Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I shift myself to my ship with my celestial abilities. I must hurry and inform the council that I have found my mate. The solstice is approaching soon, by my calculation, I've got a few weeks to convince Shadow that she is mine.

I tap into the council communications line and hope for a reply.

The council is made up of twelve supreme beings or SBC. Each represents the original species of each alien race. They are very ancient and very powerful and could be considered Gods. They rule over all and their word is the utmost law in the entire universe.

Burgess fills the screen, he is a large nine foot reptilian and supreme member.

"Halo Ronin, what has you so giddy?"

Ronin smiles, "She has been found."

Burgess scowls while watching me.

"I've found my mate Burgess."

"I heard you Ronin. Is she a celestial? Your fade will still progress and you won't be accepted to the supreme beings council otherwise."

Ronin frowns, remembering that one rule the supreme beings had stated, is that my mate must be celestial or my fade won't stop and admittance to the SBC would be rejected. Ronin rubs his eyes and sighs,

"She is not celestial, but she is a multi rebirther so it's possible she could do a celestial rebirth in my pod."

"It must take place soon, we will send a representative to witness the outcome," Burgess forcefully growls.

"She also can't be marked as your mate until it is done," Burgess added.

"Yes, I'm aware of that Burgess. I'm also hoping her soul will be able to control the darkness that comes with using my celestial pod, she has to be able to balance the light and dark. It would take a powerful being to be able to handle the experience."

I hope Shadow has what it takes and will accept me before the fade, I bid goodbye to Burgess and lean back in my chair.

My mind drifts to the small white haired woman with light purple eyes. She was very beautiful. I'm grinning like a fool remembering our encounter, my soul brightening with each detail. I have to see her again and soon, she definitely keeps the darkness at bay.

I must have fallen asleep, I awaken to the sound of an alarm. The red flash of the outside monitor blinking, meaning someone was outside my ship. I click the camera on. My eyes grow large at the image before me. Shadow is waving my coat in her outstretched arm. I grin at my dumb luck.

I run my hands through my hair and down my wrinkled shirt to look presentable before shifting to the entrance. I open the hatch and watch as Shadow slowly approaches. I can tell her nerves are starting to bother her again. Little does she know it's a clear indication that she's near her mate.

Shadow is scowling and tense. She appears nervous.

"Hello again Ronin," she stammers while lifting my jacket to me. "You left this behind."

I don't make a move to take it, instead I wave my arm towards the inside of my ship.

"Please come in, and thank you for returning this."

She pauses, clearly thinking if entering is a wise choice. I offer her my hand and she timidly places hers in mine. I can see relief and confusion cloud her face.

"Why does it hurt to be near you but, when there's physical contact the pain fades," Shadow mumbles, looking at me in awe.

I give her a sideways glance and smile as I lead her to the lounge area of my ship.

The talk

I can't believe I've come to Ronin, finding his jacket was an easy excuse to come.

I'm sure he would have returned to the outpost to get it himself, right?

My nerves were humming as I got closer to his ship. When the hatch opened and he stood there I felt like I was getting electrocuted. It was confusing me terribly. I could hardly understand what Ronin was saying. I felt instant relief when I placed my hand in his. It felt euphoric. I mentally roll my eyes noticing Ronin smiling like an idiot. He grasps my hand and tugs me inside his ship

The lounge area was large with a half circle couch, covered in richly colored fabrics and large fluffy pillows. Opalescent walls that were bare. I looked around, my curiosity piqued. Ronin led me to the couch releasing my hand. The damn pain was back worse than before. My eyes started to water as I groaned in discomfort. Ronin quickly wrapped his arms around me and I sighed loudly at the relief. I rub my head against his chest like a cat savoring the comforting calm that flooded my soul.

What in the hell am I doing? I don't know this man and I'm throwing myself on him

My face turns red as I push myself back. "Sorry, I don't know what is happening to me."

Ronin is still holding me, his look sympathetic.

"Your my mate Shadow, the pain you're experiencing is due to you not being claimed yet. We need to discuss this."

Mates? I understood the concept but to be mates with the king, holy crap! My mate is hot, sexy and very powerful. I just didn't know much about him, other than council broadcasting

Ronin leads me to the couch. He sits next to me so our knees touch, it's helping ease the pain.

"I'll answer any questions you might have about the mates issue."

I was a little apprehensive but was still interested. I signal him to continue.

"We are mates, my soul is half of yours and vice versa. If you choose to be my mate, which I sincerely hope that you do, then we will complete the bond."

I looked at Ronin, really studying him. His eyes had stopped their swirling color and had instead become like a scene of the night sky, twinkling pinpricks in a dark abyss. It was beautiful.

"Doesn't the mate bond mean we have to be involved intimately and will you drink my blood?"

Ronin bursts into laughter causing me to blush. He calms himself noticing my embarrassment.

"I'm not a vampire, love, my mark is a bite and is done while we are intimate so it's not as painful. It would be placed above your heart, yours would be placed over mine demonstrating our claim over each other."

My eyes widened and I turned beet red.

"How can I leave my mark on you Ronin, I don't have fangs?" Ronin ran his hand through his hair as he grimaced.

"That's what we need to discuss if you accept us being together. I understand that we know very little about each other. What I do know is that we are compatible and half of each other so there shouldn't be any major issues between us,"

Ronin pauses and rubs his eyes. "You would need to rebirth as a celestial and decide this within the next few days, sooner would be better. Since I'm unsure of the length it will take for your rebirth." He eyes me carefully to gauge my reaction.

"Why such a limited time Ronin?"

This must bother him a great deal, the swirling was back in his eyes.

"My fade will come, the darkness will consume me and the SBC will either destroy or confine me till the end of time."

My mouth opens and I nod slowly.

Poor Ronin, it must be difficult to fight the darkness on his own. Only a limited time left until his fade, I want to cry. My soul is literally weeping. I can save him only by accepting the mate bond.

Is that even possible for me to add celestial to my DNA? How could I live with myself if I refused fate.

"I'll do it," I proclaim looking at his eyes. Ronin beams, he grabs me into a strong hug burying his face in my hair.

"Do you have a celestial pod?"

"Yes, yes I do," Ronin states overjoyed.

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