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I woke up in a bed of silky white flowers. Moonlight had turned to sunlight through the gap in the willow tree that Bakugou had woven, and it shone softly on my face.

I blinked open my eyes. The flowers that I had broken last night had magically grown back perfectly. Petals and flower heads that hadn't been mended were sprinkled over my body. I looked down at my stomach and immediately woke up all the way. Bakugou was curled up against my stomach, tucked under my wing.

This is going to be the death of me. I thought calmly, although my heart raced and my mind whirled. If I moved, he would wake up and know that he slept pressed against my body. If I didn't move, he would wake up eventually and the same thing would happen.

Do I just wait until he wakes up and kills me? Or is dying of embarrassment better?

Bakugou shifted a little in his sleep. He turned so that he faced me and gently clutched my chest. I squeezed my eyes shut, thankful that dragons couldn't blush.

I should get out of this position before he wakes up. It's the safer option.

I slowly lifted my wing off of Bakugou's body. Gently, I pulled my leg out from under him. I held my breath and hoped with all my might that he wouldn't wake up. My claws snagged on the edge of his cape, but Bakugou did not wake. As quietly as I could, I rolled over to distance myself from Bakugou. There. We were now an appropriate distance apart.

"Phew." I sighed.

"Morning, Shitty Scales." Bakugou's voice said from behind me. I froze.

"Uh... morning." I rolled over slowly.

"I had the weirdest dream." Bakugou said, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. "I dreamt we slept really close together. That's ridiculous though." He laughed.

"Haha, yeah that's really funny." I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"Anyway, what do you want to do today?" Bakugou flopped down on his back.

"You don't have anything to do?" I stretched like a cat.

"Well I don't exactly have a job or anything." Bakugou chuckled. "I live off the land."

"Well I'm not sure... I've never really done anything other than run away and fight and hide for as long as I can remember." I said.

"Seriously? Ever since you were born?" Bakugou sat up again to stare at me.

"Well... I don't remember very much about when I was young, but for most of my life." I shrugged.

"Damn." Bakugou cracked his knuckles and neck. "Well I have somewhere I can take you if you want to relax."

"That'd be nice." I admitted, smiling a little for real.

"Let's go." Bakugou stood up and pulled the willow branches that he had woven up the night before back down so that they hung as a curtain once again. He then pulled back an armful of the branches to let me through and dropped them after he exited as well.

"Where are we going? Or is it going to be a surprise again." I asked.

"Nowhere special, just a waterfall near the cave where I live." Bakugou said as we started down a slightly worn-down path.

"That sounds really nice though!" I sighed.   

"It is." Bakugou looked over his shoulder and smiled at me. My step faltered and my heart skipped a beat. His smile was so confident, every time.

Goddamnit Eijirou. I thought to myself. You can't fall in love with this guy! He doesn't even know anything about you. Once he finds out some things, maybe it'll be okay.... I shook my head. It didn't matter. I'm sure Bakugou only saw me as a dragon. An animal. He would never look at me the way I looked at him.

My Ride or Die- Kiribaku Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now