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Sunlight seeped in through the blinds of Erik's bedroom window. He felt the spot next to him and quickly realized Christine wasn't there. His eyes shot open, and he noticed a small, white notecard laying in his angel's spot. He picked it up and read it over.

"Made breakfast for you... You're gonna love it!


He slowly got out of bed and trudged to the kitchen. He smiled sleepily when he saw Christine. She was taking some kind of cake out of the oven. She set it down on a countertop, turned around, and noticed a shirtless Erik staring at her.

"G-Good morning, my love!" She chirped, a bit flustered at the fact that his torso was bare.

Erik approached her, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her forehead. She giggled.



"Look at the table."

Erik's head snapped to the kitchen table, which was covered in dishes all made with one main ingredient: Nutella. Erik absolutely adored Nutella. (But not as much as he adored Christine)

"Well? What do you think?" Christine asked eagerly.

"Mon ange... I am speechless! All I can say is, thank you so very much!"

"You're welcome! I knew you'd like it!" Christine said as she lead Erik to the table.

He was about to take a bite of Nutella crepe, when Christine stopped him.

"We pray first, remember?"

Erik nodded, grabbed Christine's hand, and closed his eyes. After about 30 seconds, he opened them. He began eating after Christine sang the word, "Amen!"

Erik dug into the various dishes prepared for him as Christine stood from the table. She walked over to the cake she had taken out of the oven earlier. She removed a jar of Nutella from the pantry and an icing spatula from a drawer. The cake was soon covered in Nutella.
Erik was almost finished with the Nutella french toast he was eating when Christine approached the table with a delicious looking cake on a plate. She smiled as she set it down near him and sat down in the seat next to him. After only 2 minutes, half of the cake was gone.

"I sincerely apologize for not asking this earlier, but.. Would you like some cake?" Erik asked, Nutella all over his mouth.

"Only on one condition." Christine responded.

"And what would that be, my dear?"

"...You have to feed it to me!"

Erik chuckled and cut a large piece out of the cake. He got a bite onto his fork and held it near her lips. She tried to eat it, but Erik pulled the fork away to taunt her. She pouted, and the cake neared her mouth once again. She gave Erik a look that said,

"No more taunting. I want cake."

Erik smiled and nodded. Christine took the bite from the fork. She grinned up at him, asking for more.
And so, Erik fed Christine the piece of Nutella cake, teasing her every once in a while. She sighed contently when the plate was empty.

"My dear, thank you so much for this wonderful breakfast. You are amazing." Erik said before gently pressing his lips to hers.

"My pleasure. I love to cook!" Christine replied after they had separated.

Suddenly, Erik stood up, pulling Christine with him. Once they were standing, he picked her up bridal style and brought her to the couch in the living room. He sat down and held her tightly in his arms.

"My angel... I love you so much..." He murmured.

"But not as much as I love you." She said in a quiet voice.

Erik pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head and began stroking her curls. The couple stayed like that the entire morning, Christine relaxing in Erik's loving arms while he stroked her hair.

The End.

Breakfast (A POTO One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now