Chapter 42: Back to reality

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"Jas, this won't last forever!"

"Hey, Jasper. Wake up." Thomas whispers as he nudges the younger who is wrapped in his arms under a blanket on the ground. 

He slowly opens his eyes, feeling so relaxed and at peace. "What is it?" He mumbles, nestling a little more into the crook of Thomas' neck. 

"Our fish is ready." Thomas replies, slowly pulling away from Jasper to get up. Jasper reluctantly rolls back on the soft blanket, rubbing his eyes as Thomas stands up to retrieve his shorts. Jasper watches through sleepy eyes as the older bends over to scoop up the denim shorts, stepping inside them before his butt disappears inside the garment. The visual gives Jasper a little warm feeling inside. He now sits up, with the blanket draped across his middle, taking his hands to his eyes to rub the remains of any sleep away. 

Thomas leans over the small campfire, using a stick to carefully unhook the fish from where it had sat over the flames, before resting it on a small board which had been in Molly's basket. "It smells really good." Thomas comments in approval as he begins to pull the fish apart with two forks, before picking a piece up and popping it in his mouth. 

"Let me try." Jasper asks. Thomas takes off another piece and hands it over to Jasper who tastes the fish. It did taste good and just added to the amazing afternoon he was having.

Soon, both males were back on the blanket, tucking in to freshly cooked fish along with Molly's treats from the hamper. 

"Tom this is so good." Jasper comments with a mouth full.

Thomas smiles widely at Jasper at his enjoyment. "I'm glad you like it." 

"I've enjoyed everything." Jasper replied enthusiastically.

Thomas' smile changes into a more playful smirk. "Everything?"

Jasper swallows the contents of his food and looks at Thomas with a warm smile. "Yes everything! The sex was good by the way." 

"Well...of course.' Thomas chuckles, before his smile relaxes a little. Jasper rolls his eyes at the older.

He then thinks back to the encounter and he remembers the camera. He clears his throat, turning to face Thomas a little more head on. "Tom, why did you photograph me?"

Thomas clears his mouth of food before speaking. "You've never asked me what I'm studying at college…well it's photography!" 

Jasper's face suddenly turns ashen. "Please don't tell me you're gonna put my sex face in an exhibition." 

Thomas snorts out a laugh. "God no! But I just wanted to take a shot of you, so I can remember this day. Remember you at that moment….in case it doesn't happen again." 

Jasper is confused. "Why wouldn't it happen again?" 

Thomas puts his plate of food to one side and takes Jasper's free hand in his. "Jas, this won't last forever. Soon I will be going back to college and you will be back in high school." Thomas can see the realisation dawn on Jasper's face that all this was in fact a fairytale. A moment of bliss caught in a usually bland existence. 

Jasper looks down at their connected hands and creates small circles with his thumb on Thomas' tanned skin. "Well then, we will just have to enjoy every minute." Jasper leans across and kisses Thomas gently on the lips, his plate which was resting on his knee slides off, soon forgotten. 


"Well it sounds like you had fun!" Jim comments as he takes the two males back to the farm house. Jim only being privy to the catching of fish, and the picnic, but not three rounds of sex which had occurred, leaving Jasper feeling like an invalid.

"Tom I'll drop you off at your grandpa's on the way." Jim adds.

"Thanks Jim." Thomas replied, glancing at Jasper, with whom he felt like he now just couldn't be apart from. Jasper catches the glimpse and returns it, quickly looking away out of the window. Every moment now would be precious. 


A few days pass after the fishing trip and Jasper and Thomas are spending as much time as they can together at every given moment. Even Molly comments at the breakfast table. "I swear Jasper, you are not the same boy who joined us at the beginning of the summer."  

Jasper tries to brush off the comment, though he knew she was right. He could even feel the change within himself. "How so Molly?" 

"I don't know?" She sighs, trying to think of an example. It was hard to put it into words. "I guess you seem more relaxed, less burdened. You are happy." She concludes. 

"Yeah I guess so." Jasper shrugs. But his good mood was about to be disutbed somewhat.

Jim enters the room. He sits at the table and laces his hands together deep in his own thoughts. Molly rests the teapot on the table and looks at Jim. "Jimmy, what's the matter?"

"Mama...your grandma's tomorrow." 

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