Page 10 // idrk ?! Hahaha sorry

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"Ready to go ?" Harry asked scrunching up his napkin into a ball and trying to throw It into the bin "score" I heard him say as the ball of rubbish fell in,
"Uh yeah" I mumbled looking around to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything,
"Okay then let's go" Harry stood up and held out his hand, I grab his hand and he helped me pull Myself up and out of the old dusty camping chair,
"So we're are we going ?" I smirked hugging Harry tight as he started up the motor bike again,
"It's a secret" Harry whispered,
"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me'" I laughed with a smile,
"Nope. Your just gonna have to wait and see" Harry teased,
"Whateverrrrr" I rolled my eyes jokingly,
We'd been driving for about 15minutes when we had finally stopped, yasss.
"Woo!" I screamed jumping off the bike,
"We have arrived" Harry opened his arms twirling around, I looked around and we were on a beach, a beach were no one was ? Seriously I could only see about 1 more group of people, the water looked crystal clear..I could even see a little bright orange fish in the was that clear, I removed my shoes and rolled up my jeans and took off my jacket and rested it on the motor bikes seat. Then I looked at Harry with a smile and I raised an eyebrow slightly looking at the water I think Harry knew what I was trying to say, he kicked off his boots, and took off his shirt too throwing it on the sandy ground..I looked down staring at his abs ..omg! Ahh. "Your on! Beat you there" Harry laughed and started running down to the water but I ran too, I ran faster and beat him "HAHAH" I cracked up laughing as I saw Harry's face being surprised that I actually beat him, I was surprised too.
"I let you win" Harry lied moving closer,
"Yeah ok sure you did. If that's what you want to believe" I mocked him then I saw his hands trying to sneak up on my waist, I thought he was going to try kiss me but then he just threw me over his shoulder holding me I started giggling and play hitting him to put me down but he just ran further into the cool water "AHH" I screamed when Harry threw me in, when I came up for a breath a could hear Harry's strong accent still laughing, he didn't notice me as I swam around him I poked my head out of the water and jumped on his back so he fell face first into the water,
"BAHAH! That's what you get" I laughed even harder then he did,
"Oh whatever, this water is actually really warm.." Harry smirked when he came up out of the water,
"I know ayy, it's so nice" I agreed putting my head under the water and started swimming around, I opened my eyes under water and I could see little cute fish that were blue with yellow stripes and pink jelly fish Oo,
"Hey omg look at the fishes Harry" I said with excitement getting a breath then going back under, I opened my eyes again and I saw Harry's beautiful face swimming closer his put his hands on my cheeks and pushed down letting all the air out, argh hahah,
Then Harry swan a way a little and I paddled after him, when I final,y caught up with him I did the same to him what he did to me (let all the air out of his cheeks) at first he frowned then he kinda laughed letting bubbles out of his mouth, hahah.
I pocked my tongue out at him under the water and then he pulled a silly double chin face back at me. We swam around for a while looking around at the reef rocks and the pretty fishes them Harry swam closer and closer he put his hands on my cheeks again, 'Noo!' I thought thinking that Harry was going to push down letting the air out of my cheeks again but he didn't..instead he smiled leaning in to a peak kiss. Awh that was cute.
After about 20 minutes Harry and I ran out of the water as the sun started setting.
"So now what ?" I laughed drying off and Harry casually threw his shirt back on, damn I kinda hoped he kept his shirt off HAHA.
"Here you can stay here? I'm gonna go get like a text and some blankets?" Harry slid back onto the motor bike,
"Wait ? So we're gonna spend the night here ??" I asked trying to stay calm,
"What? I thought you knew that? You said you didn't wanna go home..." Harry asked pressing his lips into a thin line,
"Um yeah ok sorry I just got confused" I stumbled answering,
"Ok cool, see you soon gorgeous. Just stay here" Harry smiled then started up the bike and drove off.
Well shit! My parents are gonna be so worried ?!? I'm gonna be grounded forever..easily. Uh!!! I slid down sitting on the soft sand just thinking about how much trouble I'm gonna get into?! Omg.
