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Almost there. Winona Blake was on her way to the station to board her train back to Hogwarts. Winona wasn't as nervous as she had been on her past slew of first days. It was her sixth year and she was finally "getting into the groove" of things. Of course, Hogwarts had always felt like home, but she was no longer a little kid running through the archaic halls. She was older and "wiser." At least she thought she was wiser.

It had been months since she had seen any of her friends. Most summers of hers were spent at the burrow but this year, plans had changed. You see, Ron's family had decided to spend the summer in Romania with his second-oldest brother, Charlie. They invited Winona to come along but she had decided that it was time to actually spend time with her parents instead of running off to Romania for 3 months, however tempting it might've been. Nonetheless, it was a great summer. There was just one thing missing. Ron.

Ron had been her best friend from the start. As in, the start of the start. Their mothers had been friends in their own years at Hogwarts, of course, they were thrilled when they found that they would be enduring their pregnancies practically in sync with one another. Over the years there had been jokes about Ron and Winnie secretly being in love or being "soulmates." Their only response to this has been turning red in the face and attempting to ignore the embarrassing comments. Winnie had mulled over the idea of dating Ron once or twice in the fourth year but ultimately decided it would NEVER happen. 

'Oh god, I'm going to miss the train at this rate' she thought to herself. 

After about 20 minutes of stand-still traffic, she had family arrived at the station. She gave her mum a quick peck on the cheek and sped off into the crowd. Her mum had always been quite emotional when it came to goodbyes so Winona tried to make a quick thing out of it all. Winona had never been the best with emotions.

'am I really that late?' she thought to herself, she still couldn't see any of her friends. After about 20 minutes of mistakenly ramming her luggage into oncoming muggles, she arrived at the platform's entrance, subtly making her way through the wall. She had never gotten over the fascination that the muggles couldn't see her walk straight through the red brick, it felt like she was tricking them. It was one of her favorite feelings.

*time skip - shes on the train now*

Finally, she spotted Ginny and Harry sitting across from one another in coach 9. Without thinking, she burst in the caddy, practically tackling ginny into the luxuriously worn-in seats. Once Winona's eyes came up from Ginny's shoulder she saw a look of shock plastered across Gin's face.

"What's wrong?" said Winona

"Oh um nothing Wins" responded Ginny in an unconvincing tone

Winona shot her a look that said 'we're talking about this later.'

"So um wheres Ron?" Winona said in an attempt to break the awkwardness she had seemed to impose just moments before

"Oh he went to find the trolley, I'm sure he'll be back any minute-"

Just as Harry was finishing up his sentence Ron came bursting in, his arms full of chocolate frogs.

"Alright, so I figured if I just bought out 20 we could be set for a good while, yeah?"

'wow,' Winona thought to herself. He looked so different, he was much taller. much, much, much taller. Winona was already tall herself, she wasn't used to being towered over.

"Winnie!" Ron voiced excitedly

He was the only one to call her "Winnie." She'd always hated the nickname. She felt that it made her seem younger than she was. Like she was just a little kid. He enveloped her into a massive hug with his long, not-so-gangly arms. Even the way he moved had changed drastically from the last time she had seen him. He was so much more confident? Or maybe it was that he wasn't a little boy anymore. He would always be the immature, funny, loyal boy that Winnie had known and loved for years but something had changed in him. In a good way.

"Winnie, you there?"

"Oh, yeah! hey, I missed you this summer!"

Winona could feel Ginny's eyes burning into the back of her skull. 'What the hell.' Wins thought, 'Why am I tripping over my words? this is RON. It doesn't matter how much muscle or height or great hair or- STOP IT. Ron, bogey-picking, homework-cheating, immature, Ron.'

Winona had been so deep in thought that she hadn't even noticed the awkward silence that had seemed to drape itself over the lot. Ron broke up the silence and began to drone on and on and on about Romania and how he had "nearly gotten his arm torn off by a Norweigan ridgeback."

Winona. Well, Winnie, was never one to be confused with her emotions. However, she wasn't the best at expressing her emotions. But for one thing, she was sure, she was confused about Ron.

*ok so the first few chapters are going to be pretty short because my adhd cant handle super long chapters --- BUT once things rlly get going there will be long chapters etc etc

O Shush, RonaldWhere stories live. Discover now