Adopted (preview chapter)

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It was the day after Voldermort's fall from power, the day after the boy who lived survived a killing curse from the Dark Lord. Molly and Arthur Weasley were celebrating the end of the dark days with their children, when suddenly a man appeared in the front yard of "The Burrow". The man was tall and, by the looks of his long silver beard, also very old. His bright blue eyes were sparkling behind his half moon spectacles.

The man walked up to the front door and knocked. After a minute or so the door was opened by Molly Weasley. "Albus! Come in! Come in!" Even though she was surprised by the sudden appearance of her former headmaster she welcomed him warmly.

"Molly, as much as I wish to celebrate with you and your family, I have an important matter which I have to discuss with you and Arthur." Molly was confused, very confused, but started to usher her children upstairs. She gestured for Dumbledore to take a seat on the table and called her husband.

After the three adults were seated Dumbledore spoke up "This is Isabella McKinnon Black, daughter of Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon, as you already know that Marlene died in a fight with some death eaters and Black was taken to Azkaban, the child has found herself quite parentless." It was now that the other two noticed the bundle in Dumbledore's hands. "As the girl's godfather, Remus Lupin, cannot take her in due to his lycanthropy and Andromeda is in shock from the news about what Sirius did, I would trust none other than the two of you to raise her like your own." Dumbledore continued.

There was a little silence then Molly stretched out her hands and Dumbledore handed her the little baby girl. Molly looked at the girl and the little baby looked back up at her with curiosity in her eyes. Molly immediately fell in love with the baby's soft brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She passed her to Arthur who started to sway the girl after she was handed to him. The baby fell asleep within a few minutes.

That night when Isabella McKinnon Black fell asleep in Arthur's arms she didn't wake up as Isabella McKinnon Black in the morning but instead as Isabella Weasley.....

Author's Note: Guys so I am finally republishing this book! I have done a bit of minor editing and changed the name of my OC. Well anyway, vote if you like the book and please give me reviews in the comment section. It will help a lot in improving my writing skills. Thanks for reading!

lots of love


Murderer's Daughter?( A Sirius Black daughter fanfiction)(Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now