Chapter 4

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After their discussion, Rebecca decided that it was best to just remain humble and see what happens. If her current situation was fated, it was only just the beginning and there was definitely a long way for her to go to. She was happy though, about one fact in particular which was the fact that the embryos will be implanted into her and she didn't have to sleep with anybody in other to get pregnant for him. Not that she would anyway, she had promised her mother that she wouldn't allow any man to see her nakedness until she's achieved all her dreams and had made it in life; well, well enough to be independent and not dependent on a man for measly needs.

There was so much going through her head at that moment, but one thing that was certain was that she had faith that her current situation would pass and she would come out of it triumphantly.

Luke had told her to get ready for a checkup with his gynecologist the following day; something about checking if she was compatible to be his breeder and capable of carrying the pregnancy to full term without complications which were cool with her. Considering how he had spoken to her, she felt as if most of his words were because he was high and wasn't thinking rationally, so she was willing to give him a try and wait to confirm a few things before she would start plotting her great escape

She was being driven to the house that she would be sharing with the alpha by the same driver that drove her from her house with two of the ten buffed men on either side of her as though caging her in after placing the car on child lock.

Both of the men were both bald and warrior sized wolves, they both wore an angry look on their faces which made the road trip feel scarlet crazy, accelerating her heart's beating rate. Luke had introduced them as her guards, they would be staying with her at the house at all times and follow her to the hospital if she needed to be checked and he wasn't around to avail himself.

The man sitting to her right was called Cole, he had a straight long pointed nose with dark blue eyes that would've been considered black if she hadn't caught his gaze a few times as she stared at his physique. The other man sitting to her left was named Jason, he was dark-skinned with a round head and a little bump that looked like a boil at the back of his head. He had brown eyes typically and a slightly flat nose, but he also seemed to mind his business a lot and hadn't even tried to stare back at her as she stared at him. Both guards were young-looking plus handsome and both looked to be unmated since they don't have a mark on them or any female's scent.

When they arrived at the house she noticed how normal-sized the alpha's house was, it was a one-story building that was built with red bricks and left unpainted but looked classy with the door length mirror on either side of the house, probably to give whoever's inside a view of the outside. The house was also covered by the forest, so there won't be any difficulties shifting there.

The driver opened the main door of the house for her and the guards to walk in after him. By the time she stepped on the hard red rug on the floor, she was faced with the image of Luke's mate hanging and facing directly at the door. She wore a beautiful smile on her face as she said crisscrossed on the grass while holding an unfinished sandwich in her hand. "Remove your shoes," the driver said, and they all complied taking off their shoes beside the door where Rebecca's hands had plastered itself on the wall to give her extra support as she removed her black flat heel shoe. When her fingers grazed against something she looked up as her picture stood again against the wall but this time it was a small square picture frame that captured her bright smile with her hair flying unto Luke's face as he tried to shield the brunette's hair from his eyes.

His wife was beautiful and humble, she was always so concerned about their community much so that she wasn't a rare face among them. She was a joy to be around and loved giving to the needy. Rebecca remembered the countless times when her mother would coerce her into going to the third street from their house -- to collect whatever the Luna was giving out that month because she couldn't go out and leave the twins with Rebecca alone.

Sometimes, when she went there to the stands, some of the adults giving the gifts to the people would shorn her away and ask for her mother or father to come to fetch the goods while some other times it was simply because what the Luna had packaged for the pack members were simply too heavy for a teen her age and size to carry, but the Luna was always so quick to jump in and assist her by either giving her the package or calling someone to help carry it for her home.

When the Luna's death was announced, the whole pack went into mourning for a week. She could still remember that day like the back of her hand when her mother had suddenly screamed mournfully and in shock, she ran from her room to the living area just to see the breaking news on the TV. From the moment her death was announced they stopped receiving free food and blankets from anyone.

After removing their shoes at the door side, the sound of footsteps pounding from somewhere caught all their attention as the guards moved to stand protectively in front of her. The footsteps halted and a sigh of relief left their lips bit was quickly replaced with shock because Luke had said that there was no one in the house yet he was standing before them. "You're home." He announced flatly as there walked further in from the corridor.

Day 4: 1055

Had a long day and sorry for the short chapter, thanks for reading, voting and commenting I really appreciate it.

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