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Amity is a smol angry bean
Chapter Text
"I feel ridiculous!" Amity sighs.

You look nice. Luz adds smirking.

"I look dumb and you know it."

Amity crosses her arms and shoots a threatening stare at Edric and Emira next to her, covers their mouth to hide a quiet giggle.

Luz is doing all she can to refrain from smiling, but the effort only makes her face contort in a weird smirk.

«No, really, you look very nice» luz assures her. «It's just – if you kept a little less stiff, maybe walking around in new clothes wouldn't be so bad, you know».

Amity rolls her eyes and huffs, not giving in to Luz"s cute request. She stands uptight, tense, making the already short plain Baseball shirt she is wearing less annoying.
King on the other hand who instead can enjoy a thin white t-shirt that Luz's mother suggested,
While the Green haired twins silently laughs again.

"This outfit is too revealing!" Amity's blushed red face slightly, her cheeks a faint shade of red.

"Are you serious?" Edna cocks one eyebrow, her turn now to cross her arms. "You once walked around in a dumb coven school uniform that doesn't leave much to imagination?"

"Well I'm used to it!" Amity admits.

"Trying new things once in a while won't kill you, believe me." Lilith adds before taking a sip of lemonade.


everyone follows luz to the baseball field!

Okay rules are simple: one of us throws the ball at the other, and the one with the bat tries to hit it. If they do they run around the bases, and whoever gets the most runs, wins».

Luz explains everything with a finger raised and her eyes on the audience however, When she looks, she doesn't get the reaction she's expecting from her audience.

"You know ,I swear!" Amity says throwing her hands up with annoyance. "every time I convince myself that you aren't going to drag us in something stupid, I find out I'm wrong!"

«It's not stupid» Luz replies trying to calm down her girlfriend. "It's a game. You saw it on the tv playing it the other day."

«We were hiding in your room trying to avoid getting caught by your mother and thank you very much to helping drown out the noise by helping me climb out the window."

King raises his hand, jumping a little, squeaking for attention.

"Yes? What is it?» Luz turns to him with a smile. Amity huffs, annoyed by the interruption.

King picks up the bat from the ground and holds it.
"may I play first?"cheeks a little flushed as he happily asks.

Luz giggles. "Of course you can be the batsman first».

"I'm not having any part in this" Amity snorts, but she's still talking while she grabs the mitt and wears it. don't we need more people to play the game?"

"We're not playing seriously, it's just for fun." Luz shrugs.

Amity smirks before throwing a fast ball. "That doesn't mean I'm not going to win!"

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