CHAPTER ONE: "Manic Monday"

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"I fucking hate Mondays" I think to myself as I reach for the alarm blaring on my nightstand, filling my small loft with the song "Nintendo" by Todd Carey. I groan as I stretch, and release a huge yawn. I throw back the dark green comforter from me and sit up, dangling my feet over the side of the bed.

Letting loose a heavy sigh, I stand and allow my feet to pad across the wooden floor to the bathroom and I flip on the light. "My god I look shit" I mutter softly, as I gaze into my reflection. The dark circles around my bright green eyes are atrocious, and a dead give away that I was up way too late.

I sigh and free my hair from its messy bun, releasing the pumpkin orange rats nest on top of my head. Tackling the knots with my brush, I hear a groan from my bedroom. "Shit. I forgot I had company" I think to myself. I take a few minutes to free my hair from its disastrous state, and then turn the shower on to get warm.

I waltz back into the room and cross to the bed. "The shower should be nice and steamy. Get your ass up. Lets go. I want be at the shop in an hour and you, your majesty, take forever and a day to get ready." I announce dramatically as I yank back the blanket to reveal Kaylee. She groans dramatically and hisses at me as she sits up, adjusting her white t-shirt and pink boxers, and crossing her legs.

Kaylee yawns and says grumpy southern drawl, "UGH! Remind me again why the alarm always goes off at the ass crack of dawn when I sleep over." She smirks at me and dramatically stands up on the bed. "I am the QUEEN, and as such I say we go back to bed!"

Letting out a light chuckle, I shake my head. "Kaylee. You know I open the shop at 9am during the week. It's already 7:30. GET YOUR ASS IN THE SHOWER, FOOL!" I giggle as a pillow flies into my face, and Kaylee gracefully jumps off the bed. "Go. Shower. NOW, your majesty." I playfully sneer as I launch the pillow back at her.

"Fine, Hawthorn. You win" She says grumpily. "I will grace your shower with my delightful presence, and make myself presentable for the peasants." Kaylee calls to me over her shoulder as she meanders into the bathroom for her shower, shutting the door.

Sighing with a smile, I shake my head and walk over to the dark brown dresser to grab my clothes. I pull out a pair of black jeans, and a dark purple tank top with Darth Vader's helmet printed on the front. I yank off the white long sleeved top and blue pants I slept in, revealing a plethora of tattoos all over my arms, chest, abdomen, and legs. I slip into the fresh top and shimmy into the jeans. Pulling out a pair of plain socks from the top drawer, I pull them onto my feet, covering more tattoos.

I plop down at the vanity next to my dresser and begin to throw my face on. Foundation...soft purple eye shadow....gentle blush.... Slap on some lashes.....grab my tinted lip balm. I set my makeup with my spray and grab my brush. I make another quick run through of my hair, and pull it up in a messy bun to keep it out of my eyes.

"I absolutely love your hair in that shade of orange." I startle so hard I fall off the damn vanity bench. Kaylee is smirking while she towel dries her hair. I glare as she crosses the room and picks up her bag off the floor to plop it on the bed. "I don't know why, but that color just suits you so well."

I push myself up and get to my feet. "Thanks, Kay. I know it's been this color for like 3 years, but I can't bring myself to change it to anything else." I respond with a smile as I toss my makeup into my bag. I move across to the bed and sit down on the edge while I wait for Kaylee to get dressed.

She pulls on some distressed blue jeans, and a plain white t-shirt, topped off with a purple and blue checkered button up. Her soft brown hair looks so cute as a short pixie cut. She has such a natural southern beauty to her face, the only makeup she really wears is the occasional lipstick. Her brown eyes like warm chocolate were red and puffy again. She was definitely crying in the shower. How anyone could ever break up with her is beyond me.

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