Chapter 1

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"Hey Germanyyy." Japan called out. She had finished cleaning her katana, and realized it needed improvements, so she came to him.
"Hm?" The Germany mumbled, and he was working. He was figuring out where the next mission would be, China had told him to.

"Ooh, what're you working on hah?" She said, completely forgetting about the improvements, since she saw Germany writing. "The next mission location, and what everyone's position will be. Did you need something?" He asked.
Since Japan had saw him working on something more important, she thought about getting it fixed later. "Ah, nevermind it's not important." She said.

She walked out of his work space and sat down on the couch of the base. She looked at the clock. "Hmm. He's late." She sighed.

*??? POV*

I sat in an alleyway. All of that just happened so quick. I'm gonna be late. It's not like I could walk anyway. I don't have the energy to heal myself either.
I yelled out in anger. How am I gonna tell them? Do I send one of my stars? Would they even make it? It's worth the try.

*Back at the base*

"Where the hell is he?" Russia said, getting annoyed. "I don't know, I called, but he didn't answer." Japan said. China sighed out in anger. "He could be in danger." Germany said. "Are you sure? Maybe he's slacking and buying food or something." Martial law said. "Hmm. I don't think so." Italy said, sucking on a lollipop.

A white, shining star flew into the room. It landed in China's hand. He looked at his hand as of he was reading something. "Shit."

"He's in trouble."

Russia, Martial law, and Japan ran to the location the star had given them. "An alleyway?" Japan said. "How the hell did this idiot get stuck in an alleyway?" Russia groaned. They walked deeper in.
Martial summoned a small light from his hands, so they could see.

"Ah." Martial said, as he saw America sitting down, one of his legs basically destroyed, his head resting on his other legs knee.

Japan ran to the injured country, and gently tapped on his fore head. "Hm?" Ame said, barely opening his eyes. "Are you okay? Does your leg still hurt?" Japan asked him. "Its hurts. I can't move." He said.

"Russia! Come carry him!" Japan said. "Why me?" He asked. "Because, I said so." Russia sighed out in anger. He walk towards America. He seemed lifeless. Russia bent down and grabbed America, putting him over his back. America let out a small wince in pain.

"And be gentle with him Russia, we know you hate him but still, we're gonna need him for the next mission." Martial said. "Yeah yeah whatever." Russia sighed.

-Once they got back to the base-

Russia sat America down on the couch, and put him in a position where he wouldn't hurt as much. Martial gave out a snicker. "The hell you laughing at?" Russia said. "I just didn't expect that from you." Martial said. Russia looked away from him.

Germany and Italy walked into the room. "Oh you guys are back?" Italy said, chewing some candy. Japan nodded, as Germany went to go see America's leg.

"Oh my." Germany said. "Who did this to him?" He asked. "We don't know, he was like that when we got there." Russia said. "This is the first time he's gotten a major injury, it might take a few days to heal completely." He said.

"Has he gotten weak or something?" Italy asked, pushing another piece of candy in his mouth. "I don't think so." China said walking into the room. "Whoever did this has got some serious power. I think maybe America was their target or something."

"Well when I find them I'll cut their head off." Japan said in anger. "And then I'll make their gut into candy." Italy said, smiling while stuffing more sweets in his face. "We might just see them in our next mission, We're gonna have to be more careful." China said.

"Hm." Martial law mumbled.

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