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*beeeepppp* a loud whistle awoke Harry and I from our calming sleep,
"Ahh" I sat up looking around while my eyes flickered adjusting to the light,
"What was that?" Harry said sitting up next to me stretching and yawning,
"I don't kno---...oh wait! Look on the oval...the cheerleaders and the couch" I looked through the gaps of the tall white bleachers,
"Oh yeah!" Harry said rubbing his eyes,
"what time is it?!?' I worryingly asked him,
"2:30pm. Half an hour left of school" Harry seemed shocked checking his phone,
"Seriously ?!? Ohmygod!!" I was shocked.....
"Wanna go?" Harry stood up, looked down and brushed off the grass off of his tight denim ripped jeans,
"Aha go were ??" I giggled and stoop up and followed Harry away from the oak tree'"I can see why you spend a lot of your time here now" I added looking back,
"Yeah it's pretty sweet" he agreed as we squished passed the bleachers,
"AY WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF CLASS ?!?" The cheerleaders couch yelled seeing us,
"Crap ! What do we do?!" I whispered at Harry feeling scared,
"We run" Harry simply held my hand and we started running! We ran so fast and we didn't stop.
"Get back here now!" We could barely hear the couch,
Finally we could stop running, we'd reached the front entrance of the school.
I was out of breath....
"Oh god I'm so puffed out!" Harry said catching his breath,
"Me too" I wiped a drop of sweat of my forehead & rolled up my sleeves,
"Ok let's go get a drink" Harry walked out the school gates , I was confused if I should follow him out being nervous because my mum would come here in about half an hour and I'd probably not be here...hmm...oh who cares you only live once! I decided to follow him out and through the school gates.!
Harry walked into the parking lot and sat on this red motorbike that'd be parked there..."you have your motorbike license?" I wondered circled the bike looking at it,
"Nope. This isn't mine" he shrugged then lifted down a compartment and fiddled with some wires and buttons, I didn't know what to say? Then I heard the motorbike start up,
"Yas baby that's what I'm talking about!" Harry jumped on the bike excitedly, I looked at the motorbike...I've never been on one..I don't I guess I've always been too chicken. At first I was pretty scared and really hesitate but then I felt a rush of excitement, a rush of courage! Without a second thought I hoped on the back and hugged Harry tightly,
"Ready?" He said turning his head a little,
"Yup! Come on just go before I get scared and change my mind" I laugh as I hear Harry laugh and reverse out of the car park! "Omg this is actually so fun" I felt myself smile,
We were turning a corner when I saw my mums car coming closer, holy shit. We zoomed past and waved at her through the window I know she saw me but we went too fast for me to see her reaction, but I knew by the time we stopped I would have 547683939 messages from her, uh can't wait I thought sarcastically.
After a few minutes of driving we stopped at this little local bar, Harry parked the bike and we got off,
"Hellooo Harry" the front desk worker at the bar said as soon as we entered, it was a quite small intimate bar-restaurant with little cute paintings hung from every wall, the workers were dressed in bright yellow colours & there was Mexican music playing.
"Oo the staff know your name? Do you came here often?" I asked,
"No, never" Harry answered looking around the place, I looked at him in confused ? Then how would the workers know his name?? I thought,
"My dad used to own this place before he died" Harry explained bluntly whilst the waiter showed us our table,
"Omg awh Harry I'm soo sorry I had no idea!" I looked up at him instantly feeling bad, I just couldn't imagine living without a dad?! It'd be horrible!
"It's fine. He was an awful man" Harry said sitting down and squinted his eyes, he had done that a lot he squinted a lot I realised,
"Aw well..still" I rubbed his hand that'd he'd laid on the table tryin' comfort him,
"Can we please change the topic now" Harry turned making his jawline stand out dramatically, aw even upset or angry we was still on point.
"Yeah sure!" I smiled,
"Do you know what you'd like to Order ?" A staff member asked politely,
"Yeah. Can I please have a chilled bear with lemon?" Harry ordered "and I'll have a diet coke please" I added,
"Sure" the worker relied smiling then waking off,
I stared as Harry as he pulled a cigaret packet out of his back pocket and lit a smoke, he breathed in the smoke then let it all out, "hey you know smoking is bad for you?" I said with a laugh trying to lighten the mood,
Harry put out the cigaret in a little ash try that was in the middle of the table, he stared at me squinting his eyes then licked his lips pressing them into a thin line,
"You do that a lot, why?" I asked tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear,
"Do what ?" Harry raised an eyebrow,
"You stair at me then squint your eyes?" I wondered,
"I do? I don't know...maybe I'm just concentrating on your beautiful features, you interest me.." Harry said taking a sip of beer,
"Your toxic. You know that Harry ?" The words rolled of my tongue,
"Toxic ay Allegra ?" Harry gave a devilish smirk,
"Toxic. I know your bad for me but I just can't keep my hand off you.." I smirked back,
"Toxic ? Bad for you ? Or...just opening up a part of you that you've been scared to look at?" Harry said,
"Wanna make out now ?" I shook my head biting my bottom lip,
"More then ever" Harry simply answered putting down his beer. I stood up and went and sat down next to him he leaned in and in leaned in, his hand traveling up my thigh and my hand playing with is long curls..our eyes met in the middle. He moved his hand up onto my waist and I moved my hands down onto his cheeks caressing them, we both moved in closer again and simply started kissing, I could taste the cigarets that once laid upon is lips.

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