Chapter 17

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When it gets real

Just know that i'll be there

I got your back, like it's just you

and me here

I'll throw a wall for you,

let them bring in

I'll take on the world for you,


believe it. -Lighthouse by G.R.L (In memory and honour of Simone Battle 1989-2014)


In a matter of minutes my amazing, glorious nutella pancakes made there appearance in my hospital room. I grinned at them being placed on my lap and said a "thank you" to the lady at the front counter. Okay instead of calling her "the lady at the front counter" her name is actually Rose. She's really nice and I am glad I didn't have a bitch give me my food. They could have poisoned it and then try to feed it to me. Not a lot of doctors like me so she is the first to actually be nice towards me. As I stuffed my face with my pancakes, I heard yelling and screaming down the hallway. It was Rose and it sounded like.. Luke. I moved my pancakes and got off the bed as quick as I could and ran to the hallway. Rose is yelling at Luke that he is not aloud in the hospital for many reasons but he apparently has been drinking. He also had blood down the side of his face. "Rose!" I tried to get her attention but failed. "ROSE!" okay that got her attention. She turned around with an unread expression and stared at me. "He's with me." I say as I look at Luke. Rose was about to protest when Luke walked passed her and started walking towards me. I grabbed onto his hand and pulled him inside my hospital room and sat him in the guest chair. I looked at him with sadness. I have never in my life seen him drunk or with blood down his face. I walked to the bathroom and grabbed a hand towel and wet it a little. I find a first aid kit in one of the cabnets in the bathroom near the extra towels and toilet paper. I walked back to where I sat Luke and sit on the edge of the hospital bed. His head was down as though he was thinking but also looking in his lap. I lifted his chin up and his eyes were open slightly. "God Luke what did you get yourself into" I whisper as I softly dab on his face to get the blood off.

After 40 minutes of cleaning Luke's face and giving him water to sober up. I was starting to feel tired. I looked at what was left of my pancakes which was half of one and looked at Luke. He's starting to sober up. I grabbed what was left of the pancake and started cutting it up in little pieces. I grabbed the fork and faced him. He's starring at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact with me. I sign. He really is beating himself for everything. "Luke" I say trying to get him to look at me. Atempted 1, fail 1. "Luke, I am not asking for an explanation on how you got drunk or how blood was down the side of your face and on your shirt. All I am asking is for you do eat because if you don't I'll forcefully feed you myself." Luke looked at me and then the floor again. I groaned. That is it. It's taken 40 minutes to get him to talk and eat. I'll make him eat alright. I put the pancakes on the little table next to Luke and sat on his lap so I was facing his chest. He looked a little suprised by my actions because now he is actually looking at me. I grabbed his chin and kissed his forehead and pulled away. "What was that for?" Luke asked with confusion as he starred at me. "It was for actually coming back" I said as I looked into his eyes and got off his lap. "Now can you please eat. I don't want you starving yourself or beating yourself up." and with that he actually started eating the rest of my pancakes which are now cold. Thank fricken time.


I woke up hearing snoring beside my bed. I looked over and yep Luke. I smiled at his sleeping face until I heard my phone go off. I tired getting untangled from the bed covers without waking Luke which unfortunately didn't work very well. Luke heard my phone go off so he quickly walked to where my phone was charging and handed it to me. I sit up on the bed and said a "thanks" to Luke and answered the phone, not even bothering to check who it is. "Hello?" I say into my phone. Luke was looking at me as I spoke into the phone. "Hey Hope! It's Natalie. I'm getting married!" I looked at Luke and mouthed 'What the fk.' "Natalie where the hell are you?! I have tried to call you so many times and so has Drew." I was getting a little annoyed. She isn't here, she never comes when our family is falling apart. "I'm in Bali with my boyfriend! I didn't want to tell you guys because I thought it would be an awesome suprise that I am getting married." Oh thats it. "Oh well it's a great fuckin suprise Natalie. I'm in hospital and is also pregnant and Mum's in a comar!" I try to contain myself. "NEVER EVER COME BACK. You have never been here for us. Have your amazing mariage." and with that I hung up and looked at Luke. Last night Luke and I talked for hours and we forgave eachother and now are on the same page on our relationship.

"What now?" Luke asks me. "Now I am going to pray my little heart out that my mother gets out of her comar. I am going to give birth to our child and I am going to raise it." I looked at him. "Will you raise our child with me?"

"Of course." Luke says as he kisses my cheek. "I know I acted like an asshole yesterday but I will never ever leave your side Hope."


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