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Miko/starlight pov.
I was at base sitting on the couch and staying calm. I look at ratched and saw him giving me a weird look. Than "yes what do you need ratched?" I said in a motherly way. He look at me surprised look and look away. I just ignore it and think about my sisters and brothers oh how I miss the old days. I know that Megatron or should I say Ultron is my father but does he know or at least remember me that I am his daughter oh I hope he dose. I was interrupted by my thoughts by Raf "are you okay miko? Your crying". I put a hand on my cheek and it was wet I just realized that I was crying. "I am fine I just miss my sisters and my brothers mostly my father oh he was the best father" I said softly to him. Than "bulkhead can you take me home I am starting to get sleep" he look at me with a weird look "sure let go". He transform and I got inside than went to my home

Bulkhead pov.
It was weird seeing miko like that and I never know that she had sisters and brothers. Also the way she talk this is not how she acts. I will just ask her about it later

Ratched pov.
Something is wrong with miko but what is it? Also she did say something about her sister and , brothers , and her father. It was also so weird that miko didn't annoyed me today and she talk like carrier to me and raf. I will ask her later about it.

'The Next Day'

Miko/starlight pov.
I have decided to tell the autobots about my secret well not all of it. So right now I was sitting on the couch just reading a book that one of my sisters give me.
(How it look like)

It was a interesting book it was about a little girl that lost her father and was looking for him but she was getting stronger while looking for him

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It was a interesting book it was about a little girl that lost her father and was looking for him but she was getting stronger while looking for him.

3th person pov.
While Miko/starlight reading the book the autobots , agent Fowler , jack , and Raf were worried about Miko/starlight because she was acting weird well at least to tham but for her it was okay. "Miko is there something wrong? Your acting weird" said ratched. Miko/starlight look at him and give a small smile "I am okay ratched but I have to tell you guys something". Everyone was interested on what Miko/starlight was going to say. "This is not my real body this is a fake body and I am more older than you think I am sorry that I didn't tell you. It was a secret" Miko/starlight said in a softly voice. Everyone was surprise at what Miko said. Than "Miko can you transform in your real body?" Jack said while looking at her. "Sure I guess" Miko said. Next light surrounded

Miko/starlight body than it went away and it show a other girl who look like 13 years old.

Miko/starlight body than it went away and it show a other girl who look like 13 years old

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"Miko is that you" said arcee. "Yes it is me but that not my real name. My real name is starlight."said starlight. "Mi- I mean starlight how long have you keep this secret?"said Optimus. "When I got here." Starlight said with a happy voice
*what do you mean* said BumbleBee.
Before Raf can translated what BumbleBee said. "What I mean is I am not from this world I am from a other world and the reason I am here is because I am looking for someone special with my sisters and brothers" said starlight with a sad smile. Next *wait you understand me*said BumbleBee excited that someone else understands him. Starlight nodded with a smile. BumbleBee went to starlight and pick her up. He was happy to have someone else understand him. "Wait your sisters and brother are here too?!?" Said bulkhead. Starlight nodded. "Can you tell them to come here?"said Optimus. Next "I am not sure if I can because I don't know where they are but I will try to" said starlight with a sad look. Optimus nodded. That was where they find out who miko or should I say starlight truly is.

'With Megatron/Ultron'

Megatron/Ultron pov.
I give a little gasp because I felt a large energy it felt familiar. My eyes just went soft because it was one of my daughters. Starlight. I closed my eyes and I made a soft smile. I was happy to know one of my daughters is here and I hope she is safe. "Soundwave I am going out to see something. You are in charge of the ship I do not trust starscrem to be in charge got it?" I said in a emotionless voice. Soundwave nodded at me. I transform and fly to a Forest. When I was there I find a lake.
(How it look like)

I sit down by the tree and think about where should starlight be

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I sit down by the tree and think about where should starlight be.

'With Starlight'

Optimus pov.
It has been a hours that starlight tell us her secret. "Optimus there is a life signed and it happen to be megatron" ratched said his voice became disappointed when he say Megatron name. "Ratched activated the ground Bridge" I said. My autobots got ready to go but was stop by starlight

Starlight pov.
"Let me go with you" I said. Than " No starlight what if Megatron see you and finds out what powers you have? He will use you for he can get your power." said bulkhead in a worried voice. "He won't bulky because......you will find out soon" I said in a soft voice. Next "fine but you have to stay next to one of us" said bulkhead. I nodded at him. "Autobots roll out" said Optimus. Than we went in the portal. When we got there we find a lake

 When we got there we find a lake

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With father by the tree. Also it looks like he was thinking about something.

(That all for now thank you for reading my story bye for now)

Transformers Prime/overlord: Megatron and miko secret Where stories live. Discover now