Page 5 // the oak tree

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~~ the next day ~~
Uh OMG today is gonna be awful I instantly thought as I sat up out of bed, a really horrible day. I sleepily walked into the shower and closed my eyes as I enjoyed the hot water run down my back and through my hair. Hmm.

** at school **
I was nervous walking into school, I thought Harry was be sitting right there with all his friends but he wasn't! Thank god...I sigh of relief filet my face. I dont know what I'm gonna say when I see Harry?
In that fact no one was around ?! We're is everyone..? I looked at the time and class started 10 minutes ago! Crap!
I rushed off into the hall and found my locker. Ugh! I said to myself in frustration because I couldn't undo my lock!
"Oh those locks really are a bitch aren't they!" I heard a British voice coming towards me, shit ! Harry!,
"Yeah" I agreed not turning around and looking at him,
"Here I'll help" he got closer behind me and leaned over my shoulder, he fiddled with lock then *click* it unlocked,
"Thanks" I mumbled grabbing a few books out, I turned around and started walking to class,
"Wait!" Harry called, I don't know why but I stopped in my tracks and turned around and saw this beautiful boy, omg..Harry why are you so hot?,
"I'm really sorry! Like really sorry. Last night I had a few drinks, I wasn't thinking properly. I didn't mean to push you like that" Harry said to me as he racked his fingers through his curls,
"Hmm you know Harry your a hard guy to stay anger at!" I smiled,
"Haha, ok now that we got that out the way - come on follow me I wanna show you something" he smirked,
"But I gotta get to class" I explained "sorry",
"Nah c'mon just skip!" Harry said like skipping was no big deal,
"Um I don't know" I mumbled,
"Wait are you telling me you've never skipped before??" Harrys eyes widened,
"Maybe" I felt embarrassed and started blushing,
"Haha no don't be embarrassed, your blushing. I don't care...I wish I was good like you, it's a good thing haha". Harry said wrapping his arm around me making me feel more comfortable,
"Well there's a first time for everything" I said agreeing to skip class.
"Yass! Hahah! K follow me" Harry smiled running down the Hall and I ran after him.

He lead me out onto the oval and under the bleachers,
"Here we are" Harry said as we walked over to this big tree,
"A tree??" I giggled,
"This is were I spend 70% of my time when I'm At school. Hahah. I just come here and sit under this big oak tree....I just sit here and think" Harry said putting his back against the trees trunk and slid down, now sitting on the grass,
I copied his actions sitting in the grass next to him, Harry closed his eyes and I felt him relax. I was starring at him, his beautiful features. His sharp jawline, arm muscles & his long brown hair that sat perfectly yet messy like he just woke up?.
"It's rude to stair missy" Harry said slowly opening his eyes and smiling rising an eyebrow, OMG I can't believe he caught me! Eek!,
I felt myself starting to blush "omg" I said to myself putting my hands up covering my face,
"Ahah" Harry laughed, I sat back and closed my eyes like Harry did, I felt a small breeze flow through my hair,
I peeked my eyes open a little and saw Harry staring at me as I was him before, "it's rude to stair mr" I mocked him,
"Sorry" he stumbled as his long eyelashes blinked shut, we both closed our eyes and it was completely was nice, the silence. After about 3 minutes Harry opened his eyes and sat up,
"You must have like dated every guy in your school at your old school, right?!" Harry randomly said,
"Excuse me?! I did not...I. Am. Not. A. Slut." I answered being offended sitting up,
"No no sorry I didn't mean it like that! I just meant guys must have been on you like bees on honey" Harry explained,
"So you weren't saying I'm a slut?" I teased joking,
"No I just meant your freaking gorgeous" Harry smiled,
"Well thanks I guess haha...and for your information I've only ever had two boyfriends" I said as a little red swirl crept onto my cheeks,
"Really ?!" He seemed surprised,
"Um yeah" I quietly said feeling embarrassed as that small red swirl turned into a big rosy blush that filled my cheeks,
"Wow" Harry said as he leaned back on the trunk of the tree, I copied leaning back down too,
"Are you a virgin ?" Harry asked pressing his lips together making them into a thin line, I looked at him and he smirked knowing that'd he'd cornered me into an awkward question making me embarrassed yet again,
"Uh um...." I looked up at the leaves hanging from the tree and I thought if I should save myself some embarrassment and say 'no, I'm not a Virgin' or If I should tell him the truth....,
"Yeah" I said not making eye contact with him,
"Don't lie to m---" Harry started but then I cut him off,
"I'm a virgin ok?" I said bluntly,
"Ok sorry it's just hard to believe like I was saying before...your gorgeous" Harry's eyes met mine,
"Ok well I'm telling you everything..that's not fair ayy. What about you ??" I smirked laughing,
"Ok well...I've had quite a..few girlfriends I'm not a virgin" Harry answered running is fingers through his hair, wow he looked kinda nervous..I've never seen him look nervous before.
"Ok so this conversation is really awkward!" I cracked up laughing,
"Yeah...haha lets just change the conversation! So...what's your favourite colour Allegra?" He agreed,
"Purple" I answered,
"Really aha?" Harry smiled
"Yeah why?" I said,
"That's mine" Harry said Moving a little closer,
"Oh cool Ahah!" I said simply,
"Favourite movie ??" I added,
"I don't watch a lot of movies.." Harry shrugged,
"What?!? How do you live?!" I laughed placing my hand on his shoulder,
"Well most of the time I have to look after my little sister and she watches barbie" he said with a laugh,
"OMG aw you have a little sister!" I exclaimed,
"Yah. Her names Taylor" Harry answered,
"Aw!! Well I bet your a Great big brother" I gave a big smile,
"Ahah" Harry chuckled
"Well I'd love to meet her?!" I said,
"Haha, she'd love you. Well I guess you could meet her on the way to our date?" Harry winked,
"Date huh?" I wondered,
"Yeah I'll pick you up at 8:00pm" Harry gave a devilish smirk,
"Well alright mr styles" i said trying to act all cool and calm when really on the inside I was bursting!
"You ok?" Harry said as I started to feel my eyes getting heavy,
"Yeah I'm just really tiered!" I explained yawning,
"Me too! Here let's take a nap" Harry said starting to lay down,
What?" I laughed,
"C'mon just lay down, have a little sleep" Harry joined me in laughing,
"Ok..." I said a little weirded out, but I was really I laid down and rested my head on Harry's chest, I closed my eyes and I could feel him breathing and his warm breath on my neck. "Haha" I heard Harry laugh suddenly,
"What?" I whispered,
"I can feel your eyelashes against my cheek, like a butterfly" Harry said,
"Haha" I said slowly closing my eyes again.
And before I knew we both were asleep under the big oak tree.

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