Two days ago.....

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Hey guys I'm just letting yous know this is kinda my first book  and it might be a bit doggy.So please don't judge and don't forget to vote if you likey.


Two Days ago......

"Ash get down here now...School is about to start" dad yelled threw the house.I looked to the right to and see my alarm which was in fact a lot of money and isn't working.

"Ash don't make me come up there" He called from the bottom of the steps.I rolled out of bed and started walking to my room bathroom.I washed my face to wake me up and whipped it.I put my hair up in a messing bun and my bangs to the side of my face and hurried down stairs.As I got to the top of the stairs dad wasn't their.

"Dad" I said calmly

"In the kitchen sweety" He replied

I got into the kitchen and he was standing their facing me with a pan that had an egg in it.

"Is that for me" I said opening the fridge with a confused look on my face.He didn't answer.

" to dad" I protested while grabbing orange juice out of the fridge and leaning on the counter behind me.

"Come on dad" I said with worried on my voice.

Then out of no where he drops to the floor and I'm covering my mouth with my free hand.Tears are coming in seconds.What happened to him.I was staring at his body that felt like forever bit must have only been a couple of seconds.I looked at where he was standing and I couldn't believe it.It was like a wolf standing on his back legs but also like a man.It had a angry face with blue eyes,facial hair and sharp claws.I started screaming my lungs out and running towards the door and I grabring my keys on the way out and ran towards my car.I could hear it puffing behind me then I hear nothing.I jumped in the car and put the keys in.I looked around  for any signed of it but it was silent.All of a sudden it jumps on top of the car and shakes it.I smashs the Window next to me but grabs the key.I crawl to the back of the car and the opposite side if the smashed window and brace myself.The wolf walks ever so slowly at the front of the car and towards the door near me.It rips the door open with no trouble and I let a scream of terror and try to crawl to the other side.He grabs me by the navy blue jumper I'm wearing and me jerks back.As he does that, I fling out and land on the ground of tiny rocks.I feel like hell and I'm bleeding on my forehead.I try to crawl towards my front door of the house when he turns me over but he pull his arm but ready to slice my throat and I Scream.


"Ahhhhh" I scream while I jerk my body up.

"Ash get down here now...School is about to start" dad yelled threw the house. I looked around with a worried face and jumped out of my bed.I grabbed the baseball bat at the side of my bed and slowly walked to my door.

"Ash don't make me come up there" He called from the bottom of the steps.I looked outside my door and the steps are right outside to the left.I peek once and then again.I walked to the top of the stairs and just stand there.

"Dad what year I was born" I asked

"What are you talking about sweety.come down stairs" He replied.

"just answer the question " I said back quickly.

He let's out a hmmm and and answers "16th of July....why did you forget" He said with a little laugh at the end.I thought it was just a dream and I'm over reacting so I went down stairs but still brought the bat with me.I walked into the kitchen and seen dad with an fry pan with eggs in it.I grasp.

"Turn around" I said holding the bat tighter.

"What " He said back with a confused look

"PLEASE I love you and just do it" I said back.I got ready for dad to fall and an hideous monster but there was nothing.I let down the bat beside the bin and hugged him.

"Is everything alright kiddo" He asked

"Yeah I'm fine" I said digging my face in his chest while he pats my head.He release me and gives me my egg.I take it and an orange juice out of the fridge and sit down on the table.Our table is a little bit old because it was my mums dad.I still miss her.She was gone for about a year now and it hasn't been the same since.Mum died of an animal attack but no one found the body because it went down a waterfull the last time someone seen it.I still wonder if she is still alive but it is a pretty big waterfall with rocks at the bottom.It was the saddest day of my life.Being told that your mum is dead while getting dumped on the same day.I have an an ilder sister and i twin but year they are gone.My sister went to college and brother left to live with my  bibbi and bullo and all I got is dad and I'm not looseing him either.I have had nightmares since that happened with mum but never told dad about it because he had it worst then me.Some times I feel like I'm the adult.I like it with my dad because we're both quit people and we don't do much.To be honest I think he is still upset about the Animal who killed mum.

Dad broke the silence"look you don't have to go school if you don't feel like it" and I just hummed in agreement.

I finished my breakfast fast and went upstairs to get changed, Dad got a new job with an old friend from Beacon Hills in California.I wasn't excited about it but my mum died here so I think this move is for both of us.I got to my room and went for a warm shower.I brushed my long wavy hair and put it in a pony tail with my bangs on the side of my face and a red ribbon. I had nearly everything packed and had to sleep in a camping bed cause everything else is in a removal truck.I packed a bag with everything I'll need for today.I was wearing  a marron dress that falls just before my knees,a leather jacket, a long neckalace with an gold owl and short black boots.I just finished brushing my teeth when I heard the door bell ring.I got to the door when it was Jamie.

"So your really going" He said with a sad expression.

"Cheer up I won't forget you who could"

"Well I'm just going to take that as a compliment and today is your last day so I'm just going to hang out till you go" He said

"Okay" I replied.

A couple of hours later and dad was finished the last shift of his job.

"Hey Jamie"he said with a smile.

"Hey Mr-" He said but was interrupted by dad.

"Ah ah ah you could call me Josh cause I'm not the cherif anymore"

"Okay Josh"

"Do you know what Ashley did to me this morning" said  dad telling him the story.Jamie had a grin and looked at me like he was enjoying this.

"Then she tightnen her grip ready tI smash me with it and then see didn't...Thank god"

"I always knew she was crazy" Jamie said looking at me but I just rolled my eyes.

"Whatever I'm going to do something productive unlike yous two" I say and walked out.

Me and Jamie was friends since I was 8 and he was 9.Him and his family moved in and we had a dinner together and was best friends ever since.

"I still can't believe your moving, brat"

"Same jerk" we say joking .I hugged him and was off on the road to Beacon Hills.

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