004;『settling in』

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yoongi wiggled around in his makeshift bed, tossing and turning as he tried to force himself back to sleep, but after not being able to fall back asleep and the realisation that him moving so much only worsened the hideous pain he felt in his spine, yoongi's eyes slowly adjusted to the sunlight that broke through his bedroom windows.

with a groggy noise of discomfort, yoongi criss-crossed his legs as he sat himself up, still attempting to fully open his eyes and adapt to his surroundings.

yoongi looked around his untidy and furniture-less room, filled with boxes of different sizes and miscellaneous items. he then met eyes with the christmas gift he got from his good friend, jungkook.

last christmas, yoongi, jungkook and his boyfriend, hoseok, had spent the holiday at the latters' apartment. after jungkook whined for yoongi to open the gift he'd gotten him, the older eventually did, undoing the impressively-wrapped, metallic red paper, only to find a rectangular box with a see-through part at the front, and a garden gnome peeking through.

the thing is, at that time, yoongi didn't even own a single plant to begin with, so he'd hesitantly asked, "kook, you do know i don't have a garden for the gnome to... protect, right?" and jungkook had merely smiled in response before explaining, "of course i do, hyung! that's why i also got you..." the young college student had reached behind the couch before chirping, "a strelitzia!"

"a stre-what now?"

"strelitzia! or, more commonly known as bird of paradise!" he'd held the plant pot up proudly with the widest bunny grin on his face. yoongi had kept staring back and forth between the plant in jungkook's hand and the figurine in his own.

when yoongi had wanted to protest, his eyes met hoseok's death glare, daring him to utter a word that'd upset jungkook. sparing his own life, yoongi'd closed his mouth as soon as he'd opened it.

"wow, kook! t-that's uh... that's... wow, kook!" yoongi had stammered, eyes wide, pretending to be moved by the younger's gift. "thanks, jungkookie..." his voice had faded due to fluster. fortunately, his feigned act had somehow worked, the youngest of the three swelling with pride knowing that his hyung liked his gift. yoongi had felt guilty seeing how happy jungkook'd gotten, but it was too late to tell him that his gift was a little... odd. besides, hoseok would've most likely guillotined his ass if he had dismissively commented on the gift.

now that he's moved to a new apartment, he still didn't have a garden, but he surprisingly still maintained the plant jungkook'd bought for him, along with the gnome, of course. he wasn't heartless to the point of throwing the gifts away with or without jungkook's knowledge. that was just far too harsh.

the gnome and plant were actually meant to be put outside his apartment door like he'd done in his old place, but he'd just moved a few days back, and understandably, the apartment was still a huge mess. his furniture was yet to arrive and practically everything was strewn in the wrong place.

he stared at the small statue for a while, blinking half-lidded eyes at it as if he was trying to comprehend its existence.

the thing looked so sad laying sideways on the floor like that.

after yoongi was done silently communicating with the garden gnome, or greg the gnome as jungkook liked to call him, he got up, stumbled over some bubble wrap, pretended nothing had happened and headed to the en-suite master bathroom.

yoongi was sat on one of the countertops in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee, scrolling through his social media accounts and seeing what's new. he had to choose between sitting on either the counters in the kitchen or on the floor, and he wasn't about to willingly freeze himself to death laying on the cold, tiled flooring, so the counters were the only other choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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