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It all started with a young man working part time for his aunt's flower shop and a young woman who liked flowers. They were nothing but college students then, falling in love so recklessly and without a care in the world.

She was always in brightly colored dresses , usually floral. Her demeanor matched the clothes she would wear— warm, bright and optimistic. Liz Gillies, in her younger years was the human embodiment of the sun. A smile always adorned her beautiful face, one that would reach her eyes and could melt even the coldest of hearts. Her sunny disposition could chase away rain clouds on the stormiest days.

21-year-old Liz was a sweet journalism student that liked to put flowers in between the pages of the books she was reading. So time and time again, she would go back to her aesthetically pleasing flower shop and buy one piece of her choice of flower.

It was there that Avan met her, young and ravishing. She caught his eye instantly when she skipped into their doors in her yellow dress with white daisies and chunky sneakers, humming to herself. He was enamored by her and knew immediately that he wanted to get to know her.

When he finally did get to know her for more than her external gorgeousness, he discovered that what was inside was even more breathtaking than what the eye meets. Liz was kind, even to strangers, and compassionate. She had a love for animals that was beyond what normal people could give. What Avan could never forget about her was her fascination for life.

Liz seemed to have been so bewitched by the origin of human life or human conception. She just thought that it was wonderful how imperfect humans could make such innocent lives out of nothing. Her point of view was that babies were little bundles of potential and the adults that surrounded the child would hold the responsibility of bringing out that potential and turning it into something good. She also was awestruck by the process of conception, how something as small as an egg cell, when fertilized by microscopic sperm cells, could turn into a new life, a new set of chances.

How he got her to fall in love with him he didn't know, but she did. Out of all the lucky bastards in the world, Avan was the one who got to have the right to be her man. It was the greatest honor of his life. So when he finally graduated and became a certified speech and language pathologist, he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. Luckily for him, she said yes.

His years with her had been the best of his life. Their marriage was painted with strokes of love and passion. They were happy.

But as Avan gazed at the love of his life staring emptily into space, he couldn't help but wonder where those years went. Her eyes were barren of any emotion. The smile that was a constant in her face was missing, replaced with chapped lips that curved down at the corners. Her soft cheeks that she used to lean into the palm of his hands were hollow, making her cheekbones jut out. The sparkly ocean eyes that used to look at him with so much love and adoration were now weighted down with heavy, dark bags underneath.

Liz no longer spoke of the beauty in this world. She no longer was in love with life nor in love with anyone or anything at all from the looks of it. Her transparent personality that could be read like an open book seemed to have closed up.

She was unrecognizable. But she was alive, and to Avan, that was more than enough.

Liz is alive but she now was just the shell of the wonderful woman that she used to be. It was painful to think about but it was the truth. And Liz never liked lies very much.
Teehee. I feel like this book is going to have slower updates because it requires more research and mama's got online school, loves.

Hope you enjoyed this. Don't be afraid to comment down your thoughts! Lots of love! Be kind, y'all!

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