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~~'the next day ~~~
I walked into the school and was walking down the hall when I noticed Harry standing their with his friends laughing and talking, I kept my head down when I walked past and I didn't say anything I just looked at him in the corner of my eye. When I walked by Harry went quiet and he started as I walked around the corner with my books.
*ding ding ding* I heard the bell so I rushed off to biology, uh I hate biology.
I sat down in class in the third row where I always sit now. About five minutes into class Kian walked in! "Sorry I'm late",
"It's okay. There's a spare seat over there next to Allegra" the teacher directed him, Kian placed he's book on the the desk and slid into a chair next to me, I felt him starting, all through class I could tell he wanted to say something or talk to me, he seemed nervous. About 3 times now his mouth opened but no words.
"Hey" I whispered over,
"Oh hey Allegra" he answered with a warm smile,
"Hey I don't get this question can you help me?" I asked biting my bottom lip,
"Oh yeahs that's easy. Okay so basically it's just like ~>*}€}%\' Kian was explaining but I didn't get a word of it.
"Oh yeah I get it now" I lied with a giggle. He turned back putting his attention to the teacher, I suddenly felt myself starting at Kian. Damn he was a cutie.
*knock knock* there was knock against the door "come in" our teacher greeted the person, the person walked into the was Harry.
"Hey Mr larcy, mrs kings sent me to ask you if she could borrow the biology books for Tuesday ?" Harrys said huskily, I was starting at Harrys flawless features and he turned and our eyes met, he looked at me sad Like he was sorry and he'd made a mistake. And yeah he did Make a mistake and I don't think I'll ever be able to look at him the same ever again? I still loved him though....was that wrong ?
Harry glanced back at me one more time then he walked out of the room, I needed to get over him..
"Hey uh Kian. I kinda lied before I don't get it haha. Anyways so my parents aren't home do you wanna come over and we can study?" I asked flirtatiously with a smile and a hair flick,
" sure sure!" He stumbled smiling,
"Okay see you later then" I winked and Kian looked pretty happy.
((Picture above of this scene^^i made that edit picture tho btw☺️))

*end of school day* *ding din ding*
I was by my locker putting my books away when Harry walked over..."hey" he smirked,
"Bye Harry" I laughed when I saw Kian walking out and I ran and caught up to him.
I looked back at Harry and he seemed really curious and a little Jealous...

" home sweet home " I announced when Kian and I walked inside,
"Nice place" Kian wondered around,
"Why thank you" I chuckled,
"I'll get us some food" I added walking into the kitchen and Kian sat down on the couch and started uploading book from his bag, he started reading out to me form the book what a math pie was or what not. I cut up some strawberries and some apple..that should be ok.
I placed the food next to Kian, "thanks" he smiled, I returned the gesture them ran up stairs. I put a mint in my mouth and put on some of my favourite perfume on and fixed my hair then I waked back down stairs.
"So should we start?" I smirked,
"Start what ?!" Kian Kian seemed nervously exited,
"Studying" I answered teasing him,
'Blah blah blah math math math blah blah english' Kian kept going on about stuff, boring.
"Okay so you can your answer first?" Kian lifted his eyes off the text book and turned to look at me to pass me the pen I leaned in and kissed him, he pulled away and I looked at him insecurity, he didn't say anything back he just laid down on the couch and started unbuttoning his shirt. I climbed on top of him and started kissing his neck trying to forget about Harry. He moved my hair behind me out if the way and he started kissing my Lips passionately. He smelt great and his lips tasted Like strawberries as he'd just eaten one. I look off my shirt and Kian was staring at my "chest area" I laughed smiling them we continued making out. 'Harry. Harry. Harry.' Was all that was going through my mind and I don't know why. Harry was bad so I decided to stay away, I met a really nice, hot, smart guy who now I'm kissing and we both don't have a shirt on...everything was why was I still thinking about him?? 'Harry. Harry, Harry' .
I was running my fingers through his hair and he stating kissing my around my neck and my collar bones, this was great..I mean he's a good kisser....but he's not Harry. I-I-I think I still wanna be with Harry....
I pulled away rejecting a kiss and pushed off his chiseled chest, "sorry. Too fast ?" Kian apologised,
"No no it's fine...its not you. I'm really sorry but I kinda have a boy friend, well he's not my boy friend anymore we broke up but I think I still like him and I just can't do that with your you know.." I stood up,
"I understand. I should go. See around." Kian left.
I ran up stairs and chucked a big jacket on then ran out the door!
I have to find Harry .

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