There's so many things,
So many expressions,
Actions I notice about different people.
Maybe you're one of the people I see.Like,
Maybe you're the one I see smiling, Keeping things to yourself when something happens but
Seems to have such power to say things about it,
Even though you don't.Or maybe you're the one I see every morning.
You come and eat breakfast in the cafeteria because,
I guess,
You didn't have it at home.
But why not?
I don't want to be nosy
But I wonder why?
Not enough time?
Or something else?Maybe you're the guy who sticks up for me
When someone says something towards me that I don't have enough confidence to say anything about and
You say something for me.
It makes me feel thankful.Maybe you're the girl whose laugh comes at a later time when you finally seem comfortable.
I hope there's a time when you'll always be comfortable.You could be the one I see with your eyes flickering around to everything, You're always thinking.
Or maybe you're the one biting your nails constantly.
Are you nervous?
Thinking about something?
Or maybe someone?But please,
Don't be the person I notice who only reaches out for me when they want or need something from me.
I've noticed for a while now and I hate it.
A lot.So give it a thought.
Think about all those little things you do and
Maybe I notice those too.