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"Ok, what do we say when we walk in?" Winona said as she violently ran her fingers through her damp hair.

"What do you mean"

"Well they'll think something might have happened"

"Why would they think that?"

Winona went red in the face after realizing that the whole romantic aspect of falling asleep on a rocky shoreline in front of a sunset might not have crossed Ron's mind.

Ron read Winona's face and quickly refuted with "Winnie come on now, nobody would actually ever think that, it's impossible"

Right. Impossible. Goodie.

As the doors to the great hall flung open, all eyes whipped to Ron and Winona. Fred began to clap as George followed closely behind.

"Told you so"

Ron didn't have time to respond as Lavender Brown burst through the crowd (shoving past Winona).

"OmyWonWonareyoualrightimissedyousomuchodear" she began to violently kiss him, he still had not caught up with what was happening. The entire hall couldn't believe the course of events. Winona merely thought to herself

'that absolute lying asshole Ronald Weasley'

Winona looked around uncomfortably until she finally caught Ginny's eyes, staring her down.

"Right then, shows over," Ginny announced, as Winona was still caught in a bit of a trance.

In a second attempt to catch Winona's attention, Ginny spoke louder than before,

"Wins, come eat"

Finally, Winona came to a start as she shook her state of utter confusion and annoyance.

"Yeah, right, here I come" Ron was still being attacked by the mounds of curly honey brown hair, practically enveloped actually.

As Ginny and Winona sat down at the Gryffindor table, varnished with food, Winona couldn't help but look over to Ron and Lavender every five seconds. Just hoping that they had stopped eating each other's faces. Surprise, they had not.

"Planning on coming up for air anytime soon Won Won?" Ginny half yelled over to Ron.

At that, the pair finally ceased their obnoxious snog; much to Lavender's distaste.

"Shut up Ginny," Ron said, still red in the face from a mix of embarrassment and aggressive snogging.

As the rest of the group settled back into their chairs, attempting to ignore Lavender's incessant groping of Ron, Winona couldn't help but wonder what the fuck was going on. Was it not just an hour ago that she and Ron had been CUDDLING- well not cuddling but IN A CLOSE EMBRACE ON A ROCKY SHORE- I guess it wasn't that close of an embrace though-

"W- Winnie I really need your help with potions, could we go and study up for a while in the library?" Ron said as Lavender was still gnawing on his left ear. He was clearly embarrassed by the whole situation, practically begging for a way out.

Although the two had stopped, the image was still burned into Winnie's eyes.

"I've lost my appetite, I think" Winona announced as she lifted herself from the bench with great haste, leaving behind her untouched plate of food.

"Winnie-" Ron said, calling after her from his seat, Lavender STILL giggling obnoxiously in the background.

'What the ever-living FUCK' Winona thought to herself as she paced through the halls. She didn't even feel like crying (rare). She was too confused to cry. Like- huh- who- he just said Lavender wasn't his type, what is he thinking? She approached the Slytherin dorms with great haste, after all, she really did need to study for her potion quiz on Monday.

"amo" Winona announced towards the Slytherin dungeon doors. Her memory often failed her when it came to the common room passwords, but this one was inexplicably easy for her. As she entered the common room she immediately caught eyes with Pansy.

"Wins I haven't seen you in ages, midnight rendezvous eh?" Pansy said in a slightly demeaning tone.

"O shut up Pansy I don't want to hear it today"

"I was only joking, Wins," She now sounded a bit hurt. Pansy was a lot more sensitive than one would expect. "Tell me what's wrong"

"Honestly nothing is wrong, I'm not even sure why I'm mad-"

"Well you're mad so obviously something is wrong."

"Well done Sherlock" Right, sensitive, "Sorry, yes, you're right --- its Ron"

"Not Weaslebile, come on Wins you could do so much better-"

"I really couldn't Pans, he's really a nice guy and I've known him forever and he's gotten oddly attractive the ONE summer I'm not at the burrow and it was very unsettling when I first saw him back in august but now it's just different and-" Winona rambled on like this for about 3 more minutes until Pansy finally broke in to say,

"Winona where were you last night" Not that she really cared, this was just an attempt to prevent Winona from spiraling any further (she was prone to spiraling after all).

"Well, that's kind of what started all of this- I was with Ron."


"Pansy shush o my god"

"You banged Wallenby?! What the fuck Winona why didn't you tell me that ten minutes ago-"

"I DIDN'T BANG WALLENBY" Luckily, Blaise was the only other student in the common room, he clearly could care less about our drama.

"I didn't bang Ron"

"So what then? Intense grope? Maybe a little something something? Or was it-"

"There was no something something you dingus- we just went out by the lake and watched the sunset. And then fell asleep. This sounds unconvincing- nothing happened I can assure you."

"You make me vomit. A sunset? Let me guess, you woke up with your hands intertwined, all lovey-dovey."

"Well, not that exactly no-"

Pansy then put on a dramatic display of violent fake vomiting as Blaise looked at the pair judgmentally.

"What's the issue Blaisey-boo?" Pansy shouted over. He had reached peak annoyance/disinterest, finally evacuating the common room without a word.

"Prick," Pansy said with a signature eye roll to follow.

"Well, it all sounds pretty dreamy, what's got your tits in a twist now?"

"Well we walked into the Great Hall this morning and Lavender Brown ATTACKED his face. Like violently ate his face. It was- unsettling."

"Ok, so they kissed."

"Well no-"

"Winona, I love you, and I hate Wartybeats, but you aren't dating him. Why should he not be dating a girl who thinks he's hot? He needs to take advantage of this once in a blue moon opportunity cuz with that face I mean who in their right mind-"

"What the fuck Pansy that's like me saying that Draco can go and fuck whoever he wants even though you two have some kind of weird unspoken agreement about your relationship-"

"Do you two have an unspoken agreement?"

"I mean I guess not-"

"Have you ever flirted with him or told him how you feel about him"

"I mean no-"

"Ok then not same situation at all"


"Nope, not the same at all in any way. I love you. Get your shit together."

And with that, Pansy trotted out the common room, probably to go snog Draco. Fuck that. 

O Shush, RonaldWhere stories live. Discover now