

"Bye Ella." Jasper looks at her one last time. He places his hands in his pockets and turns to walk away.

"Jasper! Jasper!" Ella calls out, but he doesn't turn around.

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