10 Bakugo's POV

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"The fucking nerve of that guy. I can't believe I fell for him, I'm so stupid. His fucking dancing in the kitchen and kissing and just ugh!" I rant and Kirishima listens intently. "Here, keep ranting." He says and hands me a bowl of spicy food. "He saved my life and took care of me then made me fall for h-him, I-" crying breaks my voice and I turn away from Kirishima but he pulls me to his chest. "Cry it out, you can't bottle this up." He says gently and I cry while eating spicy chicken as he holds me. "Its okay, you'll have to see him in class tomorrow but I'll be right beside you. You can come to my room after school and you won't have to talk to him. I'll fix you dinner again, you can relax." He says softly and wipes the tears from my face. I eventually stop crying enough to finish my food as he holds me to his chest. He turns on a movie and I lean against him as I watch. I'm exhausted...

~Time Skip~

I'm gonna have to see him today, which is almost scary. Kirishima woke me up early and I got to cook us breakfast. We're at class perfectly on time and sit down, I talk to him and ignore Four Eyes, who I can feel staring at me. I try my best to ignore him and focus on Kirishima, who is aware of what I'm doing and giving me his full attention. I'm so glad he's my friend, even though me and Four Eyes weren't like crushing on each other or anything it still kinda hurt to see him kissing Pink Cheeks then looking up at me. I shake the thought from my head as Aizawa walks in.

~Time Skip~

I head straight to Kirishima's room after school. I can tell Four Eyes wants to talk to me but I'm not in the mood and Kiri understands. We watch more movies and talk about how sucky feelings are then he cooks dinner and brings it back. "Bakugo, I think Uraraka kissed him. And he kinda froze then looked at you because he knew you'd feel betrayed. Maybe it was an accident." He says and I slowly consider it. Either he was playing with my feelings and knew what he did or it wasn't supposed to happen.

He looked so panicked and worried when he looked up, maybe Kirishima's right. I nod slowly before looking up at him. "You could be right, but I'll finish dinner before I go and talk to him." I say and he grins. "I honestly just want you to be happy. Whatever you decide, I'll be right here with you." He says brightly and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Bucket of rainbows and friendship, what is this My Little Pony?" I say and he laughs. "Good to have you back." He teases and I huff but smile. I grab my dishes and get up but he stops me. "I'll get the dishes, go get 'em." He says and I laugh even though I'm nervous. I wave them leave and go to find Iida. I knock on his door gently and he jerks it open. "Uraraka for the LAST time, I- K-Katsuki?" He stutters and I roll my eyes. "No, its the fucking League of Villains. You gonna let me in or stand there like an idiot?" I snap, a bit more harsh than I intended. He steps to the side and allows me in his room before I turn to him.

"I'm going to explain to you what happened from my perspective. Pink Cheeks kissed you, you kissed back then pulled away and looked at me." I say quickly, getting it over with. He frowns and shakes his head. "I didn't kiss back, I didn't want it. I froze, I knew you'd be upset and I panicked a little. I was going to kiss you." He says and says the last part quietly. I could grin, Shitty Hair gets it right sometimes. "Huh, so Kirishima was right." I comment and he looks at me in surprise. "Kirishima was vouching for me?" He asks and I can tell he's shocked. "Yeah, why?" I ask and he shakss his head softly. "The other day in the hall I thought he was about to beat me up." He says and I laugh. "Probably would've." I comment and Tenya smiles. "Back to normal?" He asks and I nod. He walks a little closer to me and leans down, kissing my cheek just beside my lips. I'm not having it and grab his chin, kissing him gently. He easily dominates it and I allow it. He wraps his arms around me tightly and I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

We eventually pull away and he leans his forehead on mine. "Its good to have you back." He says softly and I smile. He dips down to kiss me again and I kiss back softly. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He puts me down on the counter and I pull him tight to me. He eventually pulls away to kiss my neck and I lean my head to the side for him before hugging him tightly. He hugs me back and buries his head in the crook of my neck.

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