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"Order for Hawthorn!"

The Barista at Bean Juice calls out my order, pulling my attention away from my phone. I grab the two cups off the counter, and make my way to the front door. Pushing it open, I step outside into the fresh spring air. Today is warm, the sunshine beaming brightly down on San Diego. Handing Kaylee her Mocha, I take a sip of my own Chai, savoring it.

"Thanks, doll." Kaylee graciously sips her drink. "I've got five clients today. Gunna be a busy Bee today! Is Sam coming in today?"

Fuck. I forgot about Sam, the new apprentice I took on. She's a 21 year old from San Francisco, and she's got great potential. She came around a year ago asking for an apprenticeship, but I don't allow anyone under the age of 21 to work in my shop in any capacity. A few weeks ago, she showed up, with a portfolio of her work, asking if I was still willing to take her on. I flipped through her book and accepted her on the spot.

"Yeah, I told her to come in today to start familiarizing herself with the shop's daily operations." I respond as we stroll down the street towards Alpha Ink. "I have two clients today, so I'll be starting her out on the front desk while I take care of them. Thankfully they're a couple coming in together, so I'll be knocking them out back to back."

"Nice! All my clients are solo pieces today. Most are on the smaller side, but one guy is coming in so I can finish the outline on his back today. That huge Final Fantasy piece I've been working on like a mad woman, that one!"

I smile at her excitement. "That's epic! My couple are getting matching Full Metal Alchemist pieces today. The wife is getting Roy Mustang, and the husband is getting Riza Hawkeye. I haven't done an anime piece in a hot minute, so I'm stoked about this one."

"Any plans with Agmos tonight?" Kaylee lifts her sunglasses, wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Any date-like plans?" She giggles.

"Jokes on you, I'm meeting a girl this evening." I lift my glasses and give her a wink in return.


Closing the curtain to my booth, I change out of my red lounge shorts and black T-shirt, into a pair of black jean shorts and a dark green T-shirt. Tucking my sandals into my bag, I pull out socks and my black converse, slipping my feet into them. Standing in front of the mirror, I run my brush through my hair before pulling it up in a high ponytail again. Reaching back into my duffle bag, I pull out my cosmetics bag and do a quick touch up on my face. Nothing fancy today. Just a casual look to hide the fact that I was up most of the night.

My eyes wander up to the clock on the wall. I've got about twenty minutes to walk down the street to the park by the baseball stadium to meet Ink, Agmos, and Bittie. Making sure everything is packed back into my bag, I tuck it under the desk and grab my purse.

"I'm heading out to meet Ink and Agmos, Kay!" I call over to the front desk as I open the curtains to my booth, stepping into the lobby area. As I walk across the room, I find Kaylee going over the schedule with Sam.

"Have fun! Say hey to Ink and Aggie for me!" She responds with a dazzling smile.

"Will do." My attention falls on Sam. "You can cut loose for the day whenever Kaylee is done with you. Tomorrow we have our free tattoo event, so I'll need you here at 8am sharp to help with the prep work."

She nods in response, giving me a thumbs up. "I'll be here, boss lady!"

I place my aviator shades on my face, flashing both girls a grin. "Great! See you ladies tomorrow. Kay, you lock up, and I'll be here to open. Bye!" I throw up a peace sign with my fingers as I stroll out the door.

Walking down the street, I see Petco Park baseball stadium come into view. The Padres must be playing today. The parking lots are jam packed with cars. The air is filled with the smells of hotdogs, popcorn, and over priced beer. I hear a loud crack, the telltale sign of a ball meeting bat, and the crowd erupts into a thunderous cheer.

Passing around the parking lot, I cross the street to the local park by the waterfront. Usually the park is fairly busy in this nice weather, however, this evening it's empty due to the Padres' game. Empty, save for myself and the trio I see lounging on a large blanket on the grass.

I cross the grassy area to the blanket, removing my sunglasses. The sun is already setting, the sky a beautiful fiery orange and pink combo. Ink is laying on her back next to a girl with vibrant pink hair, who I instantly know must be Bittie.

Her face is clownish in appearance. Her nose is bright red with a happy face bandaid across the bridge, three dots going up to between her eyebrows. She has black lines and gentle swirls coming out from below her left eye, four dots underneath her right eye. Both her eyes are striking orange. Her cheeks, rosy red circles on her white skin. Jet black lips parted in a wide, fanged smile.

"HAWTHORN! Oh my- OOF!" The tiny Demon launches herself at me, but is jerked back suddenly. I notice Agmos' hand on the back of her shirt, white with a big happy face sun in the center, tugging her back down to the blanket. Her purple skirt flares around her as her butt hits the blanket.

Before I can say anything, Agmos is suddenly standing in front of me. His arms wrap around me, pulling me close. His white eyes piercing into mine. My heart skips a beat as I place my hands on his chest.

"Me first." He whispers in a low growl as he leans down, lips meeting mine. After allowing our mouths to grace each other briefly, I gently pull back with a wicked grin.

"Listen here, you absolute walnut." The words come out as a giggle before I compose myself. "You have had plenty of time with me so far. It's Bittie's turn."

Stepping back from me, Agmos shoves his hands in his pockets. He looks to Bittie, gesturing his head towards me in a go ahead manner. The petite Demon once again launches herself at me, embracing me in a crushing hug. Her pink hair bouncing into my face as she giggles profusely.

"I am just so excited to finally meet you face to face!" Bittie squeals. Pulling back, hands on my shoulders, her face melts into a pout. "Aggie was trying to keep you all to himself. So unfair!"

The tiny Demon stomps her foot, and we erupt into a puddle of laughter. She and I both collapse on the grass, a mess of giggles, as Ink and Agmos shake their heads at us. Agmos rolls his eyes, a smirk tugging his lips.

"Okay, you two. Ready to eat?" Ink asks, pushing herself up to a seated position. "If we wait much longer, the pizza will get cold."

Wiping the tears from my eyes gently, I detach from Bittie and crawl onto the blanket. She follows suit, planting herself next to me, legs tucked under her butt. She's quite an energetic little thing, and I already absolutely adore her to pieces.

"Yeah, Ink." I say with a smile, as Agmos joins us, sitting on the other side of me. "Let's eat."



Family just left from visiting for early holiday shenanigans, so I'll be back to writing longer chapters now. :) 

Chapter 14 will be the last chapter of the year. 2021 will kick off with Chapter 15! 

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