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the thumping footsteps of a frantic first year echoed in shiratorizawa's hallway. they were the only noise that broke the quiet air in classrooms, and students looked into the hallway to catch a glimpse of the student who was presumably having a bad day.

the student, in question, was chisei ishida.

she really didn't need to be running, but chisei had always been one for dramatics.

however, she was so absorbed in her own world that it didn't occur to her that two other people were coming around the corner, and she was hurtling towards them at a speed that was too fast to stop.

she threw her feet against the floor, stopping herself from colliding with the two boys. while she didn't hit them, she sent the papers they were holding straight into the air.

she felt her mouth drop open as they fluttered down, the scene in front of her something straight out of the movies she watched when she was a little girl.

how she found herself there, standing in front of two of two upperclassmen, apologizing as she frantically scooped their papers back up after knocking them about was beyond her.

"i'm so so sorry! i didn't mean to bump into you, i was just in a rush!" chisei exclaimed profusely, trying to hide the blush that was tinting her cheeks because of embarassment.

"don't worry, it's okay." a boy by the name of semi eita said softly, helping chisei gather the papers that were strewn all over the hallway.

she grabbed all the papers that she could before handing them to the second boy, shirabu kenjirou, who looked beyond pissed.

"anyways, i'm ishida chisei." she said, silently cursing herself for making the situation even more awkward than it had been moments ago. semi smiled, nudging shirabu who only nodded.

"i'm semi eita, this is shirabu kenjirou." he said quickly, and she muttered a quick 'nice to meet you' even though she knew their names due to them being in the boy's volleyball club.

"i see you're quite ditzy. not living up to your name's meaning, are you?" shirabu questioned, voice dripping with disdain. chisei shrunk away from the boy, chuckling awkwardly at shirabu's comment. 

just because her name meant intelligence did not mean chisei was a fucking genius.

"intelligence only comes to me in certain areas. sorry again for bumping into you." she said, waving the two goodbye as she pushed past them.

"we can walk you to class, if you like. that way you don't steamroll anybody else." semi said from behind her, and chisei felt herself smile. she turned to face the two again, who were looking at her expectantly.

"i should go, i have to turn in my application for the girl's volleyball club. thank you for the offer, though." she said, sending another wave their way. as she ventured away from the duo, she clutched my bag tightly in my hands, not wanting to lose the paper that would hopefully get her accepted to the girl's volleyball club. 

chisei reached the principal's office, and before she entered, she sifted through her bag to find the application form. dread settled over her as she dug and dug through her bag, the paper being nowhere in sight. chisei shook her head slowly, turning on her heel and heading towards the exit.

how could she be so stupid? this was the last chance she had to sign up for a club activity, and the principal had made that very clear to her. 

chisei wiped away the small tear that was racing down her cheek, dejectedly leaving the school.

it had been a week since chisei had thrown away her opportunity to play for the girl's team, and she was not taking it well.

she was stumbling through her english class, her self-pity only fueling her bad mood. her teacher was talking too fast, the classroom was too cold, and she just felt overwhelmed and suffocated.

the sound of the classroom door sliding open broke her train of thought, and the entire class glanced up to see who had entered.

it was semi eita, along with his redheaded friend that chisei couldn't quite remember the name of right now. the two boys spoke in hushed tones to the teacher, who nodded and directed his attention back to the class.

"miss ishida." her teacher said, and chisei felt her eyes widen. she stood up from her seat, awkwardly adjusting her skirt and following the duo into the hallway.

semi slid the door shut behind chisei, and she felt her nervousness worsen upon seeing the entire class staring at the three of them.

"hey, chisei. nice to see you again." semi said kindly, and chisei felt some of the tension in her body ease.

"you too, semi." she replied, glancing to the other boy who was clearly trying to get her attention. 

"semisemi! is this our new friend?" he questioned, and chisei immediately felt safe in his precense.

"chisei, this is tendou satori. tendou, meet ishida chisei." semi quickly introduced the two, and chisei waved to the tall boy in front of her. tendou clapped his hands together, leaning in closer to the girl so that they were a few inches apart.

"you don't strike me as manager material, chisei." tendou mused, studying her face as intensely as he could given the lack of space between them.

"manager material?" chisei questioned, breaking the eye contact she held with tendou to glance to semi.

"yeah. we came to tell you that you got accepted to be our manager." semi said, and chisei furrowed her brows.

she could tell the truth, or she could play along with whatever was happening right now.

"oh, that's so good to hear! i'm happy to be working with you guys."

oh well. chisei was never one for telling the truth anyways.

emi's notes
chisei is so cute i already love her ugh

also i made a picrew so u guys could kinda visualize what she looks like so uhhh there she is

also i made a picrew so u guys could kinda visualize what she looks like so uhhh there she is

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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