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Winter break was approaching with great haste. Usually, Winona would spend the first half of the break with her parents and leave for the Weasleys on the 26th. Just in time for the new years eve pyrotechnics that the twins created so flawlessly year after year. However, this year had much uncertainty behind it. There was no bad blood between Ron or Winona any longer. Not that there ever was. Just distance. Ron had recently been very busy with the upkeep of his girlfriend, Lavender. Very busy. Luckily, Winona didn't have too much time to dwell on Ron. She was swamped in class work (especially in potions). But, that didn't keep her from mulling things over. A bit too often.

"Now, settle down, settle down," Slughorn boomed over the classes chatter, "today we will be examining three separate potions"

"Can anyone tell me what the names of these potions- ah yes Ms. Granger,"

"Well the first is veritaserum- a truth potion and in the middle, p-polyjuice potion,"

"Ah familiar with the brew are we?" Slughorn said in a surprised tone

"No, of course not" Hermione refuted hastily, "And lastly there is amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world, it is rumored to smell different to each subject. For example, I smell parchment and freshly mown grass and-" She had become enthralled with the scent, causing her to lose all sense of the world around her. Winona noticed Ron becoming equally enthralled with the scent.

'I wonder what he smells' she thought to herself. 'Probably Lavender'

"Right then, thank you very much, Ms. Granger." Slughorn stuttered out, realizing the effect the potion was taking on the students. The remainder of class was painfully frustrating. The task at hand was to brew a perfect cauldron of "Living death". While Winona had been partnered with Hermione, even she seemed a bit off her game.

"I'm following the instructions exactly why is it smoking? it shouldn't be smoking. Wins what are you doing, do something" Hermione said as she frantically stirred the cauldron in a clockwise motion.

"What if we just stirred counterclockwise it's working perfectly for Harry and Ron-"

"Why are you even looking over there? We should be focusing- and no. The instructions explicitly say to stir clockwise."

"Ok but-"

"No Winona I know what to do it's fine"

"Honestly 'Mione maybe you should listen to her" Ron said from across the table "I mean she has a point,"

"Since when do I need your advice in cla-" Hermione started, already in a sour mood from the failures of the day.

"Thanks, Ron," Winona said, a bit red in the face

Ron sent over a shy, yet knowing smile to reassure her. He was such a great guy.

In the end, it was Harry and Ron who achieved the best potion - as expected. Hermione had a tinge of mania in her eyes as she left the classroom. She had never really confronted her issue with failing at anything.

"She'll simmer down, you know," Ron said from behind Winona, making a clear effort to catch up with her as they walked through the halls.

"Oh I know, she just doesn't like losing. Me, her, and Ginny are meant to go into Hogsmeade soon, she just needs a break I suppose."

"O good, that'll be fun," Ron said, not showing much interest in the topic

"So what are you doing for break then?" Winona said, hoping to solidify any confusion she had on the topic.

"Hanging out with you like every other break for the last billion years"

"I'm staying at the burrow again?"

"I mean yes- why not?"

"Well I just thought Lavender might not appreciate- well, you know."

"Yeah I guess you're right, but it doesn't really matter what she thinks does it?"

"I mean it should if you're dating her" she was surprised by his blatant uncaring nature towards his girlfriend. It was a bit unsettling to see him so inconsiderate.

"No I know, it's just, she's a bit possessive you know-"

"Then maybe you shouldn't be dating her Ron."

He didn't respond for a few seconds, "Yeah"

"I mean, it's your life but this just doesn't seem like you. You should care about the people you're dating. I thought you knew that"

"You're making me feel like an asshole," Weasley said half-laughing, clearly embarrassed.

Winona smiled, "Tough love Weasley. Just talk to her, figure things out. If you don't like how she's treating you, talk to her. Because chances are, she's feeling the same way."

"Bloody hell, when did you get so smart?"

"Always have been Won Won"

He gave her a playful shove before he walked off to the Gryffindor common rooms. Winona then wandered over to the library to get in a quick session of light studying before heading to dinner in the great hall.


Hermione appeared to have fallen asleep in her potions book.

"O! O my god you scared me I was just- I was trying to do the potions- and the instructions-"

"I don't think I've ever seen someone in such desperate need of sleep"

"Ugh no, I can't I have so much work to do and-"

"Hermione get up we are going to your dorm so that you can sleep- you can study later"

"Nonononono can't we just go to the kitchens and get hot cocoa instead? I really don't want to take any kind of nap- I'll just wake up even more exhausted and I don't have time for that"

"Ok, if you insist" Winona excitedly pulled Hermione out of her chair and dragged her out of the library.

"Better?" Winona asked Hermione before taking a sip of hot chocolate.

"Much, I feel like I've missed so much over the past few months. I'm just so busy with my studies i-"

"Trust me, you've missed nothing important"

"Harry tells me something else," Hermione said smugly, sipping on her hot chocolate

"Really? And what would that be about?"

"Just some things about you, Ron, a rocky shoreline, maybe even a sunset and some deep conversations but I don't know-"

"O shut up that was nothing. He has a girlfriend, remember?"

"How could I forget - o wait, I can't because every time I walk into the common room I am greeted to the irritable tones of Lavender Brown. Now tell me what's going on between you two, and if you even try to say nothing- well I'll just know your lying."

"I have no idea what's going on. Like not even a bit. No idea whatsoever. I can never tell where I'm at with him anymore. It's all just so-"


"Yes, that. I'm pretty sure I'll be at the burrow for most of the break so I guess I'll have to figure out my brain by then. If I don't it will all be painfully awkward."

"Well, Ginny is probably thrilled to wingman the shit out of you. So you can look forward to that."

"I think we might need to give her a little shove too with a certain chosen one - it's only a little bit fucked up with the whole dating your brothers best friend"

"O he'll live. Besides, I've been thinking the same thing"

O Shush, RonaldWhere stories live. Discover now