Chapter 1

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"Congratulations, Congratulations Rebecca." Her eyes were buried on the soft fabric of her aunt's, Jessica's, short-sleeved purple blouse in embarrassment.

"Congratulations Rebecca," Chase's rough and husky voice called from behind her. Pulling her away from her aunt before hugging her tightly to him.

She had finally got into her dream university after months of studying and practicing. Getting straight A's wouldn't have been possible if she hadn't decided to move in with her heavily pregnant aunt for the duration of her exams. Plus her aunt's house was much closer to the exam halls.

"OMG, Chase you're suffocating me." Chase smiled, ruffling her perfectly gelled afro hair, that took her an hour to untangle and gel to her taste.

She looked back down at the paper once more, with a loud smile on her face as she reads aloud... "your application to study a National Diploma in nursing as been accepted..." She'd always wanted to be a nurse. Preventing the death of pregnant women like her aunt and mum was her goal. Living in a world were only special women called breeders can carry a pregnancy to full term was like living in hell, since doctors usually fail in giving them adequate attention as it's assumed that they can handle the pain of birth since their bodies were specifically designed to carry babies, which only leads to the death of more breeders and depression in the world's birth rate. But now she had a chance, a chance to impact her world and she wasn't going to let anything get in the way of her goals.

She looked up into the air, watching as her aunt sat down on the couch with the assistance of her mate, Chase. A blonde-haired man, with an adam's apple and voice as husky as a rusted car engine with little fuel. Chase was a chilled, happy man with a smile to die for. He rarely ever gets angry but what's even rarer to Rebecca's sight is how he treats his mate like she was an egg, as though even the slightest touch from anyone could make her break, and no, it wasn't because she was heavily pregnant but that's how their relationship had always been. She envied that, wishing every day that her father and mother could one day rekindle the love they once had for each other. She hated the everyday fights, the bad energy that emulates the house rimming into her like she was nothing, she hated everything really, the lack of peace at the house, and how nonchalant her father was to how much he was hurting his mate with his words and actions.

She shook off the bad feeling that crept through her, and a sad smile washed over her face as she said, "I need to show my mother," her mum was her strength after all, who else does she have other than her? Even though her father sang to the idea that none of his children will one day speak anything good of him. She still loved him but not with how malevolent he makes himself to be.

"I can drive you home, it's getting late outside." Rebecca shook her head, remembering that she still had to tell her boyfriend the news.

"No, I'll walk or run." She insisted, but Chase grabbed her by her arm, grabbing his car keys from the table right in the middle of the cream-colored couch that was set into a circle with small spaces between each couch for one to pass through. "Seriously Chase? I can run home, it's no big fact, my wolf needs the run." She heard her aunt's laughter as she was pulled out of their front door...but as soon as she was out of the door she understood why he insisted on taking her home.

The streets were so quiet, with only the street lamps talking. It was quite cold too and the nearby forests wheeze to the wind. Rebecca held herself tightly, groaning as she ran towards the car before Chase could reach it himself, hearing him chuckle as he opened the doors with the key in his hand a breath of relief escaped her lips as the warmth gushed into her system. The streets were becoming quieter and quieter by the minutes, and all due to reports about a rise in the killings of men mated to breeders.

Since usually, breeders are collected and used to breed until they turned to the age of menopause, but the sad truth was, not only werewolves were taken as breeders but also humans who are believed to still be fertile are gathered and made to incubate children for werewolves. There are only two hundred thousand humans left in the world, and sure enough, the only reason she wasn't taken among other breeders was that her mother gave birth to her in their basement. The clothes she wore and the food she ate were all produced by her mother.

By the time they arrived at her father's house, she was already fully relaxed in the car and didn't feel like getting off it, "say Hi to your parents for me." Chase said waving at her with a smile on his face as he reversed the car. Rebecca held herself tightly, feeling the cold seep into her she quickly ran towards their front door, where she could already hear the sound of her father's base voice shouting incoherently; changing her mood as she turned the doorknob.

"... No she is not." She heard her pregnant mother say before she looked her way, along with two of her siblings who were both sitting quietly on the couch.

"Did you bring your clothes with you?" Her father asked with a glare that reminded her that she was worth nothing.

"No," the word barely came out as a whisper but she knew he heard her.

"First thing tomorrow you'll go back to your aunt's place, grab all your thing,s and prepare to be taken to your new home."

"What new home?" Her wolf snarled, with eyes bulging as she watched the back of her father retire towards his shared room.

Rebecca stood steely as her brain feeds her scenarios of her supposed new home. She was still holding her acceptance letter in her right hands as she watched her mother quickly race towards her.

"Your father lost a bet at the casino today, and in exchange for all his debt at the casino he'll have to give you up or they'll kill all of us." Her mother said, pulling at her legs as she slides down to the ground, crying. "I told him that I wouldn't let that happen, but I don't know what to do..."

"I'll do it,"

"What?" Both her ten-year-old brothers exclaimed along with her mum.

"I'll do it," she repeated, feeling her mother climb up her leg to look up into her eyes.

"Do you know what they do to breeders?"

"Yes I do, mother."

"No, you don't!" Her mother slapped her cheeks as she cried, hugging her. "Why don't you run, run away from here. Don't send any letters just go."

"No mummy, what about you and my brothers? They could come here to kill you, there is no way I'd be able to leave with myself after that." Their house wasn't much, it was an unfinished building their father was somehow able to build during his youth but the house served as their hiding spot.

Rebecca pulled away from her mother's embrace, walking into the room she shared with her twin brothers with tears running down her face. She spreads the sheet she was holding with blurry eyes, trying her best to read it again maybe it would make her happy but she just couldn't take it, not anymore. So, she tore it in half, placing both halves together as she tore another half from the half before squeezing the paper out of anger, throwing it under her bed.

Day 1: 1337 words

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