*15 minutes later*
I heard a loud engine sound, that must be Harry back. I got up and walked around the corner and I was right it was Harry haha. He jumped off his bike "I'm backkkk" he winked,
"What'd you get ?" I strolled over getting closer and peaking through the plastic bags,
"Stuff" Harry laughed and we both say down on the sand,
"Okay I got; blankets, a pillow, some fruits like watermelon, mango, a coconut? And some grapes, Oo and I also got us some beers" Harry began unpacking the bag,
"Ok cool" I said as I started unfolding the blankets and laying them out on the sand "move" I added laughing making Harry stand up so I could put the blanket over us,
"Ok ok" he stood up laughing putting his hands up as if I were a cop and he was guilty haha, we both put the pillow down and the blankets making it all warm & cozy, it looked cute. "Hungry ?" Harry said sitting up as I out my head down on the pillow and curled up with 1 of the blankets,
"Yeah I guess" I shrugged, he started slicing a mango,
"Uh don't you just love Mangos ?" Harry said with dreamy eyes taking the first piece of the fruit,
"Actually not really" I said quietly sitting up next to him and looking over the mang Harry was just eating,
"WHAT ?!!!" Harry seemed surprised "who are you ?!?" He added laughing,
"HAHAH I don't know! Can you please pass the grapes?" I giggled as a red blush started creeping onto my cheek, ugh I don't know why I get so nervous around him?
"Sure baby" Harry's eyes sparked in the moon light now that the sun had finally set,
"Here. You. Go" Harry smirked feeding me a grape and i started blushing even more,
*few minutes later*
"Hey do you know what time is it ?" Harry asked suddenly,
"Um I don't know, one sec I'll check my phone I answered, I scurried around looking for my phone when I Finally found it under my jumper, yay. It wasn't turning in though ?! Ugh OMG it must have gone flat ?! "OMG fuck my life" I groaned,
"Argh haha that sucks, how will you ever live?! Haha" Harry joked, then I got to thinking....
"Hey you know what ? I don't need my phone or any of my social medias to live - we don't need our phones to live - our generation, our era doesn't need phones or social medias to live! The people who lived a thousand years ago in caves didn't even have a home phone..or any phone in that matter! And they were happy. You'll go into a public area these days and you don't see anyone's face anymore..there all looking down at there devices! It's actually disgusting. Like I think everyone could go a day without seeing how many followers 'she' has now or how many likes you got in your selfie or how many messages or snapchats you'll get. Like even twelve year olds these days have there own iPhone 6s, like bitch please go outside and play on your bike. Haha u. Sorry that was really lame..I just was thinking" I laughed, then Harry started staring and smiling at me,
"What ?" I giggled biting my bottom lip,
"I thought that was rather cute" Harry's beautiful angel like accent said with a small smile,
"Well I think your cute" I said then Harry gave a laugh,
"OMG DID I JUST SAY THAT ALOUD ?!? Omg..." I just realised what I said, omfg ugh I'm so embarrassed!,
"Well I think your cuter" Harry laughed,
I yawned "wanna go to sleep ?" Harry asked racking his fingers through his king curly locks and then wrapped the food back in its bag,
"Ok.." I stumbled laying back down ams resting my head on the pillow, I closed my eyes and I could feel that Harry had just slowly laid down behind me, I could hear the ruff waves crashing against the sandy shore, it smelt like salt and then I could slightly just sense Harry snuggling up and little closer to me. Harry started spooning me and he put his arm over me, I felt myself smile and blush a little. I blinked my eyes open and found myself staring at Harry's arm tattoo that I've never really noticed before, I started tracing his tattoo with my finger & I could feel Harry's warm breath on my neck that sent chills down my spine. Harry reached over a tiny bit and took my hand/fingers off his arm they was tracing his tattoo and he held it, he re-positioned my hand and held it, he wasn't trying to kiss me or anything he was just cuddling my and holding my hand, and in that moment I think I realised that I-I-I I loved him. It may sound silly because I've only know him for like a week or so? But I think I do. I was never gonna say or tell anyone though because I don't wanna get hurt, If I tell anyone or even myself that I love him then I'll get hurt one day........

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