Chapter 5

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Rebecca stared lovingly at the match of brown and green paint the living room was painted in, it had an island that rested on the wall towards the North of the house. A dining table was placed at her left-hand side with six chairs set across the table.

Not wanting to look too dump or surprised in front them, Rebecca looked into Luke's steely eyes as they watched her quietly, "why are you here? I thought we left you at your office," she asked with a shrug.

He huffed at the surprised look on her face, taking one step down the stairs he was on. "This is my house? What are you trying to insinuate?" He cocked his head upwards with his hands dogged into his blue jean pockets as he asked.

"Well, it's just that... nothing." She decided to keep quiet before her rumbling gets her into any type of trouble, but she was still curious to know how he got there so fast when they left him at the office and rode to the house for about thirty or so minutes.

"Follow me," he called for her as he stood in the middle of the stairway that led to an artic. Rebecca and the guards slowly followed after him when they stopped after getting into its chilled furnace.

The artic was quite big, it had a lot of cardboard boxes aligned against the walls of it but moreover, it was his wife's pictures on every little piece of the wall that caught her attention. His wife must have really loved taking pictures, she thought.

Feeling a heated gaze on her, she quickly took her eyes off the room and stared at Luke who stood with his head cocked back watching her critically. "Why am I here?" He didn't answer, just simply walked over to one of the large boxes standing against the walls, taking out a picture frame.

"Leave us alone," the guards turned around at his command, climbing down the stairs in minutes before retracting the stairs up as the stairs folded into the plank would that now covered the square hole thus locking the only way out of the artic. "This was my wife's picture when she was pregnant with our first child," his voice was calm and chilled as he sat with his legs parted on top of the carton box he had walked up to, holding the picture in his hands. "She was so excited about their birth that when she was told that the child had died in her womb it broke her to pieces," he looked up into her eyes as she remained standing on her spot. "She was a breeder like you,'re much luckier than she was."

She stared at him in confusion taking in what he'd said, his eyes were slowly becoming cloudy as he held her gaze. "She was given birth to by a breeder and after her birth, it was determined that she was also a breeder as well and as such she was held captive by the organization that bred her. So, instead of auctioning her like the rest she was groomed as an egg donor and from her twelfth birthday after she became a woman her eggs were harvested for other breeders to carry and somehow that ended up destroying her womb. So, after we found out about the state of her womb we also found out that she had few fertile eggs left and those were frozen for a surrogate to help carry them. We initially had thirteen fertile eggs to which we searched for a suitable carrier to carry but we lost seven of them as the bodies of the carriers we found rejected the eggs." He said as he continued staring into her eyes, Rebecca's lips parted as a question sulked in her mind.

"You're the only hope I have in carrying the remaining six children," he suddenly rose up on his feet, taking measured steps towards her. "I'm willing to do anything if you'll carry the six remaining eggs for me, I know what I did to you and your family was bad... but I was desperate and still am." He came to a stop in front of her, holding her still by her shoulders. "I know that your parents had kept you hidden from the world and no one knew about your existence until two years ago, so since you've never been experimented on I think that your body would be the perfect fit for my children. I'd promised their mother before she died that I'd find the perfect breeder for them, until now, I don't think that I have ever been so sure about a breeder being able to successfully carry them."

His eyes were filled with emotions unspoken, as he cupped her neck with both his hands. He was staring into hers, his height much taller than anyone she's had the honor of standing close to, she barely reaches his chest in height yet he still arched his back and paid her such close attention that she felt suffocated by just the scent of cigarette drilling into her nostril. "I'm willing to do anything if you'll say yes to my proposal and accept to carry them for me." She pulled back away from him, feeling that he was too close to her for comfort. "I could be your one and only alpha, I could be your protection and your shoulder to cry on. I can protect you from being taken by organizations that capture breeders, I can provide for you the life you never had in your father's house." He said, approaching her as she descended away from him. Hitting her back against the wall he was only inches away from her.

"Why can't you eradicate all those organizations that keep breeders away from their society and mate? Yes, if I was to accept your proposal and agree to you being my mate then what about my real mate? What do you expect me to tell him?" She asked the one question that has been boiling her heart. Her boyfriend might not have been her mate but he was the reason why she got her identity documents two years ago, since she started going to school her father had only a fake birth certificate to use in the registration process but when it came to getting into a university, you need to have your pack given identity document in other to be given a chance to write the entrance exams; to which she had written twice already, one the year before and the second one in that year, to which the only reason she had to take the exam again was that the marks she got the first time weren't as desirable as the one she got the second time... after much dedication.

But she also knew that her demand was unrealistic, the organizations were created to grow the world's population back to the seven billion people it once used to be. After Earth lost over half it's population due to a biological bomb that killed it's people and mutated most of the females' genes much so that they weren't capable of conceiving. The people considered as breeders were only normal women who still had the ability to procreate but even they were exposed to the explosion so they still create barren female children who can either have children by going to an auction to get one or if a fertilized egg of another woman was implanted into their uterus.

She stared on at Luke as he looked surprised by her outburst, "I'll be your breeder," she finally said, though she felt easy and unable to say no to things that weighed too much on her, "but first you have to sincerely quit smoking for a month and if you're able to do that then you have to promise me that you'll remain clean even after the child is born." Luke jumped on her, lifting her up into the air with a loud smile on his face, he turned her around in circles before finally squashing her into a hug. She must admit that his arms felt warm to be in, it wrapped around her wholly.

"Thank you for accepting, I'll hold you to the deal." He released her with bubbly eyes as he smiled triumphantly.

Though he seemed enthusiastic to quit smoking, considering how he was smoking the cigarette a few hours ago, she was very sure that it was not going to be an easy task to simply stop it. But somehow she found herself swelling up with pride at his happiness because she knew that she'd judged him earlier before listening to his side of the story, she'd used her bitterness over her father's addiction to judge him even though they were different people but even still her father wasn't all that bad he still had days where he would be overjoyed and would go to the mall to buy things for them that he knew they was just...the bad side to his addiction overshadowed the good sides to him and she does hope that Luke decides to change and be the best he can be for his children and not let something as small as a cigarette shorten his life span.

Day 5: 1562

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THE BREEDER'S CHARM has been published on Amazon, if you want the full 50 chapters you can get the ebook on Amazon. Link is in my bio.

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