8.The wedding-A moment to change a life

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Two days later.....

I breathed heavily as my mother do my makeup and Max mother do my hair. She braided the white strands together and put it into a large bun. I waited while my mother placed black lipstick on my pink lips, I stand up and glanced at myself in the body mirror. I sighed, so this was the day, the day my life changes completely....and forever. I tried to bite back tears,I didn't want to get married.....to Max.....my heart only belonged to Jone.

"They are ready for the bride." A woman say. I nodded my head and asked my mother for a moment alone. I stared out the window, and closed my eyes. I'm not ready for this, I'm not ready for this big step. I sighed and continued out of the room, they gave me the flowers and opened the door. The priest, and Max stood there waiting, Max had a huge smile on his face, but I didn't give him the satisfaction of giving him a smile. I didn't want this....

After the whole thing we went off to the celebration at my mansion. Everyone was having a good time...but me.

"I an so happy for you sweety, you are married to the alphas son, you two will have beautiful children, have lots of them okay?" My Aunt Hale say as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. She left me alone. I sighed as I walked to my room, I changed into my night gown, and tucked myself in bed. I still heard the party down stairs, it sounded like everyone was happy. But I wasn't happy, I missed Jone,his lovely voice still rung in my head, and his perfect vampy scent still reeked in my nose. I get up and went towards my flower he made me, it was perfect for me. It still glittered and glowed celestially against the moons shine. I picked it up and softly kissed it, tears escaped my eyes.

"Jone." I begin to whisper to the flower. "I have never told you this before, but I -"

"Who are you talking to?" Max's voice sounded behind me . I quickly turned around and placed the flower back onto the night stand. Max had a drunken stance, his shirt was unbuttoned and laid uneven on his chest. His long hair strung across his face like a mad mans. He came towards me, stumbling as he walked.

"You are going to answer me woman." He say slurring his every word, he was in my face now, the stinch of wine and liquor prickled my nose blunderingly. I turned my head to not sniff that ratchet smell, but I had no luck.

"You should go and take a shower." I say in almost a whisper.

"I don't take orders from women." He say coldly. I couldn't take his attitude or his drunkenness anymore, I shoved passed him and went towards the door, I turned the knob but it wouldn't budge. The hell is going on??

"Why won't the door open?" I asked him as he stared after me, a crooked smile appeared on his gruesome face.

"Answer me." I demanded him. I went towards him and glared up at his face.

"How about...you answer me first Alla." He say as he brushed my stricken unbraided hair from out of my face. I slapped his hand from my face, I didn't want him touching me.

"You need some manners Alla." He say as he grabbed my waist harshly, and kissed me forcefully. I pushed him away and slapped him hard on his jaw. He rubbed the spot and growled deeply, his face was angered and bothered. His drunken smile was wiped away, he shown his true colors, his true self. He grabbed my neck and slammed me onto the wall.

"Don't ever lay a finger on me again!" He snarled brutally. I pushed him off of me, my anger rising.

"Don't touch me Max." I say, balling up my fists.

He comes closer to me and grabbed my head.

"I am your husband Alla, I think I can do what ever I please, don't you think?"

I pushed him once again, and stepped from his threatening glare.

"Why don't you start acting like a wife, huh, show your husband some love." He bark.

"I do not love you Max." I say, watching him circle around me.

"Let me teach you how to love then."

He quickly grabbed me and pinned me on the wall strenuously. He started to kiss my neck softly, he then bit me hard. I screamed in pain, he pulled away as he wiped my blood from his lips.

"There, you are mine now, I have placed my mark there."

He let me go, I placed my hand where he bit me. He still stood there smiling evilly.

"Now where were we? Oh that's right, we were kissing."

He kissed me again, I couldn't break free from his tightening grip.

"Stop." I say under my breath, I closed my eyes tightly thinking that this was a nightmare that I couldn't awake from. He let my arms go and started to feel on my body, I slapped him harshly, he stumbled backwards. I went to the door and tried to figure out how to open it. I was unsuccessful, he came behind me and picked me up from behind. I gasped as he threw me on the bed, before I could even get up, he got on top of me pinning my arms on the bed.

"You're hurting me." I say loudly, but he of course didn't care as he continued. He stripped me of my night gown. I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see anything, everything went blank, every sound of my endless screams after a while turned into muffles of sobs.

"Don't cry my dear one, it was meant to be." He got off of me. My hair covered my face, I just let it sit there, I didn't care about my hair. Max pushed my hair from my eyes, his eyes gloomed down in mine. He went into the bathroom, the shower sounded. I just laid there in my own self pity. Tears stung my face with every sword and bullet they had. I just let the pain seep in, I didn't even care.

I turned around towards the glistening flower on my nightstand. It was no longer shining its beautiful magical colors anymore, it was black and leaned over. I sat up and grabbed it, a petal broke off of it.

Only one way this happened to the flower....

Jone knows.....

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