Page 1 // first day

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* beep beep beep * my alarm clock went off super early in the morning because I didn't wanna be late for my first day at a new school, ugh I'm really dreading being that "new girl" again !
I jumped out of bed and ran into my bathroom, stripped, then quickly hopped into my warm shower,
I brushed my hair and curled the tips, brushed my teeth, I put on some pinky lipgloss, a little blush & some dark mascara... I chucked on a pair of old denim jeans, a tight Lacey creamy-White t shirt and some ankle length brown boots.
I grabbed a brown bag to match my outfit and chucked in my phone and all my books. I looked my self up and down in the mirror and sighed...okay I guess I'm ready.
"Mum I'm ready!" I called up stairs to my mother,
"Okay honey ! I'm coming!" She yelled down.

We pulled up at my new school, I looked out the window and took a deep breath "Allegra don't worry baby girl! It's gonna be great I'm sure! Just go into the office your buddy will be there to show you around, ok ? Love you have an awesome first day" my mum smiled happily,
"Okay thanks mum bye!" I waved jumping out the car.
There were kids everywhere ! This school is massive! I thought wondering around the school looking for the office, finally I found the front office !
I walked in and sat down on a chair, I didn't know what to do? All of the sudden a girl walks out "hey you must be Allegra ?" She asks with a chirpy voice,
"Yeah" I answered with a little smirk,
"Oh ok! Well I'm your buddy - I'll be showing you around and to your first class, I'm Rachel" she shook my hand,
"Oh thanks " I said as we walked out off the office.

"Ok so this is the science ----" Rachel got cut off by a bunch of loud, rowdy boys, I looked over at the group of boys laughing, I couldn't help but notice Rachel rolling her eyes at them and her eyebrows frowned, one of the boys caught my attention ,he was well built - very muscular, he had a charming yet a kinda dangerous smile, long curly locks sat upon his head and big sparkly eyes, he was so attractive. Him and his friends were play fighting..."who's that?" I asked Rachel looking over at the guy,
"Oh no! Not Harry! Seriously pick any other guy just Not Harry!" She answered shaking her head,
"What do you mean?" I wondered not noticing that I was still staring at him,
"Seriously he's just bad ok? Just stay away from him!" She warned,
"What's so bad about him..?" I asked seeming confused,
"You know..he may be really hot! But he's bad news...he goes from girl to girl, he had a really bad temper and he'll get you into trouble" Rachel simply shrugged,
"Hahah ok I'll stay away" I laughed lying, even though she told me he was "dangerous" it made me more curious...,
** ding ding ** "oh that was the bell" Rachel explained "what's your first class?" She added,
"Um...math 1 - miss kings" I looked through papers,
"Oh ok that class is really close, c'mon this way" she showed me the way,
"Here it is!" Rachel said when we arrived at my first class,
"Okay thanks for everything! Byee" I said as she walked off and I walked into my first class, I don't know why I was so nervous?! I walked in and sat in like the 3rd row, I didn't wanna sit in the 1st row otherwise people might think I'm a goody-two-shoes & I didn't wanna sit in the 4th row either because people might think I'm like the new kid trying to be all bad ass?! Argh I don't know...I always over think things.
all of the sudden that guy from before, Harry was it?! Yeah he walked in, crap he's so hot!! OMG he's walking over near me?! Ok he's just a guy...i dont even know him..stay calm I told myself. Then he he slouched down in a seat right behind me!! Omg ! HAHA I don't know why I'm getting nervous yet exited at the same time?
Then I felt him tap my shoulder, omg! I turned around and saw him staring at me, he squinted his eyes in confusion and licked his lips,
"Are you new?" His deep British voice asked,
"Um yeah" I answered awkwardly,
"Oh well could I please borrow a pencil, love?" He reached out his hand to grab my pen,
"Ohh ok I guess" I leaned over and grabbed a pencil out of my bag then passed it to him,
"Thanks cutie" Harry winked then looked down at his notebook,
"It's ok" I smiled then turned back around, what the hell was Rachel talkin about ?! Haha he seems so nice.

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