- Chapter 1 -

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I looked over at the body, an alive body. Well that's a shock; I mean I thought Honey had just come across a random corpse that belongs to a murder case or something creepy like that. But never the less I decided I should probably check to see if the person had a pulse. I would've be guilt-ridden if I left them alone in the woods, especially when it's so cold. 

I reached over the body, my warm hands colliding with the frozen skin of the unconscious person. I immediately picked up the person bridal style, deciding to check for the pulse when I get back. I run through the woods, making sure to dodge the branches and twigs that cluttered the woodland floor. Rushing to my front door, I ran inside. My parents weren't home most of the time so I didn't need to worry about them questioning me bringing a random (unconscious) person. 

Finally, I checked for a pulse. Yes! I mean, I didn't even know what I would have done if they were dead. How suspicious would that look? Jesus, I facepalmed. I shouldn't be thinking about that stuff not when the person on my couch is still unconscious and freezing cold. I grabbed a thick blanket and placed it over the kid. I assumed it was a kid due to the small frail nature of the person. 

I, accidently, fell asleep. But it was so warm and I just couldn't help it. Even after I slept for a few hours the kid still didn't wake up. So, I did what any respectable person would do and I tried to wake them up. I shook them, sprayed them with cold water and many, many, many other things. When nothing worked I tried one last thing I put some soup near their mouth. I mean food could do anything! 

Kei (unconscious person)

I opened my eyes, to light, blinding light. The room was warm. Why was it warm? I remember crawling through the forest, freezing my ass off. Hahaha. God, why was it warm though?? I opened my eyes fully to see a person all up in my business. 

"Thank god, you woke up!" The person practically screamed at me.

"Ahhhhh!!" I screamed back, "W-who are you?", I said while pushing them away. 

"Well, uhh, I kind of picked you up from the middle of the forest and well you looked cold so um yeah I brought you back to my house," he explained while scratching the back of his head. 

Well that explained it... kind of. "Why the hell would you bring a random person home?!?! Do you have zero common sense, what if I was some kind of murderer that lead you on just to kill you in your own house." I shouted at him. 

He looked stunned, and stepped back. "Uhhh, well you were out cold and I don't think a little kid like you could kill someone." He chuckled nervously. 

"A kid!?!?!? I am seventeen, you idiot!" 

"Hang on your the same age as me!?!? But your so small and frail."

"Who are you calling small and frail, I have got plenty of muscle!" I shouted irritably.

"Wow, someone's feisty. Anyways what the hell were you doing in the woods unconscious, you could have frozen to death or gotten pneumonia!!" 

I was startled, I mean how come this guy cared about if I got pneumonia - I'm just a random guy he found. But I decided to be kind and replied. 

"Now that I think about it all I remember was crawling through the forest, it was very cold," I sat there puzzled why couldn't I remember. 

"Hmm, okay. Well I'll introduce myslef first. I'm Dylan," he said as he stretched out his hand for a formal handshake.

I laughed, "I'm Kei." I shook his hand, it was warm. "Wow, your hand is so warm it feels alive! No wait of course your alive!" I laughed. He just looked at me with a very serious expression then started laughing as well. 

I felt like we were going to get along! 


That's it for chapter 1!!

What's your opinions on the two boys? 

Come back soon for chapter 2 (I'll try to upload one or two a week)

- Kaycie 😜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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