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Seulgi's POV

I'm Kang Seulgi. I'm the CEO of a tech company, we develop and manufactur phones, laptops and everything in between. Well I studied at a public school ever since the day I can remember until highschool. You think that I would study at a private school no. My parents raised me like we don't have money to be honest I thought that were poor until middle school. But thanks to that I didn't grow as a braty and spoild piece of shit that everyone would hate.

Not like the other CEO who's well known in the publics eye, I prefer living in a very low and peaceful life. I don't like the fame that it comes with being a CEO that's why only few people can see and talk to me. The only information about me in the Internet is my name.

Even though they know my name and they searched for my name in the any social media they won't find any picture of me. But there's one account that have a picture of me, and that account belongs to my long time girl friend Irene.

So let me tell you something about Irene. Irene came from a very simple family. She's the kindest and most warm hearted person I have known. Shes a bit small but she's very fiesty at times I do something dumb. Oh did I mention that She's a kindergarten teacher at a public school. Yeah she has the patience and energy to teach those little kids who run and play the whole day.

How did we met? She's my best friend since highschool. Well I my first intention is to date her but back then she thought that she's straight as a ruler, but when we entered college she then realized that she likes me.

So today I'm thinking on how to propose to my lovely girlfriend Irene.

"Lisa how did you propose to Jennie?" I asked one of my bestfriend Lisa who's now engaged with her girlfriend Jennie.

"I bought her one of those designer bags that she likes then I placed a wedding ring inside of the bag." Lisa is a bit weird in proposing.

"Yow did she found the ring in an instant?"

"No she found it maybe after a month. She texted me and asked me what is the ring for and I said it is an engagement ring."

"How did she respond to that?"

"She got upset at first but as soon as she realized that the ring is an engagement ring she called me instantly and cried." I laughed at how comedic Lisa's proposal went. But it worked for them and now they're going to get married next month.
"Are you going to already planning to propose to Irene?"

"Yeah but I don't want it to be too simple. I want it to be memorable but won't be too cheesy like those you watched at the drama."

"Oh you're right. But how did your parents react did you have the blessing from them?"

"Yes of course what do you think of my life? A drama series wher The parents are against my marriage of course not Lisa. They Love Irene so much." Lisa chuckled a little bit.

"So what's your plan?"  Lisa asked as she leand forward as if I'm telling a secret plan.

"I don't know yet. But I know Irene don't want extravagant things." Lisa smirked and whispered a very good idea. "Damn Lisa I didn't know that you're bit romantic I wonder why you didn't get this romantic to your proposal."

"Do you think Jennie accepted my proposal trough phone call of course not I re do my plan." I laughed at her statement. After that I've discussed my plans for the propasal. I will make sure that she won't forget this day.

Irene's POV

Hi I'm Bae Joohyun or Irene. I came from a middle class family. I'm a kindergarten teacher at a public school. I choose to be a kindergarten teacher because I like to take care of kids and to help them learn.

I have very hot and beautiful girlfriend named Kang Seulgi. Well she came from a very rich family but I didn't know that until she introduced me to her parents as a girlfriend.

Being a teacher at a kindergarten is tiring you have to teach and take care at least 15 students per class. But all the teaching is worth it when I see that my students learned.

Today is teachers day and like every year Seulgi is already texting me to give her chocolates tha I will receive from my students. Even though I tell my students not to bring me anything their parents insistted to give me chocolate to show some gratitude towards me.

To my surprise nobody bring chocolate for me today. I'll just buy some for Seulgi later at the convince store. The class went well and fast they greeted me.

Now it is time to go home. Seulgi can't pick me up today because she have a very important meeting.

As I'm going down the stairs one of my studen sis running towards me holding a red rose.

"Hey kiddo is this for me?" I asked the little boy

"Yes that's for you teacher. Follow me teacher please." He said with a very cute voice so I just followed him.

As I'm following him there's a little girl holding another red rose and give it to me and tell me to follow her. And it repeated one after the other. Now I'm holding 12 roses and I've noticed  that a group of kids standing in a line holding up some papers there's I think a parent who's facing the other direction. They're my cute little students.

Im walking now towards them and one by one by one they raised the papers. I read what they're saying and it shocked me.

My legs got shaky the person that I thought is a parent turned around and its my girlfriend Seulgi. Slowly walking towards me.

"To my bestfriend and my lover. To my partner who never give up on me. To you Irene who stayed by my side through thick and thin. Let's start a new life and reach our dreams together. I know how you like those kids what if it is our own kid I wonder how much you will love them. So Bae Joohyun I will ask you the most important question in your life." She kneeled down and open a box inside of it is a ring. "Will you marry me?" I started cry who wouldn't.

"Yes I'll be your wife and mother to you child." She slowly wear the ring to me and stand up and hugged me.

"I love you babe." She kissed my forehead.

"I love you too."

"Hey kids she said yes. Come here and hug her." Seulgi called my students and the kids run towards us and hugged us.

I didn't know that Seulgi can this be sweet.

Instead of celebrating our proposal by ourselves Seulgi decided to celebrate it with my students. She always say that I love kids but look at her she even plotted the proposal with my students.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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